Would still be awesome if the glitches were patched…
If you tap one various area with the bucket tool, it fills in and gets blurry.
Formerly, when you pressed it once, the outline was fine and you could fill in the rest of the drawing without the outline problem.
For an example, draw a flower, fill each of the petals with one or various colors, and the outline will start to blur.
Also, when you fill just any area of the drawing, these faded squiggle marks will appear on the screen and sometimes when you touch one blank area, the other blank area will randomly get filled in by no command at all. For an example: draw a face or an entire character with two eyeballs and color fill one of them. These issuses didn’t happen originally. I hope this review gets noticed and these glitches get fixed. Otherwise it prevents an awesome app (since 2016 for me) from being great and it would affect anyone from enjoying it!
UPDATE: These issues only happen on the iPhone 14 pro release. I would still like to see these fixed in the future.