Shadow Fight 3 User Reviews

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  • Good game, small changes needed

    I like the game, it’s fun, but a couple of problems I’ve noticed even after only reaching chapter 4 do get on your nerves after a while

    Anytime an event ends or starts, the servers will shut down, forcing you to reopen the game, and also nullifying any fight you were doing right then and there, has forced me to restart several faction fights on the final round because of this. Some of the story dialogue actually mentions wrong characters such as in the current event, the guy you are helping describes the gryphon worrying his father would get as strong as himself, which doesn’t make sense, and finally, the bot equipment doesn’t actually match the name of the bot you fight, like, why are the vivisectors using shadowdiver equipment and scavenger equipment, but not vivisector equipment, while the shadow divers use the arrow proof equipment while there is an entire set dedicated to them, little details like this have actually made me lose fights because of the preparation buff of shadowdiver set in faction fights, when that equipment shouldn’t even be part of the fight,

    It’s a great game and I enjoy it, but these little bugs and details that you have to fight against every time you try to play the faction wars will wear you down, especially the final one because it seems that always happens on the third round with vivisectors
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  • A mobile masterpiece

    First things first, this game is amazing. I have a tendency to delete games because they no longer interest me, but I’ve been playing this for around six months now, and the thought has never crossed my mind. It’s a great mix of engaging gameplay, fascinating lore, and beautiful graphics. That said, it can be grindy. If you get stuck, you can work on events, raids, side quests, duels, or faction wars until your capable of moving forward. You will not get bored easily. With three factions to choose from, three styles of hand to hand combat to use, and dozens of weapons to master, it’s hard to lose interest. And then there’s customization. You pick how you play. That’s one of the things I love most about this game. You want to stunlock your opponents? Go for it. Want your attacks to stop getting interrupted? Slap on some legionary gear. You can pick what armor, weapons, and faction that you wanna be. Your even allowed to dye your gear any color you like. Some games have fights that are simply to easy, they don’t challenge you. But that’s not the case here. The bosses and fights can have interesting mechanics that can offer some much needed variety to the combat, along with various other factors that can make things easier, or more annoying. In short. Amazing game, would recommend
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    Developer Response

    Our team wants to express our sincere appreciation for your kind words. We're glad that you like the game. Our goal is to make the game even better.
  • Disappointed

    Overall, I thought the game was great. It had good graphics and a compelling enough story and good and unique mechanics compared to shadow fight 2 special edition (which I would definitely recommend playing before shadow fight 3.) I was upset with the amount of ads and micro transactions there are in the game and how grindy it is if you don’t do them. But the thing that got under my skin the most is the end. After I beat the game I got a cool ending cinematic along with credits and a thank you from the devs. But what I absolutely hate is after the credits it resets all your stuff to “the gates plane” so I can’t upgrade my gear. What’s worse is that as a reward for beating the game you get a complete epic set of stuff. Now by the time I beat the game, I had just about every collectible set of armor, including that set. When I beat the game I was hoping for a more…exclusive set of armor like the stranger set, which would be so fitting. Another thing is how after beating the game, they give you nothing to do other than do their secret fights and constant special events. If the devs are reading this, I would definitely like the ability to go back and replay the story with your current gear and just replay levels for fun. Honestly I was dissatisfied with what I got from spending a year on beating this game. But again, definitely a good game.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for your feedback and interest in our game. We read all the feedback from our players and will take this information into account in further development.
  • This game is awful

    Every boss fight is way too difficult. Im all for a challenge but these fights rely on ridiculous mechanics and impossible to dodge attack patterns. The events are constantly nearly impossible to complete. All of the available gear is so expensive that no matter how hard you grind you will run out of missions before you can upgrade enough to continue the story. You have to complete the same monotonous fights over and over until you barely scrape up enough progress to finish a few story missions then go back to wasting your life for days to do it again. I loved shadow fight 2 and i plan to play shadow fight 4 but i have spent 2 months on this game and im barely halfway through the game. I love a challenge and i love content, but making your audience struggle and grind to reach the end of your story for months and months on end by completing stupid and repetitive missions, impossible events and boss fights, and completely pointless duals with a SIX HOUR PRIZE COOLDOWN?? THAT IS NOT CONTENT. Then you have the audacity to wave your ridiculous pay to win system in front of our faces. I no longer respect this title or Nekki as a whole. I am disappointed and upset that my favorite childhood game and a title that stuck with me for over 10 years has stooped to this level. I cannot truthfully recommend this game to anybody and i will stick with that opinion until some change is made (which after this long is not going to happen)
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  • The most frustrating game ever

    This game is very frustrating. The combat is amazing, I like the dueling system and overall the weapon and mod system. The issue comes with power scaling. The game will have these huge power spikes for no reason so the only way to progress is either spend a week to do one story mode mission or spend real money on the game. They’re extremely greedy, with no cheap options for useful bundles and no good way to get power otherwise. This game seems like it might’ve been a passion project at one point, but now it’s just a pathetic cash grab. Also, the game will cheat against you just to win. The amount of time a cpu has hit me through block, gotten a headshot despite them being nowhere near my head, or doing frame perfect combos to stun lock me while I have no counter is a much larger number than it should be. Skill doesn’t even seem to be an issue here, as in duels I haven’t lost once, it’s only in cpu battles the game decides to cheat you so that you dig into your wallet to actually play the game. Either make the game cost money and fix the power creep or just make the game fair to play. This game has no longevity without either money or an unreasonable amount of time invested into it logging on every day to get +15 power if you even get that lucky. Do better, since this game has so much potential with its combat system the mandatory microtransactions and unfair ai makes this game not worth downloading.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for your feedback and interest in the game. It is not necessary to make purchases to play comfortably. The game have many bonuses. You can also complete tapjoy missions and get free gems. You can get gems from rewards.
  • Amazing game but it has issues

    I love this game but to be better than shadow fight 2 it needs some fixes the pvp and graphics are great but the system of getting through with the game is not great. Weapons and matchmaking aren’t the issue it’s the rate of progress it takes to get through each chapter now I just started the game two days ago and I’m on like chapter 2 or 3 and which sounds great but I’ve already spent around $12 which I don’t usually do for ANY game until like my 2nd month of playing it and the reason why I paid a bit of money is because this game is fun but it can be so hard to get through the bosses and the other battles and it’s also hard to get shadow energy which upgrades your gear which honestly I really hate and it’s very difficult to get any further progress into the game. I like shadow fight two’s version of upgrading your gear which was with coins and I think that Nekki could make shadow fight 3 way more easier if shadow energy was way more easier to obtain or get rid of shadow energy and make coins upgrade gear but I think that’s more complicated to put into the game than just make shadow energy more obtainable to players. So Nekki if your reading this can you please make the game just a bit more easier by making shadow energy more obtainable and only then in my opinion will make game would be more fun and can be equal or better than shadow fight two.

    Sincerely Untalk99
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  • Unbalanced and op AI

    I was playing the current event and I was doing so good against the greatest gryphon and then he hit me the with the most basic attack and one shot me. I found thus extremely annoying because as the player you have to hit so many combos and different point to do about 5% damage to his health yet he can do 80% with just a small swing. And the weapons are so unbalanced, for example I was fighting the gryphon again for the second time and He had me in a corner and mind you I have the shadow artisan perk so I was using the kusarigami which is one of the lightest weapons in the game while the gryphon uses the heaviest great sword in the game and he swings faster than I do with my kusarigami again found this severely annoying because I did all this hard grind work to beat him twice just to get dominated because he can swing his sword in 2.5 milli seconds versus my character which swings the weapon at 3 and half minutes per swing. He is already as OP as it gets with his armor shielding him until attacked and his already non balanced damage scale now he can swing his sword which is the size and weight of a giant faster than the flash can run around the world really makes this fight not worth it. Not to mention you have to spend 300 of the earned points for 1 ticket even though it shows three in the picture this is the biggest scam and unfair to the grind players who have to fight the pay to win players. PLEASE BALACE THIS GAME!!!!!!!
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  • Grind of a game with a focus on micro transactions

    Shadow Fight 3 is an visually stunning fighting style game with a text campaign story marked by individual story battles. The player progresses through the story to level up the character and eventually reaches soft walls for content with “insane” or “impossible” difficulty. I’ve seen comments that if you’re skilled enough you can win at this difficulty, but in some situations there really is no possibility of winning even at the highest skill levels. For example, an opponent that literally out heals any damage you could possibly do. Overall the game is alright, but the story is extremely slow to play through as a result of that soft wall designed to force a player to grind or pay for tokens, keys, or other in game currency to have a chance at maybe leveling up their gear or gaining “stability” points. In some cases the soft wall goes so far that the story becomes irrelevant and disjointed and has caused me to skip through the text. Even casually, this game grinds your progression to a halt in an effort to force you to pay for something. Add in the card mechanism and poor translation of the text and you’re left with a distasteful feeling much like an uninterested pretty date that costs you a small fortune. I was happy to pay for a game to support the developers and did make an in-game purchase. However, I won’t be making further purchases for this game and recommend others do the same.
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  • Amazing graphics, fighting styles, storyline, and more!

    From the start, this game helps players use weapons the right way and get good at the game, without an hour long tutorial. The story starts off giving you pretty basic yet useful weapons that don’t require combos and can just do a lot of damage. Later on through the start, you start learning new moves and getting new weapons. Then in the next chapter, you receive different weapons. These ones involve combos and more, but by then I felt like I knew how to play. The last set of weapons given are ones that require punishing your opponents flaws to do damage, which by then you know how to do extremely well! Then after you get all three you can decide which kind of weapons you want to get as rewards, which you can change any time you want. The other great thing about this game is it’s complex A.I, making the player have to change their tactics. The A.I learn from the players moves if they keep doing the same thing, causing it to predict the function. This also stops the players at the start from not learning more. The story mode is also unique and bosses have special abilities that you don’t have. Honestly, I suggest people get this awesome game.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for your feedback!
  • I’m incredibly disappointed by how much this game became pay to win

    As a veteran player, I was incredibly excited for the release of chapter VII as well as the return of the winter festival event, however I must say that I’m disappointed by how unbalanced and grindy the game has become. I completely understand the logic behind creating the stability score as a means of putting everyone back to square one, but it is incredibly difficult to increase your stability, even in a week’s worth of playing without spending real money on things like “completion packs”. Furthermore, I am also disappointed in how unbalanced the “boss fight” of events has become. Events were supposed to be made so that people from all equipment levels have a chance at receiving a better set of gear, not discouraged them from playing the game with incredibly unbalanced boss fights. To name one is the “Bad Okada” battle in the winter festival ascension. He is an incredibly hard to fight opponent, who can summon ice bots and attack you simultaneously, easily finishing you off within 3 shots or less. And this is only on the basic ascension battle progression with the final judge set equipped. The only times I was able to beat him were when I perfected him after at least 15+ failed attempts. This doesn’t make me want to try harder and continue playing the game. It makes me want to rip my hair out and delete the game. What happened Nekki? Get your act together and make Shadow Fight 3 fun to play again.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for feedback. We appreciate the feedback and suggestions of our players. Your proposal was sent to the appropriate department for consideration. We will do our best to realize your ideas.

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