User Reviews: Animal Poison by ASPCA

Animal Poison by ASPCA
Animal Poison by ASPCA
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Top reviews

  • Can’t even create an account

    Can’t create an account so the app is useless. Says error. Very disappointed.
  • Unable to creat an account

    I am unable to create an account or log in through my fb app
  • Incomplete information

    I got this when the Pet Poison Control app was discontinued. What a sad replacement. It’s alphabetized by scientific name, though you can search by common name. But the entries are incomplete both in items listed and symptoms to watch for.

    Example: the green parts of tomato plants are toxic to dogs, as are onions. Neither of these are listed in the app at all. Garlic is listed under plants rather than food.

    And several entries are noted as ‘severely toxic’ but the symptoms fail to mention symptoms like coma and death.

    Finally, the app I used to use (which was sadly discontinued) described the item and what about that item was toxic so that pet owners could better understand what problems may occur - for example the stems and leaves of tomatoes contain a toxin called .... which causes .... when ingested’ or apples ‘the flesh and skin of apples are safe for dogs to eat, but the seeds contain .... which can cause .... symptoms and so the core of the apple should be discarded’

    The ASPCA app is woefully incomplete in this regard. I shall keep searching for a better app.
  • Whoa. Way Better, really nice app!

    This app has improved leaps and bounds. Much better design, better calculators, and the search is way better. You can search for anything now by keyword. I’m not sure why people are upset about having to login, this is way better than the previous version! It’s really smooth and there’s still tons of helpful info!
  • Must register?

    I’ve had this app for two years and now I have to give my contact information to see if onions are poisonous for my dogs? No thank you. This makes it feel like a ploy for information in order to solicit donations instead of a app created with the intention of saving animals lives. Just be upfront and charge for the app. I’m deleting it and will do a Google search from now on.
  • Life saving information - Locked behind login.

    I downloaded this app a couple weeks ago, and found it to be really helpful, BUT after a recent update, an account is required to access it now. I guess I’ll go back to googling if something is safe for my pet or not.

    The ASPCA doesn’t need an email address to give access to info that was freely available a week ago.

    - UPDATE -
    After several app updates, the signup screen is still in place. This is very disappointing, ASPCA. App deleted.
  • Not enough plants

    What a joke. Don’t waste your time. The list of toxic plants is so small; why bother.
  • Not enough medications listed

    I have a medicine prescribed by the vet, but I think the dog may be having a bad reaction or may have been given too much. The med is not on the list. When I looked elsewhere I could find info on this drug. Since common medicine used for pets can be OD on or have bad side effects. These should be listed. And since ASPCA charges so much for their poison line. It's safer to take the pet to a vet or animal emergency clinic. Where they can do something if necessary
  • VMD

    Great quick reference app for toxins!
    A more comprehensive list of toxins would be much appreciated in a future update...
  • Needs a lot of improvements.

    This app could help bring in revenue providing that it had an extensive database of plants based on your planting zone. I find the plant list very small compared to what you see when you go to your local garden nursery. So if you want to make money for aspca, re create this app for specific planting zones with all the possible plants. I would be willing to pay for peace of mind knowing that I created a garden safe for my pets.

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