User Reviews: FactStream

Christopher Guess

Top reviews

  • I love this app!

    At your fingertips, an app which combines all of the best fact checkers in one place. Rather than opening a single fact check site, I open the app and have multiple opinions in one place! Very fast, very handy!
  • Easy and straightforward. Will help Ignorant people get informed

    Earlier this year, I was a very very ignorant and uneducated voter. I recently stumbled upon TikTok debates and it sparked an unexpected interest in economics and politics.

    I realized I was very biased by the media I’ve consumed and never actually did ANY RESEARCH of my own. Despite this realization, I still had no idea where to start.

    I first tried googling claims made in the debates, however if you’re uninformed like me, you will still not understand how to research and read data and will have no idea what sources are legitimate and not biased.

    I started going to .gov sites for data but that is also hard to dissect and oftentimes can be misread depending on if you’re looking at specific data or specific time frames.

    I thought, wouldn’t it be nice if there was a non biased app where it fact checked claims and data? I was right. It’s wonderful and this app makes it so easy to fact check and also get much needed context. If you are uninformed, this app will make it easy to get your facts and make informed decisions. Let’s be smart together and vote wisely! Our votes matter and will effect our parents, us and our future generations.

    Easy of use: 10/10
    Reliability: 10/10
    Context: 10/10
  • Very slow to load

    I’ve used FactStream for many years. But for the last year it’s load time has greatly increased. And scrolling from screen to screen sometimes takes several minutes.
  • Garbage

    This is NOT an unbiased fact checking app by any stretch of imagination. The “facts” come from completely biased left wing, and in many cases radical left wing, news sources. Bottom line if it doesn’t go along with left wing agendas it is labeled as mis and dis information even if it’s true or at least very very likely to be true. The app calls these flat out lies and half truths. This is typical and cheating is a staple of left wing politics these days. When unrefutable evidence is shown in favor of right wing politics it is ignored and just simply not reported on in the fake news media. The only truth comes from the mouths of morally grounded individuals not fantasy world truth deniers like 99% of the left wing. If u are bases then get far away from this propaganda app for the extreme left
  • Fantastic source, but load times

    I found this to be a great resource for a fact checking. Regularly sites, sources and often times will take the same quote and read it from different sources. Anyone who thinks they have a bias either way is only looking to hear good things about the people they like. They fact checks quotes by both sides. It tends to go after quotes that are blatantly false or half true instead of rating the ones that are true but I guess if a quote is completely true, then we don’t really NEED a rating do we?
  • Great resource, but it has some annoying quirks

    My first gripe is that despite Mediacom's blazing download speed—Speedtest shows close to 400 mbps—it takes an incredibly long time to load on my iPad, far slower than any other app I have.

    Navigation is sometimes quirky. I have to scroll all the way to the top to find a Back button, which seems a odd page design choice. [see edit]

    That said, the information is well-sourced, usually quite timely, and links are provided for further reading. I’m often made aware of anti-vax nuttery that my friends who combat said nuttery haven’t seen yet. Indispensable for any critical thinker.

    EDIT: I decided to delete and reinstall the app to see if that would speed up the loading. I seems to have, but the Back button has disappeared. Not a happy trade off.
  • Propaganda

    Liberal wolf in sheep’s clothing !!!! What ah big pile of Left wing propaganda They threw in ah couple of fact check’s on are former President Trump, too make it look like they are being fair, but the main stream press told sooooo many Lies about President Trump, that you should have 5k+ fact checks on ALL the fake news y’all spread about President Trump
  • Great app

    This is a great app for fact checking. I have been using this site for around a year now and I am impressed. They only use reliable sources and I would say they don’t really have a bias I use this app a lot along with others and they are on point with there reporting.
  • Read it - believe it

    Makes it clear what is being reported and provides both a good analysis and details and a easily understood summary. Get it.
  • Unfriendly Search feature

    Although I use this app, I find a desire to search more precisely than available. Currently a name and timeframe without a subject or quote, is all that is available. Some contextual word search is needed or the search time is unduly long.

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