Changed me as a person
I have to thank this truly incredible app. Without it, I would not be the person I am today.
Within a day of downloading it, my grades improved, I slept better, my skin cleared up, as did my nasty rash. My friends all asked me what my secret was.
I told them about this app and they laughed, thinking me insane, but one day they shall truly understand and appreciate the inspirational depth of this wonderful game. Until that day, I will treasure this diamond of an app before I have to pass it on.
I hope that you, reading this, will be motivated. Make a change - install this app.
Within a day of downloading it, my grades improved, I slept better, my skin cleared up, as did my nasty rash. My friends all asked me what my secret was.
I told them about this app and they laughed, thinking me insane, but one day they shall truly understand and appreciate the inspirational depth of this wonderful game. Until that day, I will treasure this diamond of an app before I have to pass it on.
I hope that you, reading this, will be motivated. Make a change - install this app.
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I saw a advertisement about ten years ago about a wood duck and how cool they looked. I then started wanting to be a full time wood duck, I tell my mom about my discovery on this magnificent creature and how desperately I wanted to be a wood duck. After that conversation i was sent to therapy. Now at the age 25 I occasionally walk to the park, sit on a bench and watch the wood ducks play in there natural habitat. It makes me shed a tear here and there because of my dream of being a wood duck was over. This sweet old man would sometimes sit beside me and tell me how badly he wanted to be a doctor. And that he wasn’t able to achieve his dream just like me, so we both have alot in common. When sometimes he sees me sob a little over watching the wood ducks play, he would sometimes like to cheer me up by tickling me. It does weird me out a bit but he is a very nice guy and i don’t want to upset him. Sometimes the tickling would get a little to violent and he would end up tugging on my arm. He would even go that far he would pull my leg, just like I’m pulling on yours.
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