User Reviews: Shadowplay

Top reviews

  • Forsaken

    I’ve been playing these games for MANY years and can only say that this is by far my very favorite. I love the fact that there are so many games sprinkled throughout. I love the format and the intrigue journey through this adventure. I know I will be play through this again. LOVE IT ..LOVE IT!
  • Glitches galore!

    Even with hints, it is glitchy. Tap in and around the area I am supposed to and nothing happens. I cannot get past the car with the winch on front no matter what I do. DELETE.
  • Shadow play: foresaken island CE

    Game froze in middle of blue disc game in bonus chapter. Cannot recover it. Tried to restart. Still stuck. If I choose to uninstall I will have to start whole game from beginning.
  • Held my attention!

    This game has new and interesting puzzles, not just the ones where if you move one part all the other parts move. Some of the audio seemed to cut out before the speaker was finished but didn’t ruin the story. It’s worth the money! I recommend!
  • So much fun!

    I finally hit the jackpot with a $2.99 sale! This game is more entertaining than its peers have been for a long time. And no repulsive phantoms or dark magic. Just good old-fashioned, scary sci-fi accidents. I'm having the best time. Very clever mini games. Just use your intuition and enjoy the lay. I love the sparkles on the HOPs. Great story line that flows from beginning to end. Okay, I haven't completed the game yet, but I guess I'm 3/4 of the way through. The hidden object text is tiny and there are a few places where the final sound clip of a character seemed to be cut off too soon, but those minor items I can forgive with the entertainment value of this game. Nicely done, Developers!
  • Disappointed

    I was really enjoying the game but then it glitched where the plug needs to be replaced. No matter where on the screen I placed the plug it would not take it, so I had to end the game because I couldn’t go further. If you can fix the glitch and let me know I would be happy to change rating...
  • Would be a great game but glitches are frustrating

    Was very disappointed at the constant inability to use the correct inventory until you try it 10 to even 20 times. And I mean drag it everywhere trying to find the spot. I never played one that had this issue so consistently. Otherwise I liked the plot, scenery and music and it's three stars because I liked the puzzles much more than usual and there were about three times as many.
  • Shadowplay: The Forsaken Island by LynxMinx

    Note to KimTwilight: the brother was a HOTTIE!
    Note to Moxie ruby: Welcome back to reviewing. That being said, we all love Elephant Games, but this particular developer was Mad Head!
    On to the game. The genre combined both science fiction and horror, with human experimentation gone horribly awry, and the goal was to escape the island. The graphics were average at best, and there was not much in the way of unique or innovative elements as usually seen with Mad Head. I would have loved to examine more items from different perspectives via manipulation in various directions, and more sliding zoom zones. At least the teleport map was an in-game map, there were complex items to assemble, and loading was instantaneous between locations. Collectibles were limited to the Mad Head spiral, and most were quite obvious to spot. Morphing objects were confined to the HO scenes. At least there were some interesting HO puzzles, such as following a manual to operate a control panel, or combining silhouettes with sliders to find objects. This game was not overly lengthy inclusive of the bonus adventure but Mad Head managed to pack it with a good mix of puzzles! They ranged from simplistic and rotational, to games of skill and dexterity, to navigation of a maze and cracking codes. Some were quite challenging and I also enjoyed the one Kim liked so much, where you had to acquire jumper cables, because it had various sections to it! There was a gimmick in the form of a communication device, which also had a mini-game in the form of a book and which you must solve to learn more of the story.
    At times I found the basic gameplay slightly boring and felt like all I was doing was fixing equipment, but at other times I enjoyed the tasks which needed to be completed. So I was a bit torn with this game, as far as rating it. I didn’t feel it was fabulous but it was definitely a good solid game. However, there were some touch screen sensitivity issues at play and I am a stickler for excellent quality assurance.
    My review will remain at 4 stars. I deducted a star for lack of innovative components, length and for the linearity of the game.

    BigFish will give us a Labor Day Sale on Monday, rather than a new release. No, they gave us the sale now, so we have a week to wait for a new game! Are you really trying to make us that miserable, BigFish? Every holiday is an excuse for you to do this to your clientele, and it’s extremely unfair!
    Happy gaming to everyone, except we only have one new game, as Artifex Mundi has finally released their game, the only saving grace at all.
    UPDATE: BigFish used the release from Artifex Mundi to royally (insert expletives) us. So basically we won’t have a game from them for 10 days, as in a week from today. I have a suggestion for some of you who may not know about the following game from Mad Head, as it wasn’t distributed by BigFish. It’s called Adam Wolfe: Dark Detective and it’s a crime story. It’s expensive (8.99 for the whole game) but that’s because it has a whole bunch of episodes. There is no strategy guide but there is now a walkthrough which is FREE and can be downloaded on the App Store. It plays like all the Mad Head games, so if you like this developer you should enjoy the game. I’m just trying to help, for those of you who are bored, ticked off at BigFish and want a game. If it helps, KimTwilight loved it as well, and I know that most of you by now trust both of our reviewing skills enough to know that we wouldn’t steer you wrong! Enjoy!
  • So so

    Most games were too easy and one was to exacting to work on my IPhone. Other than that an okay game.
  • Bad

    Too much commentary

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