User Reviews: Watch

Apple Inc.

Top reviews

  • Delayed continuity

    Okay long term Apple Watch user. Bearly use it. Siri is somehow still in these phones and watches. Furthermore the method of continuity through messaging is so horrible. Yesterday, prior to throwing my watch as far as I could, I was upset about a subject with someone and the lack of its speech recognition and speed caused it to create a narrative even more explicit than what anger I was expressing . This is normal, I usually hit cancel , and go on with my rant again. This time it failed so much that it forced me to stop ranting , and when we finally had a resolve … hours later, the watch kicks in from god knows where and sends all these not only hateful messages but also out of any context due to its horrible recognition of words and compounded it like a surge of hatred towards my mom. She went to bed crying.
  • It’s junk

    I need help getting on my headphones in the name of my headphones is Cowin end it seems like it won’t work because on Settings on my phone it says go to the Apple store so I didn’t record at the Apple Store and I want to hear it and my headphones are still not working so that’s why I gave y’all a one star so I just need something better and so my settings can get better and better and better and better mental down everywhere so I need your help can you please help me so it told me to come on this little Apple Watch app and that’s what it told me on my Settings and this thing is junk you want help with nothing so I need help because my headphones are not working so can you please help for like once so I really need your help so can you help me in the salon asking for and I’ll give you a five star review and then if I want to give you at one store I’ll give you one star now can you help me with my headphones
  • Let it charge to full!!

    You are KILLING me, Apple. I wear my watch all day every day. I wear it to track my activity and health during the day and I wear it at night to track my heart rate and sleep. So I have to charge it at least twice a day. When I charge it, I want it to charge ALL THE WAY. Ever since the last update or two ago, it only allows the watch to charge to 80% unless I select some option to charge it full. WHY IS THAT THE DEFAULT? It is so infuriating every time I walk over to check it, having left it charging for more than enough time to get it to 100%, just to see that it only charged to 80% and I have to tap a button to make it charge all the way and waste MORE time with it on the charger. I can’t even go to the settings and disable this useless function. GET RID OF IT!! Or at least give me a setting option so *I* can get rid of it.
  • All this money paid just for lack luster watch faces

    I don’t understand why they make something so nice just to lack luster the the main point of the device the faces I have gotten this watch for it is my first one ever buying a Apple Watch and I am disappointed with how little the watch faces have the only ones I like is the Kaleidoscope one I would love more to choose from it seems apple is know for making nice devices with very little customization i get it you want things to be simple but for god sakes man can I get a lot for options customizing my watch it’s just as lame as the phone is when it comes to customizing my stuff I don’t wanna use third party stuff I wanna use apple apple that’s it I find it crazy paying all this money just to have little to no customizing or having to deal with the same lame stuff they left there just to wait for something new.
  • IOS 10.4 [for apple WATCH] absolutely dumpster fire

    only gave it 5 stars so it gets filtered to someone who cares about their watch: DON’T update to 10.4– they took everything that was good about the apple watch (which was barley hanging on by a thread already). First my beef started when they removed the quarterly hepatic vibrations (so useful if you are trying to be time aware) but they removed it and shortly after they realized how much people used that function( even has some accessibility use-age). anyway they brought it back but with less options and a little refresh because of coarse they did. as time gone on i got used to it and saved my widgets accordingly to have 30/60min timers on standby because those helped me more and were easily accessible. now with the 10.4 update—> everything is laggy, super slow, all the buttons are weird now with special delays and effects and pre programmed presets.

    sofar i will un install and hope for the best, i only update in the first place because it promised a much needed security update which seemed urgent
  • What a mess of an ecosystem!!!

    I finally broke down and purchased an Apple Watch. Series 9. At the same time I bought one for my Mom- who does not own an iPhone.
    Apple, pay attention! Is an iPhone required to own an Apple Watch or not? Because the horrible mess that exists today makes no sense at all. Some settings are controlled by your phone app. Some by your watch. Some functionality is available to family member’s watches and some are not.
    I get it, Apple is suffering from a development process that started small and grew out of control. But it resulted in a typical Apple mess; one characterized by great hardware, horrible Apple software and third party integration support that limits what developers can do to attempt to fix the issues.
    And seriously, Xcode development MUST be done only in Swift? Wake up and realize the best stuff is still written in Objective-C!
    Apple needs an intervention.
    And don’t get me started on the ridiculous fact that in a dark room you can’t increase the watch’s brightness! Or that in “nightstand mode” the watch shuts its display off! What good is a nightstand mode that requires you to get up and tap the device? Aaarrrrrg.
    Someone else said it in another review: it’s like Apple doesn’t use their own products!
  • Not crazy about new update

    I use to change between watch faces frequently if I needed to easily access an app that is on a different face than the one currently displayed. It was nice being able to just swipe right and left. I don’t like that you cannot seamlessly go from face to face with the new update. Now you have to long press it down before switching back and forth each time. Not a major deal but if you frequently use different faces it is a pain. However overall I love my Apple Watch. I wish we could choose to go back to swiping right to left to change watch faces though.

    PLEASE APPLE: on a future update make it where we can easily view steps walked with just a glance. People who have switched to Apple from FitBit and jawbone really miss being able to glance at the watch and see total steps counted. It is a pain to click on the activity and scroll down to get to this. I’ve looked at downloading apps to do this but many do not update in real time or are costly. It would be nice if we could choose our 3 fitness goals for the fitness app, then we could make one a step goal and at least be able to somewhat see our progress looking at the rings.
  • Battery killer update

    My watch auto updated and how I wish I hadn’t let it install this update. I’ve been wearing it only two hours today and the battery has gone from 100% to 78% in that time. That is ridiculous! The battery life on Apple watch was already bad enough but now it’s barely making it 8 hours before it dies. Meanwhile my friend with a Samsung smart watch only charges hers every few days. I’d been intending to upgrade to a newer watch model as mine is a Series 4, but I am going to strongly reconsider my options unless this is fixed fast.

    I also hate that swiping up no longer takes me to the control panel, but that problem is really secondary to the abysmal battery life. It doesn’t matter what the interface is like when the watch is unusable because it’s dead.

    I never leave reviews, so congratulations on being so completely awful I had to say something about it.
  • I do not like watch os 10!!!!

    I purchased an Apple Watch 8 to replace version 4 in May 2023. It was great to have a new watch with a lasting battery. As soon as I updated to watch os 10 battery started depleting faster. This last update was supposed to fix the battery drain, it did not. I do not understand the purpose of the Smart Stack, it only holds 3 apps, my previous dock was great, it held many more apps then the revised dock holds, if you can remember where it is in the new update. Last but not least, I do not like that the total steps and total flights climbed each week are missing from the weekly activity summary. When I paired this watch to my phone some of the data in health was reading my old watch so now I do not receive current data. I wish Apple would stop trying to create a million new features and concentrate on the original great features of the watch. I want watch os 9 back!!!!!. I have been wearing an Apple Watch since 2016 and this is the first time that I am not happy.
  • Extremely overrated, almost no useful features

    Have had this for two years now and it doesn’t get any better. You cannot easily download music to watch, you have to connect to your computer to do it. Also, lots of apps, for example YTM doesn’t allow you to download on it neither. No BP, or oxigen sat measuring and other important medical related features that cheaper 30-40 dollars watches have. Battery is garbage to say the least, why would you want to use a watch that if you forget to charge it just one day you will not be able to use it? Too much of a work for something that does not give you almost any real valuable functionality.  is getting worst and worst, and making products from just 5 years after ralease worth nothing by their “updates” that will damage them and make them work worst than before, specially noticiable in the cameras.  is just not worth it any more, and it comes from me that have been an  user since 15 years ago.

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