Cumbersome, slow, excess white space
However, the app needs improvement in many keys areas. Of all the patients in my facility, there is only one user willing to go through the routine to diligently use it.
The interface is cumbersome and not well laid out, much of this is due to excess white space on data entry form which traverses several screen lengths in order to enter treatment data. All of it could be entered on a single screen.
Before a record is accepted it must be accepted 3 times or all of the treatment data is lost. ( review, submit, return to dashboard). Again the review step required going through several screen lengths of mostly white space to reach the submit button.
After a review is complete another screen comes up. Even though you selected submit in the previous step, the record is not yet recorded. You have to select “return to dashboard” if not the complete record is lost.
If the app was more thought out and reviewed for simplicity it would be more accepted. Many patients opt instead for m/s excel for their records.