Genesis Apologetics User Reviews

Genesis Apologetics
Genesis Apologetics
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    1 Peter 3:15 tells us “ But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” This app helps equip christians with knowledge about the earth God created. I couldn’t recommend it more. And if your aren’t a Christian, but want to know more about God and what he has done, this is also an excellent source to use! It excites me to see people dive into creation and show that the world around us is the way it is because of what God did, and how important God is! I am thankful for the bold believers that God is rising up, who are using their talents to bring glory to God!
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  • Listen and decide for yourself

    Great app that shows a whole lot of evidence for creation. If you believe in Evolution, ask yourself why. Have you really looked into the evidence for it. Do you know it is treated as 100% proven science, but is actually only defined as a “theory”. Do you know Evolution still has a “creator”? It basically says nature/matter created/creates nature/matter? Non-sentient beings created non-sentient being by accident in the Theory of Evolution. Before you shut down Creationism, ask yourself a few simple questions: Do we as a people create? Do our human innovations mimic nature? Are our creations complex? Is nature that much more complex than our innovations? Would you ever be willing to believe that human innovation happened by accident? If not, then why are you willing to believe nature, which is far more superior to human innovation, happened by accident? These videos explore not only these questions, but how much evidence ( archeological, paleontological, science in the Bible, etc. ) there truly is for creation.
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  • Absolutely Amazing!

    I’ve always been interested in learning the truth and not be biased, the history of Genesis perfectly explains what we observe today.
  • Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

    The RELIGION of Evolution is all you have left, when you choose to deny Creator God.

    Cmon, people… give it a fair shake. Dive into this app. Explore, read, watch, listen. Only a closed mind, can ignore, discount, or reject this information.

    To hold on to that old paradigm of evolution, requires a whole bunch of mental gymnastics, enormous faith, and complete denial of reality.

    As Luke said: At that same time Jesus was filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, and he said, “O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise and clever, and for revealing them to the childlike. Yes, Father, it pleased you to do it this way.
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  • Great concept, but execution needs some work

    Application keeps on crashing on my iphone 12 pro max. It just simply crashes a few seconds after opening it. Not sure why.
  • Great App With Trustworthy Information

    For anyone with doubts or confusion about mankind’s origin, the research will show you that Scientific processes, when achieved honestly, actually harmonizes with the Bible.

    Don’t worry about the poisonous venom that unbelievers and “atheists” will bombard you with. Remember, the only reason “atheists” bark so loudly is because they have to constantly try to convince themselves of a lie.

    Making sure that the merits of your faith are founded on the Bible’s inspired chronology, rather than the assumptive and ever-changing teachings of man, will strengthen your relationship with our Grand Creator! He is truly the Great Timekeeper.
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  • Wonderful

    Thank for creating this app! It’s excellent and has many good resources to learn about and use as we share the message of the Bible with others.
  • Absolutely amazing app.

    Anybody who denies God’s word, or the explanation in these videos is being intellectually dishonest and isn’t really being a truth seeker. People don’t find God for the same reason that a thief doesn’t find a police officer. Truly a magnificent app, with magnificent explanations. Their YouTube channel is amazing too!
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  • Won’t upload

    Why? Seems odd
  • Why 17+?

    I haven’t had a chance to explore the app yet. My big question is...why is this rated for age 17+? Is there a reason I shouldn’t let my kids use this app? I want to put this on my 14 yr old’s phone for him to explore in his own time, but in order to do so I have to enable content for all apps rated 17+. Was this rating arbitrary or does it contain inappropriate content?
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