User Reviews: Competish Weight Challenge

Top reviews

  • 3.0 is broken for me

    The app no longer works for me since updating to 3.0. The purple weigh-in button has been gray for a while, not letting me weigh in. Something flips it to purple if I wait a couple days or so, like this morning. The button is mysteriously purple now. When it’s purple I can weigh in as many times as I want in the same day. I’ve done it three times in thirty minutes. My weigh-ins are recorded in my personal view and in my all-weeks view but they do not have any visible effect on my group view (first tab). The host of the group can see my weigh-ins in the all-weeks view but not in the main group view. After weighing in three times this morning, the weigh-in button is still purple. Definitely not how the app worked before. The app is non-functional for me right now.
  • Love the idea but...

    The ads are killing me. They don’t stop and the exit button doesn’t work. I have to shut down app altogether. Updated it yesterday and now I can’t take a picture (shutter button grayed out) so I cannot enter weight, can’t compete. Frustrating.
  • Helpful for group weight loss!

    A few months ago there were significant issues with the app and the support received online. However after some updates the app seems to be in much better shape. Some of the ads won’t close but overall the app is working better than ever. Shout out to Amir for the help over the summer when we had some tech issues.

    I do wish there was a zero money Competish option. That would be cool!

    Original review:
    This app is great in theory. I love that I can do this with a group. However, almost weekly we have major issues with the app that hardly ever get resolved. The chat doesn’t work, the photos get messed up, the app crashes, the app won’t let you log on. These are some of the issues that we’ve experienced. I’ve used the website support chat function but I’ve never gotten a response so I’ve used twitter to reach out and have gotten some snarky responses. This app could be amazing and monetized if they actually kept up with it and had decent customer service
  • Great, but needs improvements

    We are a group of 8 closing on week 3 of our competition and I think the app serves it’s purpose thus far. We are all weighing in, weekly challenge and overall winner are announced each week and funds are calculated accurately.
    However, two stars are lost because as an admin I have the authority to do nothing. Three people, including me entered the wrong weight and there was no way to change. What’s the point of the pictures if you can’t go back to see them to verify? This should be an admin feature. Why can’t we see an all time weight loss graph on app? I am only able to see weekly. I think individual competitors should be able to see their weight even if the competition is % based.

    I think this app can have full potential if it played some ads, charged $2.99 for a download if their developers find a way to integrate with a money transfer app, make the pay to upgrade to be an admin free to participate , gives admin true admin right beyond creating competition like viewing submit photos when requested to make weight changes, allowing competitors to view their own weight, view their full all time weight loss graph and fix some start up and in app glitches.
  • No weigh-in and you win?

    At the end of the day I didn’t care about the money or really even the “win”, I cared about the changes I was making BUT I think it’s pretty ridiculous that someone who doesn’t weigh in every day can win the week. They can still participate, but if you’re not weighing in every day, you shouldn’t get the cash prize.
  • Fairness in competition

    I think it should be clear when the weekly weigh-in closes. And I think if a person does not weigh in on that day, they forfeit for the week. In our recent competition, competitors would weigh in on a Thursday, and have that be their final weigh-in for the week. The overall winner weighed in a week before the contest ended. Just doesn’t seem right. So, for instance, if the competition starts on a Monday, then Monday would be the final weigh-in day, and if you don’t weigh in that day, you’re out for that week.
  • I wish this app actually worked

    This app sort of worked for my first week. Everyone was able to log in and weigh in without problems. At the start of the second week the app removed our group and we could no longer log in. This app has a lot of bugs. I could not see any of the messages posted in the group chat and the payout screen doesn’t show up. There is also the problem of it kicking us off after only 1 week! I really wanted to like this app and unless the issues are fixed I will have to find another app.
  • I tried to love it

    Hi I’m thankful you created this app. It’s exactly what I was looking for, but it needs a lot of work.

    •It doesn’t show the other competitors weight even though I selected “show weight”.
    •I didn’t realize you could leave text messages in the activity section because it’s not clear. I kept clicking the plus sign. I finally realized I needed to click the white space to post a text message.
    •Right now I am able to log into my account on one device and my friends account on another device and that’s when I noticed she could see messages and pics I couldn’t see in my account.
    •I don’t like that people can’t join the day the challenge started.
  • Day one and off to a rocky start

    The idea for this app is great which is why we chose it for our work biggest loser challenge. However, it’s quickly becoming annoying. You can’t select a challenge start date (you click begin competition and then it automatically starts the next day) so we are already a day behind. We chose to hide weights because we don’t want our weight on display for our coworkers but why on earth wouldn’t you be able to see your own progress?! Idk this app definitely needs a few updates
  • Doesn’t Work

    I really wanted this app to work, the market doesn’t really have anything else like what it promised. We set up the game, it wouldn’t let us start right away, it delays you till the next day, this was frustrating when we all got together just to get the competition started. Once it started we got to do 1 weigh in, but on day 2 the app crashed for all 5 of us and it no longer opens up. I contacted the customer service twice but heard nothing back about it. After reading the other reviews they are all similar and people seem to have a lot of issues with the app. Maybe if they can fix the bugs and get better support this would be amazing, cause the market lacks this style of app. Also we were never able to put in the money and app never showed anything about money.

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