Please file a report to the FTC if you’ve been scammed!! Otherwise they will not learn!It’s really sad what has become of the WorldWinner platform. I used to play on the computer back in 2013 when it was with GSN and barely had issues. That was a while back and this company now has become very unethical and steals your money if you win tournaments and they’ve also done a new thing where they “limit” the amount of premium tournaments you can enter or even have access to if you start winning or for really no stated reason. They also continually match you with players who are well above your skill level. I implore you, if you’re new or even if you’ve made an account to look at the terms and agreements, they clearly state a clause that users can’t take legal action against them, which is really concerning. You basically sign your rights for that away once you’ve signed up. I hope Apple also looks into their practices as well and seriously considers why this app is even allowed on the App Store, considering their scam.