User Reviews: FactStream

Christopher Guess

Top reviews

  • My issue with your site.......

    It is strange that when I come across a questionable statement of some sort and I can’t check it out on your site since you have command of so many sites. As soon as I discover a site that does this, I will be leaving you .........
  • President Trump lies CONSTANTLY and this app proves it

    Anyone who could possibly think that Trump is right and this app is wrong needs to have their head examined. The only truly fake news is every word out of Donald Trump’s mouth.
  • Oh, shut up Trumpies!

    Here’s a clue for all you right-wing sheep. Just because you don’t like something the media reports doesn’t mean it’s fake. Unless it comes from Fox News. If ignorance is bliss, you righties must be very happy.
  • Another Trump basher

    Typical news stream that doesn’t like Trump. Negative negative negative to read and attempting to down play ANY successes of the President’s accomplishments. Just another avenue to keep the American people in disapproval and angry. Delete or don’t download and just watch CNN for your “news” coverage and highly OPINIONATED presentation of what they want the people to hear. They talk of cherry picking for his successes when those that oppose him are the professionals at doing that.
  • Fake news

    I used to think that democrats were not very smart to believe some of the things they believe, some of which lies are stated on this app, but then I've come to realize that they don't believe all this non sense, they just try to make everyone else believe it. It works on the stupid people I guess. The ones that can't think for themselves.

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