User Reviews: That Dragon, Cancer

Top reviews

  • Honestly I want to

    I spent my money and all it does it just keep waiting. I am very disappointed that I wasted my money and couldn't play this amazing game. Honestly I thought it would be very touching but I can not feel that moment .....
  • Heartbreaking and beautiful all at once.

    This game is more than just a game. It is a story. A way to cope with the loss of a son. Made by the father of a child dying from cancer, this game is heart wrenching and gorgeous. Well worth the buy.
  • How to play

    This game is an incredibly moving experience. IMHO, it should only be played: with headphones, alone, and without distraction; honestly, to not give this game the focus it deserves is actually insulting to the magnitude of the story. I myself (having a newborn of my own) could not make it more than 30 minutes at a time because I was simply all-cried-out and crying is absolutely part of the game. I want to keep writing but the words fall so the game, you won't regret it.
  • This game has touched me...

    Never have I before played a game like this. If you need to know one thing about this game, is that it is powerful, and deeply emotional. This game is so powerful, that at times I thought I was the child's father. This game will make you think about and evaluate your life. Also, this game has a strong spiritual message that many, such as myself can relate too. Now this game is not perfect yet, there are some small bugs within the game that must be looked at. For example during the level when you are in the park, sometimes Joel won't be on one of the equipment or he would be there, but you would not be able to interact with him. You can fix this by exiting the game and going back in. However it would be nice if this were fixed permanently. Other than that, this game is certainly unique, powerful, inspirational, emotional, and has a strong connection to God. This game will change how you look at life!
  • A game no words can describe

    I can relate what they must've went through when my grandmother suffered brain cancer last year. It brought tears to my eyes when I played this game. People do not understand how it is until they personally experience this. This game is just amazing, I don't usually write reviews but if I could I would give this game 10 stars instead. The music tied in well too.
  • Was looking forward to experiencing....but

    It wouldn't download and I'm out $4.99. I deleted my iTunes library and all the apps that I could stand to lose-all to make room to play this after seeing it on Sunday Morning (cbs). I know I have room on my phone but this just keeps saying "unable to download". :( Dang!
  • Beautiful

    This game is really nice, I loved the graphics, I'm always looking for a game with nice graphics😊 I love the story. I cried when I got to the part when he was in heaven. I was also happy that now he could talk and eat all the pancakes he ever wanted, He no longer had to worry about cancer and if he's going to die or not, and now you guys don't have to worry either, you know he's in a very safe place. He is Happy and cancer free.
  • Yesss just yes

    This game really broke me down to the reality that cancer patients and their families are faced with. This was the first game to literally break me into oceans of tears. I was sobbing my way through it. The voice acting is amazing and the atmosphere of the game is so great. YESSS
  • Wow

    I usually do not write reviews. However, this app is completely different. First of all, it is not a "game" as you would expect. There are no real puzzles to solve, no bad guys to defeat, and prizes to win. It is the very special interactive story of a family dealing with the terminal illness of their young son. It draws you in and express the extreme emotions they are dealing with in a beautiful and illustrative way. It's simplicity and artistic value in immeasurable. The story brought me to tears many many times. Thank you so much Green family for sharing this. Undoubtedly the best money I have ever spent on the App Store.
  • Beautiful in more ways than one

    This game has literally changed my life and opening me to new understandings. I cried and I laughed and did it all again. To anyone who plays read the letters and listen to the notes. This game has a beautiful design and the story telling is amazing. Though It is a little Anouilh with over religious vibes but that's how the greens coped. It also has multiple bugs but still nothing major. And to conclude I would just like to say, to the creators, I'm sorry for the loss of your son. And these means a lot from an atheist but I pray he is truly in a better place or got a "do over" and became the amazing person Joel would of been if he was not struck by that demonic dragon. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Green for making something so perfect and beautiful.

    Btw the main glitch is in the first chapter when you go to the first section of whispering and there is no path out (visibly) and the area of the spot you Kia hit to escape is extremely small.

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