Warner Bros. Entertainment

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Great content, bad application

    I’m so happy that DC is consolidating their video library and making so much of their comics catalog available under one subscription. If they continue to add more comics to their collection they can count on me remaining subscribed for years to come. But while the service and selection are fantastic, the iOS app is shockingly buggy. I’m frequently unable to access even the content that I’ve downloaded onto my phone. Searches fail often. Comics that are no longer available to download will appear to be available, and my only clue that they’ve been taken down is when downloads fail. The “more” button next to comics or video has a tiny tap area, so I’m frequently launching content accidentally when what I want to do is delete it. The list goes on and on.
    While $8/mo is a bargain for the content we’re offered, the delivery system HAS to get better, and soon.
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  • Great TV and Movie Selection, Comic Selection is Slowly Getting Better Too.

    As an early adopter of the app, it’s nice to finally see that the comic book selection is starting to get good. Originally they only had half runs, or runs but nobody cared about. Recently they begin to add runs a comic book series that are much more popular, and add them in their entirety. It’s a long time fan and supporter it’s great to see that my number one complaint has been answered. Water features that I don’t typically use in the app, like watching their daily episodes of DC daily, but there’s also a ton of features that I use every single day anyway. Young justice season three is incredible Titans season one was pretty good too. Overall if you like dc this app is well worth it. As a DC can I look forward to seeing even more as the app grows.
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  • Great content nightmare app

    I love the comics and exclusive shows are amazing. Titans and young justice have made the subscription fee worth it. However 98% of the time this app doesn't work as intended. Every time i open this app i have to fight it to get to what i want. For example you hit a tab or menu option and the whole app crashes or it just stays on the screen your already on as if your not clicking anything. Tv shows and movies offer the option of screen casting then it doesn't work......ever. The news menu option rarely works and lastly its annoying to have to try and read all these amazing comics on a time crunch. You get to comic 10 of 12 then they remove that series and even ones already downloaded aren't available. So please improve the app functionality and allow us to keep the comics we have downloaded even if removed from the featured list. Only then would I recommend to others, only then will i view the 75$ annual fee as a great value and give 5 stars.
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  • Great Service, Buggy App

    I really enjoy the DC Universe service! It has a good amount of Comics, many of them being classics, along with a lot of great animated movies and TV series (live action as well, but I haven’t watched too many of those). They’ve been continually adding more comics and movies since launch, along with the two original series currently available.

    The problem is that the iOS app is extremely buggy. The app is very slow when it comes to loading pages of content, and the comic reader has a lot of issues. When trying to go to the next page it’ll often jump multiple pages, and will sometimes even send me back to the beginning of the issue, which can become extremely frustrating. Bringing up the menu that lets you exit the comic reader will often not work, forcing me to fully exit the app in order to get out of the issue I’m reading.
    I haven’t encountered any issues streaming video, but I haven’t done that on mobile very much (I mostly stream from my computer).
    So far no updates have fixed these problems. It seems to be the worst on iPad.

    If you’re mainly going to be using the iOS app, I’d recommend waiting until they stabilize the app before getting a subscription. Once these issues have been fixed this service will be something truly special!
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  • Needs more content

    It’s a great app and I’m glad i can watch the old teen titans on something without paying for each season but I would love to see more shows like Smallville as well as more comics and full storylines. I thought this was supposed to be the “Ultimate dc experience” but even with the monthly fee your treating it like a freebie with a bunch of sample comics. I hate to compare but this is definitely where marvel is better. It shouldn’t be just a select few comics it should be all the dc comics. On top of that you don’t even have the encyclopedia fully updated that only has a few people in it too i tried looking up “ice” and instead had to look her up online. It’s a beautiful concept and it would be even better than marvel unlimited but with so little content this half baked app isn’t worth it.
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  • Good but needs work

    I’m only going to discuss the comics portion of this app as I have not had reason to use the video portion as of yet.


    Love that the keep reading option allows you to download the next issue right away. Don’t like that I have to manually go back in to delete the previously downloaded issue. An option to auto delete should be made available.

    Please do something about how, after downloading like above, the comic opens to the last page. It should open at the cover, not the (possibly spoiler filled) end of the issue.

    Sometimes the issue will download but open to black. Restarting app, going to downloads section and opening from there (instead of the keep reading screen) is the only way to read it.

    Comic Content:

    Needs more issues available. I know the service is still young and more will be added with time, but having such a low count for events and such is poor planning. Want to read Final Crisis? Crisis on Infinite Earths? 52? Enjoy the, at most, four issues available. Most only have one issue available. A lot of Batman available though. That’s locked down.

    Also needs more current content. I love going back and reading classic runs, but even Marvel has current content from six months ago available in their Unlimited app.

    As stated, I’m sure comic content will find its way over time, but it seems small for a launch.
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  • Such a huge disappointment

    I have been waiting for this sort of an app from DC for more than 10 years. I grew up a DC loyalist but switched to Marvel because of the Marvel Unlimited app. It’s the biggest disappointment since Justice League, probably more so since I made the mistake of committing to a year of DC Universe service. The app is poorly designed, hard to navigate and unreliable, and there’s just so little content for the monthly fee. Titans is great and I’m sure young justice will be good too, but I had already watched all the other video content before the service launched and I wasn’t dying to rewatch Superman 4. What I’m most upset about is the comics. The selection is curated like the free sample bin after free comic book day crossed with someone’s old yard sale. The only comics from the last 5 years are a bunch of individual one offs and no recent full story lines. I spend about 8 hours a week on the Marvel app, I watch Titans on my Roku and almost never open the IOS app because it’s such a pain to navigate and it’s infuriating to see how little content is in there. Such a huge missed opportunity, do better at something DC!
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  • Pretty good

    I’ve enjoyed this app for the most part, but there are some things holding it back from a 5-star rating.
    I was really excited when I first downloaded it because the idea of unlimited movies, TV shows, and comic books sounds amazing to anyone. However, I soon found out that it doesn’t have every DC TV show or movie. I’d assume that they’re either trying to get the rights back or they’ll shuffle out with certain shows and movies. They also don’t have nearly as many comics as I’d like, but it’s understandable or else DC would lose lots of money.
    My other issue is with the downloads. Sometimes my downloads straight up stop and I can’t get them started again. This is a problem because I then have to cancel the download, but it still counts towards the limited number of downloads, which is my next complaint. You’re only allowed a certain number of downloads on an episode of a TV show or movie for the year, and when the downloads don’t always work, it still counts towards that.
    Everything else was great but hopefully DC fixes the above problems or changes certain rules like the download limit.
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  • A glimpse of great things to come!

    Ok guys, that is still a work in progress, still with its current minor glitches, this service is 100% worth it and just heaven for DC fans. I very much would like to see more comics, specifically, complete graphic novels. I don’t expect DC to give away new content, but I don’t see the point of, for example, releasing only the first issue of older classics like Red Son. This is a bit frustrating, especially since I own it, and it would be so more convenient than digging my sealed old issues.

    The streaming is near perfect, the Daily DC show is great, the animation selection is great and so are the DC catalog releases through the Nolan Trilogy. I’d love to see the Zack Snyder movies, uncut, and if they wanted to blow the subscriptions out of the water #releasethegoddamSnyderCut (tip of the hat to Frank Miller).

    As is, this is a great service out of the box, and don’t tell DC, but I’d pay twice the price for this geek’s DC love fest. Yes, I love the DC Universe Streaming Service. Can’t wait for the original content, especially Doom Patrol. If you love DC, don’t miss this great service.
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  • Overwhelmed

    When I first heard about the service I was wary to pay for a whole year in case I didn’t want the service after a month or so… After two weeks I have to say I am completely satisfied. Not only is there an abundance of material to look into there’s a whole community of people that just want to chat about things that you want to chat about. To me that’s the best part. If you’re going in looking to get all the latest blockbuster movies and all the latest blockbuster comics then you’ll be upset. If you’ve already started collecting all the rebirth comics and own all the DCEU movies then this is the next step! There full strings of comics I never would’ve paid for but have always wanted to read. As a 22 year old I missed out on everything before 2000.... so I just used wiki. This has been so nice to read old comics and watch old shows. Plus the new animated movies are fiiire. I just can’t even believe it hasn’t been two weeks and it can only get better. Any complaints you have you can post and a rep replies to you. 5 stars bruh
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