User Reviews: Kerflux

Top reviews

  • Great puzzle game

    Its a really fun way to pass the time and its pretty fun but it gets a little repetitive after pike level 200 because there isnt much to do, maybe it could introduce new mechanics when you get to higher levels to make it harder. Just a suggestion but this game is really fun i would recommend playing.
  • Still fun!!

    I’ve had this app for eons and still go back to it, just relaxing ear fun - and it continues to work with IOS ever changing.
  • How did I miss this for 5 years??

    I had never seen this game the entire 5 years it’s been available and I spend a LOT of time searching and browsing the AppStore. Finally amsaw I this week, it’s free and it’s awesome. This really highlights what a jungle of mostly junk the AppStore is. I wish there was something Apple could do to improve it. Download this game. No ads either!!
  • This game is really fun

    I love this game because it’s like a mind trick almost but not exactly it’s really fun now but as a child I don’t have any money so I think it should be free for all ages but this app is so amazing
  • Very nice music!

    This game has the music I’ve heard in a game in a while. A lot of games like Minecraft and Terraria are known for having very unique music. Kerflux has music just as good or even better!
  • Just the right balance of challenge, chill, and unfocused focus

    This game is great when my mind is busy but I’m too tired to think. Gameplay is so simple that instructions would get in the way, but that doesn’t mean the game is easy. It takes the kind of immersive tuning-in that shoves busy, random thoughts to the side. The way the audio adapts to the wave adjustments is a delightful feature. This is an ideal game for anxious nerds!
  • Solid game from a while ago!

    Hasn’t been updated in 4 years and still holds up!!
  • Great Game

    I’m glad they didn’t charge you for the game and instead added a “pay what you want” feature. However, if it was a game I had to pay for, I would have just because of how great the game is. I feel like the creators were not in it to make money, but instead they were in it because they had passion and a very interesting concept that teaches you something in the process, well done.
  • Few games are as slick as this

    Fun to play, clean design, no annoying ads. I wish all apps were like this!
  • Mind-boggling just how fun this thing is

    Picked it up from a friend’s recommendation; it’s incredibly fun to play, as well as soothing (solving via audio cues).

    Feature Request: Would it be feasible to implement a customizable configuration for adjusting the auto assist sensitivity as your multi-wave-shape-amalgation nears the shape of the level’s cutout / goal? I’m referring to the autoassist at the completion of a level; the amount of help it provides gets pretty noticeable at around the level 70ish mark to me, particularly after reading the criticisms from the review about Fourier Transforms on March 2nd of this year. Perhaps, after completing all the levels of the game (and upon unlocking Endless mode), indicate to users that this feature is available (should enough users notice this as well and make a point about it to request tweaking).

    Aside from that- thank you for creating this wonderful game, and implementing it in such a way that my recently met newfound friend was able to bring this to my attention (and I regret not having found it earlier!).

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