A couple requests to slightly streamline the process:
A driver should be able to enter his truck and trailer number at the start of the day/week/hitch and have it auto-fill that info into subsequent tickets. This way he doesn’t have to enter truck and trailer number on every single load when he’s in the same truck for a week or two straight.
When selecting a disposal location, please make my recently used disposals show up on top. Maybe a 3-5 most recent swd’s so I don’t have to search for the swd every single time when I primarily go to the same 2-3 disposals every time.
When submitting a ticket, there’s a sound that plays. The sound is fine but when it plays it fully pauses the music that I have playing on my phone. I then have to resume playing. It should just slightly mute my audio or even play over my audio instead of fully pausing it.