constantly providing bad info and failing to complete pdfs for download
So If I have to validate the information it gives so regularly, that makes it very limited in its usage. the other thing I've been trying to use it for that when it does it right and it does work it’s great, but that seems to be a lucky could of times maybe. i do the free one, but because i find so many errors and have to go back and forth that eats up my usage time and by the time it’s all correct to give me my pdfs for download, it then fails saying ”sorry something went wrong and advanced analysis is no longer available” (for the day) having completely wasted all that time and effort to get it right to only not be able to do what i needed to do which is get my downloadable pdf. and if it saved it so when i went back after whatever tole it tells me to try again, guess what…all that was forgotten….and lost. so when it does work? it’s magic. but it doesnt work A lot