Genesis Apologetics User Reviews

Genesis Apologetics
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  • Romans 1

    Thank you for producing first rate creation videos, kids and big kids love them!
  • Excellent info!

    Asking hard questions about what you’re being told is not offensive or hateful. If you don’t think your being indoctrinated already in a public school or by entertainment & now social media, think again. You’re not being scientific if you can’t question what you’re being told. Blind faith isn’t just applicable to religion- but anti religion as well.
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  • Great for newcomers to the faith

    The problem with our church system today is that we don’t teach apologetics in church; thus, people leave the faith because the fall for all that evolution crap. This app has it all, quick videos that explain how science and logic does prove Gods existence and our purpose on this earth.
    God loves you and wants the best for you, He knew you before you were born and wants you to trust Him. I should also mention that no human has or will ever fully understand God, but this helps to get an understanding.
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  • It saddens me that people believe this.

    Believe me when I say I went into this with an open mind. I wanted to believe in God, to believe in the supernatural, and after a conversation with my father he pointed me to this app. I went into the transitional fossil “lesson” (I hate to call it that because it offers no educational value) and was quickly disappointed.

    According to this app Archaeopteryx isn’t a transitional fossil because scientists struggled to classify it? The definition of a transitional creature is one that displays traits of different groups, so therefore they don’t sit within one group, making them hard to classify. The fact that archaeopteryx was difficult to classify makes it a transitional fossil.

    The presenters also claim that archaeopteryx should be “thrown out of the evolutionary lineup” because “birds where found below archaeopteryx”. This claim grossly misunderstands convergent evolution. Animals unrelated to each other and in different time periods can evolve similar traits. Acknowledging that bird like creatures existed before archaeopteryx not only supports evolution, but completely destroys their next claim.

    That claim being that the fossil record can be somehow explained with Noah’s flood. The creationists argue that the fish died first (yes, according to this app fish suffocated in water) then slow, reptilian creatures (reptiles aren’t slow, they can be agile when they want to be. Anyone with reptile pets can attest to this) died, and finally mammals and birds. Remember how they accurately claimed flying creatures existed below archaeopteryx in the fossil record? They seemed to have forgotten this detail.

    Oh, but the fun doesn’t stop here. Genesis apologetics goes from laughable attempts to cram highly researched and peer reviewed scientific concepts into a bible shaped box, to outright lies and fabrications.

    “No single cell organism fossils have been found, all fossils are complex life”. Wrong, single cell organisms have been found in 2 billion year old rock, long before even trilobites.

    “All animals to ever live have been fossilized”. Um no, they haven’t. Nicely preserved fossils are rare. Have you ever seen a dead possum stay nicely on the roadside, for even a a week, much less the time it takes to fossilize something? More often than not dead organisms get picked apart into unrecognizable base components by other organisms, most don’t sit around to be fossilized. This is common sense.

    “No ancestors to dinosaurs”, well kind of, but not really. Scientists have some creatures that may be ancestors to dinosaurs. Keep in mind that unlike religion science doesn’t claim to have all the answers on hand. Scientists are putting together the largest and most beautiful puzzle to ever exist and have done A LOT of work in just the past century. Pointing to a mostly empty spot on the puzzle table and claiming the rest of the puzzle doesn’t exist is straight up lying at worst, and willingly stupid at best.

    So there was my rant about the 30 minutes of garbage I could sit through. I know most creationists will look at this review for 5 seconds and decide that I am an evil militant evolutionist atheist out to destroy everything they hold dear, and if you stayed with my rant for this long I thank you, and implore you to do your own research. I’m an average intelligence guy with a high school education and access to Wikipedia (use wikipedia to find sources, don’t use it as a source) and I did it, you can do it to.

    Open your mind to the possibility that the universe could be much more exciting and beautiful than an ancient Jewish book and this app makes it out to be.
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  • Awesome

    Great app to learn
  • The world needs more of this!

    What’s interesting is that there are atheists that download this app. They specifically looked this app up, downloaded it, opened it. Just goes to show that they are curious and truly are not confident in their imaginary ideals. They NEED to be reassured by their fellow atheists because at night, they are constantly wondering. I’m sorry that God is so scary to you all. That you would rather shake your fist in his face because you are all contrarians eager to just be “different” like a teenager rebelling against their parents. “It’s not a phase, mom!” 😂 mhmm. Very comedic to see that. God will catch your attention somehow (if he hasn’t already). He knows that you secretly seek him and that subconsciously you are lonely and need him. I’ll bet that a lot of the atheists that leave the hateful comments have already converted. You test God, he will give you all the answers and more.

    If you are an atheist and you download this app, I challenge you this: If you are such an intellectual, then you can reasonably respect the concept of open-mindedness. Open your mind up. If you truly don’t believe, then I challenge you personally prove with your own knowledge and findings that God isn’t real. Not Google or yahoo. Open the Bible up, and read it. Challenge it. Ask questions. I dare you. Prove to yourself that you know better than all of us “moron Christians”. I guarantee you will lose. God will show you in the end. The only difference between us and you is that you are too scared to test it. You rely on the findings of others to base your opinions. I am a meteorologist. I am no stranger to science. As a fellow scientist, I dare you to dive deeper, do whatever you can to disprove what each video is saying and you will in fact see that you are wrong. God will NOT be mocked.
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  • Amazing

    Great information. Super convincing. We use this as a homeschool class and read scripture to go with the videos. All information is logical and sensible. After all: science is science and it shows the science of creation. Honestly, if people would just watch the videos then they would see the true value in this app.
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  • Just Factual Information

    Would recommend🙃🙂
  • Non-scientific religious propaganda

    From a former Young Earth Creationist and Answers in Genesis employee, this app is completely unscientific. It teaches Ancient Near East mythology dressed up in a veneer of scientism that utterly fails to comport with reality. Not only do they make a mockery of real science, but they also completely misunderstand and misrepresent the ideas that the Hebrew nomads of 3,000 years ago believed.
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  • Very Informative

    Very good reasoning and logic. Uses facts from the scientific community to disprove their own theories and presumed facts. I like how it uses the facts to disprove atheistic ideals. It also doesn’t use blanket theology without solid reasoning and data, which I also like.

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