Air Combat Pilot User Reviews

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  • As an actual pilot....Very Impressed!

    Pro’s: Great graphics (better than many of our sims), a lot of missions with varying difficulties to choose from, awesome sound, and the aircraft are both historically accurate and responsive with the exception of the P-38 Lightning. Something’s not right with the inputs but an earlier developer response alludes to addressing this. Con’s: none, really but you do have to purchase some gold to get the later model planes if you want to complete and earn gold for many missions.
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  • Fantastic game

    At first I was very concerned that this game (like almost every other WWII sim on the mobile market) would be pay to win. However, the mission progression system in this game is spaced in such a way that attaining most, if not all planes (save the premium aircraft) can be achieved through actual completion of objectives! This is fantastic, as most devs on other titles lock the most desirable aircraft behind a paywall or an impossible grind for in-game currency. So bravo for the balance. Missions are fun to play, maps are beautiful, and the physics all around are great.

    A few notes:
    -I would love to see accurate cockpit views with instrument panels for each respective aircraft. I saw this touched on in a previous review, and I think it would be an amazing addition.
    -further variation in engine and gun sounds, just to add more distinction to the aircraft
    -add friendly carriers and aircraft to free flight mode to make it seem less static
    -I would also love to see the B-24 and B-29 added.

    Again, great job. I’ve had a blast with this title the past few weeks, and I can’t wait to see what new features you bring in the future.
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    Developer Response

    Wow man, thanks so much! We really appreciate these well thought-out comments. The balance is a huge challenge for us. As you can imagine, it's tricky to run a company in this business when only 1% of downloaders ever buy anything, so getting the balance even close is a huge gamble. Frankly, we need to offer more and more premium items to keep this going ;-) Your suggestions are all spot-on, and oft-requested by our customers. Bombers are coming for sure. Instrument panels are a huge job, but we are working towards that. We'd love to keep in touch. If you like, email us at support@ev-interactive with any other suggestions, and we can get you on our mailing list. Thanks again, your kind words are most appreciated!
  • 5 Star Flight Experience

    After having this app for a few weeks now, I can truly say that it was a perfect choice. As a pilot myself, the realism and simplicity of flight controls was easy to master. Graphics are great and fit the programming perfectly. Audio and visual effects are excellent, and add realism to the game.
    A combination of skill and fun make it the perfect flying simulation game featuring WW2 aircraft in the Pacific theater. The 'free flight' section allows for the new (and experienced) pilots to hone their flying skills, and practice their gunnery skills.

    Overall a great game for those that want to fly World War Two aircraft without having to overthink what to do next. It's simple concept is fun, and the excellent audio and visual effects makes it one of the best flying apps available. Well done. 👍
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    Developer Response

    Thanks so much for the kind words! We really put some time and energy into the game, and we like to think it is more than just an arcade shoot-em-up. Hitting that balance between realism and ease-of-use is sure tricky! Thanks again for the review... getting noticed is the hardest part of this business!
  • Good but some suggestions

    Your game is good
    I like the missions, the crate drop system, the plane models, and the elite missions.
    There are some things that bothered me though.
    When i crash onto the water, i just float there. No sinking animation, no nothing. I just sit there. So my suggestion is that you would make a sinking animation so we can see the ocean sea bed and our planes hitting the bottom.
    Another is like crashing but on the ground.
    I love that when your plane gets shot down it spins in mid-air. I love it. What can make it better is when your plane is spinning after being shot down, you can see the wings, tail, elevators, etc being ripped of from the plane. It adds realism, satisfaction and fun to the game. Even when you hit the ground. Everything breakable falls off.
    I have so much more to say but im gonna leave it at that. Keep up the good work and please add it.
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  • Wow (update)

    Ok I e had this app for a while now and my thoughts on it haven’t changed- it’s a great game and realistic enough that you forget about it being a game... but...
    I can’t get past mission 9-5 “supply stations”... for some reason the aa fire is just too intense. I know my way around this game but this I can’t figure out. There’s also aa fire coming right up out of the ground which seems a bit odd. Anyway still five stars but please make 9-5 easier. Thanks so much!

    I don’t usually write reviews for apps, and I almost never install a game app on my phone, but this one is so good it has to be brought up. It’s quite relevant to the era and the aircraft are well detailed, the missions are plausible, and the progression through the training missions to combat is well done. Overall just a really well thought out app. Thanks.
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    Developer Response

    UPDATE: "Hey Billy: Send us an email to We'll work up some tips to see if they help you, then we will post it to a FAQ somewhere. " Thanks so much for the kind words! We really appreciate it. This was a labor of love and I'm glad you noticed all the little touches. We tried to be respectful to the subject matter, while keeping the game fun! We hope to have an update out in just a few days which will include the B-25 Mitchell as well as some new missions. Thanks again! Feel free to contact us at
  • Addicting game!

    Really enjoying the app! I find myself getting lost flying around bombing the enemy in many neat old planes! I noticed a new button on the screen today giving me a head on view! Keep up the updates and I’ll keep playing!

    Been playing for quite sometime now. Too bad the in game flying time doesn’t count towards an actual pilots license! I am truly enjoying this game and all of the different aircraft and missions it has to offer. You can play 100% free if you wish and have a great time, but if you want to get all the upgrades and have the best load out, you kinda need to purchase some gold which also helps the developers to keep updating the game, so a win win!

    All in all I’m having a great time with this game and am really looking forward to more updates! Thanks guys!
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  • Love it

    I love this game, but this is going to be a short review because I’m just getting to the point. There needs to be a multiplayer PvP option, A survival option, p-51D mustang, Devastator torpedo bomber, hell diver dive bomber, and a realistic missions side campaign were the planes are at real life stats and easier to be shot from the sky but with working tail gunners and is multiplayer so you are attacking with other people. Another thing, I got really exited when I heard about the cockpit view, but when I saw it, that’s not cockpit view. Cockpit view should be from the pilots perspective inside the cockpit with all the controls and buttons and whatnot. I know with about 90% of the planes in this game not having bubble cockpits it’l be hard to see around you but it’s worth it. Please fix the cockpit view.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for the great review! Multiplayer is in our plan - most likely a new app, but with the same airplanes, flight engine, etc. P-51D coming soon! "Survival Mode" is a often-requested feature. And as for the "realistic mode" - very, very interesting. Our challenge with this game is that we are more "realistic" than almost any other combat sim out there, but we try to keep the game easy to play to attract a large audience, so a special mode may fit in well. Feel free to drop us a note at
  • Great game, but no cockpit view?

    This is my new favorite game to play. The graphics, the sound-effects, and the realism are all top notch, and keep me coming back to play again and again.

    The levels are challenging and fun. The higher levels definitely require skill and strategy - this is not an easy game to play.

    As far as the down side goes, like others have said, a ridiculous amount of gold is required to purchase certain aircraft. Without these aircraft, certain levels cannot be completed. It is a “free” game, but it cannot be completely finished without spending real money.

    My biggest complaint is that there is not a “cockpit” view. While many other flight simulator games allow you to toggle between viewing the aircraft while flying, and being in the cockpit as the pilot, this one does not. That is a real negative, in my opinion, and something that the developers need to look into. I also find the rudder controls frustratingly small. Inevitably, while maneuvering or dogfighting, my thumb will hit the screen outside the area of these buttons. This changes the view completely, and usually results in missing the target, crashing, or loosing orientation of where I’m flying. This, too, is something that should be looked into. Lastly, the control surfaces on the Avenger aircraft do not move - both rudder and ailerons. Probably just a bug, but worth mentioning.

    I’ll keep playing, and looking for updates. Thanks for making a fun game!
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    Developer Response

    * Ok, cockpit view is in. No instrument panels yet, but at least you get first-person view. You should be updated automatically soon, but you can always go to the App Store and automatically update! * Thanks for your great review. We are super happy you enjoy the game and, moreso, have such great insight into the details. We have an updating coming this week that includes: * Internal view. No instrument panels yet, but first-person "cockpit" view. (Feels much more like you are flying!) * We are making the camera pan control area smaller so it doesn't interfere with the rudder and other controls. * Avenger control surfaces fixed. * Several new "Special Ops" missions. As for the pricing... as with all free-to-play games, we need to find ways to encourage people to pay a little money to cover our (very high) development costs. We tried to price the planes at about 1/2 of what most of our competition charges, but we are always willing to reconsider our pricing structure. I'd love to chat with you directly about this (! Thanks again for your feedback!
  • This App Cheats

    I’m going to add to comments that the developers may have rigged this game.

    To earn the final star in basic mission, one has to reach a final checkpoint in one minute and twenty seconds. I came within 2-3 seconds of meeting the objective at normal engine speed which is “1X” at the upper right hand of the screen.

    I figured if I go twice as fast, I’d reach the final checkpoint with time to spare. Nope!! Still 1-2 seconds off. Curious, I laid my watch down to check against the app’s representation of lapsed time, went at 2X speed, and by my watch, 0:35 had passed; the app’s time, 1:27!!!!!


    I get it that the developers aspire to earn a decent living. But to arrive there by forcing unsuspecting users to part with real money to buy a “faster” aircraft or an “engine upgrade” is a tactic reminiscent of the rigged games at shoddy carnivals.

    So, enjoy the game as a mild diversion. Just don’t buy anything that costs real money until the developers announce they’ve “debugged” the game. Yeah, right.....
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  • Loads of fun on my iPad!

    I love it. Works great, graphics are great even at the lower setting to save battery life (I couldn’t even see a difference, but may be due to my not-the-latest-n-greatest device). Developers truly achieved the perfect balance of fun vs. flight sim technicalities. I can fly the Pacific, learn to do rolls and loop-d-loops, bomb sites, torpedo destroyers and sub, shoot down enemy aircraft...All from the safety of my couch! You can play most of the game for free so you get to try-it-before-you-buy-it if you want to check it out before spending money. But I hope to see more development to incorporate some of the features other reviewers mention. So don’t be a crybaby! and spend a even just a few bucks to support the game’s further development. This is a great video game, not one of those free mindless bubble-crush games or some junk that only lets you win based on the game’s whim where skill doesn’t count. People who want to play this kind of game have more brains than that. We’re brave airmen and noble armchair pilots for cryin out loud!
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