User Reviews: That Dragon, Cancer

Top reviews

  • Wow

    When people talk about the power of stories to build human connections, this is what they mean. What this shares is so intimate, so deep, so human that I am trembling.

    Experimental fiction has been reaching out into the digital world for some time, but here we see something so earnest that it’s hard to give it that label. The pacing of the piece is expert. I could feel the strength of the arc, I knew where it was taking me, and yet, anxious, fearful, ... hopeful, I continued.

    In the end, I too got to love Joel, and that is a blessing.
  • I guess I never realized..

    I guess I’ve never thought of how precious a life is to others..I couldn’t finish the game. I was in tears I just couldn’t finish it. I am so sorry for all the lives lost to cancer and I hope Young Joel’s game can show just how much we need to appreciate what we have
  • That dragon, cancer.

    One of the most important games I have ever played. Hits very close to home. I am great full for this artist. Thank you for your work?
  • Amazing

    I played this game when I found out my abuela had cancer. This game touched me to the very core and has been the only game to ever make me break down. I can feel their pain.
  • This Game Made Me Cry So Much!

    I normally don’t write reviews for anything but this game deserves it! My family has gone through cancer fights as well so this game truly hit home. I wish I could talk to the family of Baby Joel because I feel as if I know them on a personal level. I am truly sorry for what this family had to go through and all those that have had to go through this as well. We should all love our family best we can because you never know how much time you’ll have left. Love this game and I am sure you will too!
  • Left me speechless

    I’ve heard of this game from a couple of friends of mine and I didn’t think much of it at first. I eventually got around to downloading it and when I started playing it seemed like an ordinary game filled with love. As I got deeper into it I realized that this is a game about a boy suffering from cancer. This game also reminded me of my grandfather who recently got taken away to God’s kingdom by stage 4 lung cancer. Because of what happened to my grandfather I truly understand how they (the family) feel. It left me speechless and crying for about an hour. I have never been on such a personal level with a game before and hope that the creator of “that dragon, cancer” will make more games like this.
  • Left me in tears😭

    WARNING: this app will make you cry. It made me feel like my life come easily. One time I had thoughts..... know I see that nobody should throw their life away. A baby doesn't deserve this life. He needed a fresh start
  • Beautiful "game"

    If you have a child in your life, you must play this game. It's a celebration of life, in the midst of a cancer diagnosis for a child. Heartfelt, creative, an incredible the tribute to a life lost to the dragon of cancer.
  • Stop the tears (edited)

    I used to think "life is short". Now I know that life is long, but short for the unfortunate. I treasure life more now that I know that I am very lucky to even have a life. The Greens are very strong to have made a game about their son's cancer fight. Yes, cancer is a dragon that the victim is fighting, and most people do not win the fight. But the thing is, the warriors go to heaven, for fighting, for still smiling in a hospital bed. Loosing my father at a young age was horrible. I didn't know what was going on. We put a big picture of him in our house, and I would kiss it every night. This is so touching, I am 10 (now 11) and still able to write this. I am blessed to have a life, and not have cancer. God loves people with cancer, because he wants the people with cancer to go back with him. Love this game. Tears fresh on my face.
  • Absolutely beautiful.

    This story is beautiful and moving. I was in tears within minutes of opening it and they didn't stop much. Everyone should see this story at some point. I love how God moves through our lives and this illustrates it beautifully.

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