User Reviews: Memphis 311

Memphis 311
Memphis 311
City of Memphis

Top reviews

  • Awful service

    3-1-1 doesn’t respond to multiple complaints to let citizens know when their issue will be resolved.
  • Useless

    The city closes open cases without them being resolved.
  • Sadly,anonymous reported unreliable/untrue

    This is the problem with anonymous accusations/reportings. It should be apparent when the accuser filed violation in all CAPS and goes on and on repeatedly with the false claim of code violation. Either the accuser hopes to benefit or has some sort of axe to grind. If you want to file a legitimate complaint, then have the backbone to identify yourself.
  • OK app, bad service

    The app is okay, but it’s frustrating to be ignored by whoever should respond. They close issues without taking action or providing any explanation.

    Update: I am deleting this app. If there is no justification for reporting a pile of trash in a neighbor’s front yard, then there’s no justification for wasting time and space on this useless software or the people behind it.
  • 311 app

    Very easy to use and user friendly but the results are extremely questionable. I receive a lot of “case closed” responses when the problem hasn’t really been resolved.
  • Pothole on Elvis Presley Road (51)

    I have not completed a claim due to all the nice folks in Memphis who tell me it’s a waste of time. So, I just want to share my view of what we as tourists experienced last night upon just arriving into town. We left our hotel on this road heading south and within one block, we experienced a shock when our car dropped into a hole. Sounded like it broke in half. I called the local police to report our misfortune and was told they would mark the hole. A nice man at Marlowe’s helped install the donut tire. Never did see the hole get marked, but we watched as car after car hit this hole. We also stopped to try to help a woman by the side of the road, also with a flat tire from this hole. Never did see that the hole was marked, but this morning on our shuttle to Graceland, we saw the hole was filled in with asphalt. Thank you Jesus! BUT, my real question is, why would the road in front of Graceland be in such a state of disrepair? Don’t us tourists leave enough money in this area for a decent roadway?! Certainly, Graceland pays adequate taxes for a smooth road ensuring its visitors a problem-free vaca! This really leaves a bad taste in our opinion of Memphis. We have spent half a day now at a tire dealer waiting to get us a tire. BTW, we just bought new tires before we left on this trip! The influx of steady customers this afternoon makes me wonder how many are here due to your glorious potholes?! Thank you Memphis 311 for ruining the start of what was supposed to be a wonderful bucket list trip to Graceland. 😖
  • Disrespectful and Overlooks real Memphians’ complaints

    Post and post for help to no avail. Several caring Complaints closed with no resolution. This app is a joke that is simply Not Funny at all. Next, they rudely stop you from posting a complaint until they review and revise what you are complaining about. Would do better sending. News cam for exposure. Trying to make Memphis a better place, but the real issues are covered up. Unprofessionally awful in many ways!
  • Horrible App

    This app is trash. There’s always a “network error.” It’s definitely not from my end, as I’ve tried submitting via LTE with full bars, and on my fiber internet connection via WiFi. This app is trash just like the trash the city of Memphis refuses to pick up from in front of my house. I feel if I had AIDS I could be cured before this app gets fixed.

Alternatives to Memphis 311