SuperMemo User Reviews

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  • Internet Requirement Makes Things Worse

    I had been a satisfied user of Supermemo for thirteen years. Any app that requires you to be connected to the internet to get it to run is a nightmare, and this is no exception. I also wish “go to next course” would go to the day’s cards and not all of the cards for that course.

    Developer Response

    We are sorry that our application did not meet your requirements. Please report us your suggestions at
  • Quite good with premium content available

    I use this app daily to learn German and French vocabulary. These courses are paid add-inns but really worth the price. Each item has sound samples of the question and answer, and 2 example sentences with the sound as well.

    You need to disable some distractions like background image, photos and translations in order to make most of the courses, but after some adjustments the app gives the user real power to learn very fast.

    4 stars instead of 5 because the app is not optimized for one hand usage. Buttons are far on the left side. When you grab the phone with your right hand the buttons are not reachable with the thumb. Not optimized for the OLED screens. App should support the dark mode.

    Missing vocabulary courses for several main languages namely Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew and Simplified English (or American English if you like 😊). Nevertheless for some of those languages SM offers good courses, but not vocabulary centric.

    Default settings are just ridiculous. Only a genius may learn 30 new vocabulary items a day. User needs to manually adjust this limit for each course. Otherwise will get overwhelmed with the repetitions of the recent items, thus getting no real benefit of learning the new items.

    SM Team, please bring your old American English course to this version of SM. I'm willing to pay quite hefty donation if you'll do it.

    Thanks for your good work
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    Developer Response

    Thank you very much for a detailed opinion on the use of our application. We will take it into consideration. It's not true that the paid courses display a picture for every item - it depends on the courses. For example, on the Extreme series, you can turn the pictures off. You can also change the default settings for the number of new daily items. edit: Now you can decide if you want to see the wallpaper - to turn it off go to settings menu.
  • Much better than previous version but still has a few warts...

    I’ve been SM user for over a decade though not so much in the last few years. The older versions were pretty clunky. It was immensely helpful professionally.

    This version is much better via a drastically less complicated interface. It’s now one of the first apps I use when I wake up, reviewing the 40 or 50 cards in today’s queue. I’m disappointed later in the day when I’m bored, and there’s nothing left to review, so that’s much improved UI than previously.

    Not crazy about the import features for cards. I literally have tens of thousands of card of my own esoterica saved from previous versions that apparently I can’t import for one reason or another.

    It would be nice to be able to import cards in text format, i.e.

    Q: what color was General Lees white horse?
    A: C:\user\doofus\SM\us_hist\civil_war\Gen_Lee_white_horse.jpg

    Or multiple choice questions, etc.

    Last note: Perfect is the enemy of good... this is good!
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    Developer Response

    Thank you very much for your review! We appreciate your kind comments and want to assure you that we are constantly trying to improve our users' experience. Best regards!
  • Doesn't appear to work, bad user experience

    Long time Anki user here frustrated by this apps user experience.

    I go in, I download a course (which takes a horribly long time even though it's only 55mb), and then there's no way to start learning the course. I clicked the options but that only has stuff about resetting and deleting. I clicked the course itself but that did nothing.

    At one point the button to create a memo worked. Now it's not enabled anymore, why? I have no idea, the app certainly won't tell me.

    I tried to send feedback through the contact form and after writing a nice note received a 503 error from the server meaning it didn't get submitted, and the error erased my entire message so I had to start again from scratch in my next attempt which also just errored out.

    Also, subscription service? I'm willing to pay (purchased the 25 dollar anki app) but 120 bucks a year in perpetuity?

    And not only that but you're supposed to pay 120 bucks a year for courses which don't even have descriptions, much less things like authors so you could see how qualified the creators are.
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    Developer Response

    Dear User, We want to apologize for the problem you encountered. Please contact us at We will do our best to help you.
  • Awesome app to help remembering using optimum spaced repetitions

    I have beef using PC version of supermemo for years and really enjoy its results. Using it to learn is languages and just broaden my vocabulary. If used regularly everyday it really helps remembering due to serving the repetitions in optimum intervals of time - just before you forget it

    Developer Response

    Thank you very much!
  • Niedopracowany

    Program świetnie działa na notebooku, ale na iPadzie jest póki co katastrofa. Zgłaszałam błędy, ale nie doczekałam się poprawionej wersji programu, dostałam tylko radę jak problem obejść. W pierwszym przypadku obejście problemu było skuteczne, w drugim - nie.
    Nie przedlużam abonamentu, nie mam ochoty być lekceważonym królikiem doświadczalnym
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    Developer Response

    Przepraszamy za negatywne doświadczenia związane z używaniem naszej aplikacji. Wiele się u nas zmieniło od zimy. Będziemy wdzięczni za jeszcze jedną szansę - prosimy o kontakt na, mamy coś dla Pani.
  • Clunky, overpriced, & slow to download

    While the algorithm behind this app may indeed be very effective, I would never know because I have never gotten far enough to find out due to the incredibly clunky ux. For a very inelegant app that has features that are frankly subpar, they sure are proud of it. $10 a month is a ridiculously high fee for such a badly coded app. They should be ashamed. The download speed is outrageously slow--think pre 56.6k modem speeds. I have been downloading a 54 MB file for over 15 minutes!!!

    Let me reiterate: Poor design, obscenely overpriced, with atrocious content download speeds. Do not purchase.
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    Developer Response

    Dear User, we apologize for these negative experiences. The app has changed a lot - we will be grateful for one more chance. Contact us at

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