User Reviews: That Dragon, Cancer

Top reviews

  • That dragon, cancer

    This game started out so amazingly. A starkly sensitive portrayal of parents facing the death of a child. My daughter recently died from cancer…I could see all the false hope we had been given, and then the reality of impending loss. Unfortunately about half way through the entire experience became a sermon. What could have been an acknowledgment of the enduring hole out of order death leaves in its wake, and a portrait of the weight that must be carried; became instead, contemporary Christian proselytizing. This game really should be listed as Christian entertainment.
  • Devastating, Beautiful, Flawed by God

    This game is truly devastating for a father of small children, and I spent a couple nights bawling my eyes out before bed. That said, the story really leaned into religion in the second half, which really sucked the wind out of the story. This is best exemplified by the mother’s letters, which immediately dried my tears whenever I had to open them. If you’ve ever had the misfortune of encountering Christian pop media, you can guess the gist: god has a plan, I trust in him, he will get to be with Jesus, etc. I understand this game was developed as a way for the parents to grieve but a life is made up of memories, not angels and devils. I’ve read similar media in which the creators use loss to explore their faith, typically coming out stronger in their beliefs; sadly, this isn’t nearly that deep.
  • Emotionally challenging to get through

    But life can be very challenging at times. Not really sure what else to say about this game… other than; to Amy & Ryan, thank you for sharing your’s and Joel’s story.
  • What is the point of this game?

    I wanted to like it because of all the 5 star reviews but I get stuck on every scene and don’t know what to do. I’m not sure what’s supposed to happen so I move around and press every inch of my screen but nothing happens. I spent the first fifteen minutes feeding a duck because the game wouldn’t allow me to do anything else (except eventually give up and turn it off). I pretty much gave away $5.
  • Amazing, even after years I can’t stop thinking about this game

    Even after years of first having played this game I really can’t get it out of my mind. This was really well put together and really created a heartful experience.
  • The Most Beautiful, Heartbreaking, and Inspiring Game in Existence...

    I honestly don’t know how this doesn’t have a perfect 5-star rating on here, because it is the single greatest game I’ve ever played in my life, and I can’t thank the Green family enough for making it and sharing Joel’s story. It’s the most heartbreaking, beautiful and inspiring storytelling game I’ve ever played. I’ve lost family to cancer as well, and this perfectly shows every detail of what it’s like for the person who suffers from it, their overwhelming strength and optimism through it, and how family members struggle to cope with the loss after a fight is lost. I’ve never cried at any form of media, whether it be television or games, but this was the first one. I laughed, I smiled, and I cried the whole time through, because I knew it was real without having anyone spoil it for me. If you want to experience a truly beautiful story, then I recommend this above any game in existence. And if you have a heart, please donate whatever amount you can to vital organizations, like St. Jude Children’s Hospital and/or the American Cancer Association.
  • Impossible to navigate, very frustrating

    From all of the great reviews, I was really excited to play this game, but I found it completely impossible to get around. After a while of spinning and looking around and trying to figure out what I was supposed to do, I got super dizzy and nauseated and had to stop. I really wanted to have a great experience with this one, so I’m very disappointed.
  • Experience the suffering

    Dear creators:
    Thank you.
    Although I stopped at some point and I don't think that I can continue this amazing journey, because of feeling real pain and suffering, but thank you.
    You've created something extraordinary.
    Thank you.
  • Eye opening

    I have to say what an eye opening experience this has been. I cried the whole time basically and felt as if I lived the pain that these parents felt. And that pain I felt playing this can’t even equal the pain they went through living this. The strength y’all have is amazing and the faith you kept despite the situation. I thank y’all for this game and showing people that sometimes we can’t escape reality the way we would like to. But instead we should embrace what life has been given to us. Thank you for showing us your journey . Joel is no longer in pain and happy watching y’all from heaven.
  • Thank you...

    This game touched my heart. I had a experience with cancer not me but my best all started when I was in pre k and she was in 2nd grade she used to give me a hug every morning then over that summer she was diagnosed with brain cancer she had treatment but on the first day of school I saw my best friend with no expression in her face and in a wheelchair. She didn’t remember me at all I felt neglected and very depressed. During that summer she died in her sleep. I remember that first day of school I was on the bus and my friend said she died I obviously didn’t believe her because well I was in denial. When I got off that bus I went up to my teacher and whispered to her and she sadly said yes. I was crying but no one cared because they didn’t know and her brother was in my class so he got all the love and got to talk to the teacher i know I might sound selfish but it hurt because no one seemed to care that I felt bad. Over all the game was amazing full of memories.

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