BGG BoardGames Information User Reviews

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  • Great app, crashes 1/2 the time I open it

    I use this app almost every day.
    It crashes almost every time I use it. Sometimes upon opening, sometimes upon searching. But if I use it, I know the likelihood of a crash is around 80%
    Thanks to the developers for creating it. It’s great to have, but is so frustrating to get it to work.
    iPhone 15 pro, and my iPhone X crashed just as much.
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  • It’s Ay-Yiite.

    It’s a decent app if you want a quick glance at something.

    But I have a few issues with it that prevents me from paying for it.

    1) You can write down notes in a particular saved game, but they don’t get transferred you your website list. (The one you access through your desktop computer).

    2) When making notes, if you noticed you typed or spelled something incorrectly, you cannot go back to correct it. It will blank screen, and then you have to completely start over.

    3) It’d be nice if you could partially type-in a games name, and it would help you find it. Sometimes I spell the name wrong by one letter, and it gives me nothing.

    But overall, it’s just okay. I wouldn’t pay for it, the way its setup now.
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  • Nice when it works

    I love what the app does, if only it was stable. It crashes frequently, and you can often end up in blank screens - I’ve stopped writing game reviews in the app because it’s just to unstable. I see the Developer has responded to similar complaints years ago so I am assuming they can’t/won’t fix at this point.

    That being said, it’s great for quickly accessing BGG info, curating lists, and tracking game plays, and in the absence of nothing else, is handy for boardgame enthusiasts.
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  • One Star Due To Poor Quality

    Ads are ridiculously invasive, and the ad overlay controls don’t work, so you can skip or close ad windows. If you get a full screen ad, you’re stuck.

    The design is about the least intuitive I’ve ever seen.

    Good data, unusable design. App developers should be fired.
  • Buggy

    Good app but has a few technical glitches that need fixing.

    1) when you save a game play entry and try to go back and edit it when you hit save the app crashes.

    2) when typing in comment box for game entry the screen doesn’t shift so you can see the text you’re typing.
  • Still buggy

    Update 2: After using the app a little more, it started displaying the same login error it used to. So back down to my original rating, minus a star for the ad issue. Deleting the app for good. What’s the point of having it if it won’t work or intermittently won’t let me use it?

    Update: So after deleting this app, then reinstalling, it finally let me connect to BGG. It’s still buggy though. And now the dev has allowed full screen ads on the app. I really don’t mind ads so much. Actually, I think it’s kind of a good thing because that means the dev is getting money and will hopefully continue to improve the app to draw traffic and thus make more money. But there are a couple ads that come up that force me to close the app entirely because the X to close the ad is up behind the time on my screen, meaning I can’t close it to continue what I was doing. This really makes me not want to use the app at all anymore because I could be in the middle of looking at some games and that ad will come up, completely interrupting my flow. Not cool at all. Original: This app used to be at least serviceable, if a little buggy, but now it won’t even let me sync with BGG. I can log into the site fine, so it’s not on their end. Tried to tap the button in the app to email the developer directly (as was suggested in another review), but the button does nothing. The developer’s website is essentially blank. So…I guess I’ll just go elsewhere for my BGG app needs?
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    Developer Response

    Hi, there is a new version solving the issues with the login. Sorry for the inconveniences this may cause you
  • Good app!

    I love the app! I immediately paid to support it, and because nobody likes ads, right? The ability to see friends’ collections is awesome and I love seeing the top 100 change. 2 features that would get me to update my review from 4 to 5 stars: 1. The ability to browse more then the top 100 in that list format without having to search for a particular title. 2. The bigger of the two;The ability to check your geek mail. That should be a no brained feature. It’s frustrating having to go to web browser to check geek mail. And not necessary, but a suggestion, would be the ability to see your personal profile w/badges and your personal top/hot 10’s on the profile page. I think these updates would turn a good app into a great app. Thanks!
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  • Crashes a lot.

    I do like this app. It is Functional enough to log plays and is my main source on what’s “hot”.
    However, the app crashes A LOT for me. I have an iPhone 8: I’m running the latest version of IOS and the app itself. But it has pretty much been this way since I’ve downloaded the app 6-8 months ago.
  • Not able to log games anymore

    Used to work great, now I just get error messages when trying to sign into BGG via this app, but can sign in fine on the website.
  • Horrible

    The app is absolutely horrible. It constantly crashes. It also has a co start pop up stating it can’t log me in even though I just logged out and logged back in. When trying to log in, it’s a crap shoot as to whether it actually will login you in or not. Adding other players to a game is horrific. On the phone do not go past 3, it doesn’t scroll. I even paid for the “pro” version. What a joke.
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