Genesis Apologetics User Reviews

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  • The atheists’ comments just further prove their delusion

    This app is a 5 out of 5. The only reason it shows less than that here is because of a few sad misguided atheists who just have to spew their hate, which just further proves they are all lost souls. It’s sad that people will fight the overwhelming proof of a creator and argue to believe they are only mere morphed bacteria, in existence only by random chance processes. Make up some big words and suddenly, alas! Science! So, guys, I should be able to throw a bunch of scrap steel, plastic and rubber into a pile in my driveway and in a few million years I’ll have a corvette. Right?!
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  • Evolutionism is Trash

    For the ignorant atheists and evolutionists:

    You say all this evolutionary stuff yet it’s just assertions with no evidence to back up your claims! I’ve seen this too many times now and just want to see one solid piece of proof!

    At this point it’s just a religion. Evolutionism is a stupid unscientific religion that ought not to be taught in public schools 🏫

    Far to many evolutionists have stated this, even at their own conferences.

    If you have evidence for this “supernatural force” (got that from quite a few science textbooks... sounds like a god) that works by chance and out of chaos, then show it to us because 85% of the entire world wants to see it.

    I’ve noticed y’all doge and evade simple doubts and other things that challenge and even destroy evolutionism.

    If you believe that order, law, design, complexity, and morality arose from chaos and chance... you are brainwashed. In fact, you have stolen quite a few events from the Biblical account of Genesis and rewritten them to fit your fairy tail!

    Please explain polystrate fossils, massive bone beds of drowned dinosaurs, the trouble y’all have with circular reasoning, the speed of the earth’s rotation, the distance of the moon, huge coal beds, flood plains, fallibility of your dating methods, grand canyons, mt St. Helens canyon, the identification of the quick movement of the plate tech tonics preserved underground, lack of transition fossils, genetic limitations, entropy yet never a sign of new information, genetics and the loss of info with each generation, and more.

    If the earth is loosing speed every year, then a few million years ago, the earth would be spinning too fast for life. The moon would also be too close and the tides would be too high.

    Evolutionism is nothing but a stupid religion. No wonder more atheists convert these days.
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  • Love this app

    I always questioned these views of science and evolution. I know they are not true, but I couldn’t piece it together. I glad I found this app. I stumbled across GA video on YouTube after watching it I subscribed and downloaded the app!
    Awesome app! Love it!
  • Great app!

    Thank you for showing people the truth. This is amazing. Well done.
  • Can’t argue with facts. .

    I find it entertaining how some evolutionists get on this app look at it for 3 minutes and write a hateful review over the whole thing . Saying how it’s all made up when In Reality if you actually watched and listened to the lectures on the videos you’d see there are facts for creation and literally NONE for evolution. But hey whatever let’s them live without having to answer to someone for their sins . For the lusts of the flesh is death , but in Jesus Christ is life and peace. Have a good day . Thanks for the app.
    ( don’t believe what’s presented here ? Look into it for yourself !)

    PS please fix the issue I’m having with creating a profile on the app so I can sign in , it’s not allowing me .
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  • Amazing app

    Ultimately if you’ve come to look at the biblical responses that are on here to see if it “actually” disproves evolution etc. then that’s the first mistake.

    If you haven’t already accepted the Word of God as truth and “actually” read the Word for yourself then this app will not do it for you.

    But if you believe that God is real and His Word is in fallible then you’ll look for reasons to see it that way and not reasons to oppose it or to possibly prove it wrong.

    God doesn’t have to prove Himself to you. Creation cry’s out and proves that there is a God. And that’s something science can’t prove.

    Science is man’s discovery and interpretation of God’s creation. If you see it like that you’ll do more to study the Word of God and filter science through those lens.
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  • Great App!! Thank you!

    After visiting the Noah’s Ark replica in Kentucky I am so fired up about creation The Flood and Genesis 1-11!! Thank you for these and other great resources and for all that you do!! God Bless!
  • App

    Nothing will show up did you delete it

    These guys do a great job on research! Sure, they’re not going to change the whole secular world but evolution and old world theory doesn’t do that either. They can’t even agree with each other. I think as we watch atheism change gender definition’s and give new meaning to “natural selection” through abortion, assisted suicide, etc... these guys are going to make more and more sense to the people wanting to hear common sense and truth!
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  • Don’t listen to the people who’s eyes are closed.

    You only see what you want to see. If the Lord has opened your eyes to search for answers, search in Him. Keep asking, keep digging. You’ll find Him.

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