User Reviews: Watch

Apple Inc.

Top reviews

  • Apple Watch SE faulty exercise info

    My new Apple Watch SE (bought it a week and a half ago) doesn’t correctly calculate my activity correctly. Since I bought it I have only been at work at my restaurant. I stand for a least 5 hours while walking back and forth from tables around the building. It should be able to recognize that I’m walking around, burning calories and, putting some kind of exercise. It does not register it at all but my 1st gen Apple Watch used to keep up with it. Updates are definitely needed for this feature!
  • Steaming pile of…..

    You know the rest. Trying to load profiles on my new watch and often it will say that the password is incorrect for the certificates (even though there is none). The only way around this is by closing all apps on the iPhone one or more times which then gives the illusion of the profile loading.

    When the profile is successfully loaded however it is often just one certificate and often not even the current certificate/profile you’re trying to load! Echos of previous load attempts seem to be stuck in the system….even after unpairing the watch and uninstalling the app then reinstalling the app and repairing the watch as a new device not restored from backup.

    Oh, this is a new iPhone as well.
  • My watch keeps me going.

    I’ve had my Apple Watch since November 2020. It has provided me with inspiration and data that in many ways has changed my life. I seek daily to fulfill activities that have been inspired by my watch. I received my watch to a study I’m doing on atrial fibrillation. I never really thought about owning one until this opportunity came. As a 60+ adult I have learned how to navigate much more technology and have found my watch and iphone a helpful tools.
  • Not Deaf/deaf/hard of hearing friendly

    When I first got my Apple Watch 6. The watch app allowed us to set a complication on a handful of the watch faces to control our hearing device. Then a couple updates ago. They moved it to the control panel. Now the most recent update to the watch iOS. It no longer allows us to add it as a watch complication. Even though the setting is still there. There’s not a single watch face that has that complication. Nor does the mic volume show up in the control panel anymore. The whole reason I got the watch was to control my hearing aid instantly without pulling my phone out. I have it set to mirror my phone. You would think having it set in accessibility as much volume it would show up one at least a single watch face. Nope. I’ve tried everything. It used to work just fine until the very last update. Now it’s basically a normal watch since I can’t use it to hear calls or anything anymore.
  • 4/5 no glucose or blood pressure readings

    I have own an Apple Watch since the very beginning original zero series. I believe it is the most advanced smart watch available. The only thing I’m truly waiting for is blood glucose for my wife and blood pressure for me, which I think the blood pressure could probably be done better through the AirPods Pro. A combination of the iPhone the Apple Watch an AirPods pro could be the real wearable breakthrough.
  • ehhh idk

    so i got the Apple Watch for my birthday 3 years ago and honestly you obviously have to use the app, right? if i were being honest it’s kinda messy. cuz i feel like they didn’t think of it enough, like the brightness settings. the lowest setting is still too bright. and also, you change the settings on the health app, and some third party apps! they should make some changes to the app, but i love the watch itself
  • The new watch OS update is not good for sleep

    I loved the old OS, but this new update to the sleep functions woke me up at multiple points in the night. The screen is always on. I like to use music and white noise on my phone to fall asleep but, because the screen is always on, the crown will adjust the volume to be nonexistent or very loud if you bump it in the middle of the night. I tried changing my sleep settings in the app but all I could do was to also turn on theater mode. I loved to keep track of my sleep with the watch, but I will no longer be doing that. If you like the sleep functions before the most recent update, don’t update.
  • I like it, but…

    I actually have to put it on the charger twice a day. Doesn’t take long to recharge, but doesn’t last a full day. That was disappointing. Doesn’t come with a step counter. Ok, so I downloaded Duffy and had it set up to show step total on the watch face. That worked great until the last update. Now I have to open the Duffy app several times a day to see my steps-at that point, it does show on the watch face, but still doesn’t update automatically.
    While I like what this watch does do, I’m disappointed in what it doesn’t do.
  • Notifications not working

    Ever since the last 2 updates I do not get most of my notifications through my watch. It picks and choose when it wants to allow them. I miss messages all the time and it never used to be a problem. Please fix this apple so we can get the notifications again regularly. I have don’t all updates as asked on phone and watch. It never used to be a problem at all. I have restarted both watch and phone multiple times. Nothing helps.
  • Had to revise my score for the right reasons

    Look, I had a Fitbit for my first smart watch experience and I learned the app and found it to be very user friendly and the Watch I had (Charge 3) while basic by Apple standards, just did what it was supposed to do and without interruption.

    When I got the Apple Watch I just thought it would be an easy transition for me because I’d owned Apple products for a decade at that point. It was NOT easy for me. It was so convoluted and made finding basic statistics an Easter egg hunt.

    I’ve since more or less brought myself up to speed on the system and how it functions and I am revising my score to a 4 from a 2. Misses a 5 because I still feel the basics could be found on the iPhone app with greater ease if they wanted to show them to you without making the app an advertisement of its depth, which is objectively impressive but still daunting for the new user.

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