Hardboiled User Reviews

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  • Fallout for iOS

    This is the closest thing to Fallout I've found for iOS. Look forward to more from this developer. Would love some expanded roleplay and skills options to go with smooth, tactical combat.
  • Great game, but very short

    If you like fallout and such, then you will be happy with this, except the fact that it's maybe 10times shorter and you can beat the game in about 2.5-4h with ease...
  • Great game

    Game is fantastic i like the trading system and combat is easy but tapping to move is a little anoying other than that its good
  • Like wasteland

    I enjoyed the game overall and feel there is real potential. The reputation system needs more ways to increase the stats and it would be cool to have allies to work with.
  • Has a lot of potential

    Already very fun, but the Devs could take it to a whole other level by adding a few things. A way to run away from a fight would be great. Also just add more quests, NPCs, perks, and items and this game could be amazing!
  • Entertaining and Excellent balance-leveling, combat, and trading system

    played for about two hours. Very entertained. I like how each of the abilities you must decide to upgrade seem so vital. Some of other reviews have said the game is not that deep, but with respect to balance and leveling I think this game is better than baldur's gate and parallels demons souls. I hope they make a lot of money and expand on the story like an actual fallout 2, baldur's gate 2, or fallout vegas, and have a larger world. I also think the trading system superior to fallout and makes the trading more fun than what happens in fallout where you use bottle caps as currency. Suspension of disbelief is much better as when you meet anyone that is not hostile, not necessarily even a trader you can trade with them; you propose whatever you want to trade and ask what you want in return. If its not good enough, then no deal. Very simple and what you would expect in a world where civilization has been decimated. The combat is really good and holds my attention, add a well told story and this game would be perfect, and be better than Fallout.
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  • Fallout-lite

    This is a fallout 1/2 game basically. It's not deep, but it is fun and challenging and for $2, it's more than worth it. Just needs gamecenter and some passive skills and unique gear. Great work though.
  • Very Enjoyable!!!

    Please continue to add content.... Skills ....perks...vaults....weapons....armor...drones....😆😃👍🏾
  • Very fun fallout type game

    Great game that is worth the two dollars. No crap ads or other gimmicks. Just straight fun.
  • Incredible potential

    This game is an amazing framework for a true Fallout experience on iOS. We need villages, quests, more items, factions and some more RPG elements (crafting and or the like). And it'll be epic. As is it is satisfying combat wise. Needs just more of what it is. Fleshed out this game is a permanent staple in my game rotation,
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