User Reviews: Shadowplay

Top reviews

  • Ralili

    This game is infuriating! It won’t let you skip some of the mini games or HOPs but it won’t put the items where they belong either until you get irritated, then all of a sudden it finally takes. I would give it less than 3 stars but the developers deserve something for trying.
  • Wow awesome game worth every penny

    I play an embarrassing amount of these HO games (sigh) and this is one of the best ones that Big Fish/Mad Head have ever put out. Couldn’t put my phone down and loved the storyline, graphics and creative gameplay. Thanks and please keep creating quality games like this!!!
  • Don't forsake this one

    I am still in the early stages but this one has it all so far--great graphics, lovely music, compelling plot and characters, and especially great puzzles, though I still miss Elephant's multilayered puzzles from the dark Carnival series!
    This one is a must have. Thanks BF and developers for two great ones in a row. I've been called away from gaming a bit so I'm behind in writing reviews but not in reading them. You folks are a delight. Happy sturgeon moon.

    lynx minx, thanks for the shout out! Sorry for being unclear. I was trying to urge all developers to give us more of Elephant's complex puzzles. I'd love to see a greater variety of puzzles-- those that take a few seconds to some that might take 30 minutes of head scratching.

    I greatly admire these narrative games that are able to appeal to such a wide and demanding audience. I suppose my greatest gripe lies in dated games marched out with all the authority of new, as well as those weeks with no new games.

    So far the new Artifex Mundi is worth the $$$, just as a heads up for those in search of an end of summer treat.
  • Short

    Wasn’t the Big Fish tag line “ a new game everyday?” It’s Sept. 4th and looking like no new game for 11 days! Big fish- get your act together!
  • Alignment issues

    Stories aside, there are serious alignment issues in many of the tasks where you have to connect items or align them.
  • Suggestion!

    This is not my review - However, I am suggesting fellow gamers contact Big Fish by e-mail and let them know how ridiculous and unfair it is not to given us a New Release Thursday just because of a redundant holiday sale. The more of an out cry about our feelings on this, I feel we will have a better chance of change. There is absolutely no good reason why we couldn’t have had a New Release and they can still have their sale.
    I will write my game review later when I am not so ticked off.
    We go through this every darn holiday and it is getting old!
    * On to the game review: Outstanding and Very Entertaining!
    Loved the storyline, character voiceovers, and the overall suspense that this developer provided. Surely, one to keep you on the edge of your seat. I had a Great time with it, only wish it had been longer. These games seem to fly by so quick - especially when we are given so few New Releases. Wish the olden days were here when the old Big Fish released a New Game Everyday! Highly recommend picking this one up. This developer has done a phenomenal job overall. The graphics, even the music set the tone and intensified the suspense!
    Happy 😃 Gaming Everyone and Have A Safe & Happy Labor Day!

    P.S. Maybe we will get Lucky 🍀 and get a New Release Sunday or Monday - but I am not holding my breath.
    KdBoots 👀
  • Shadow play

    I might be alone on this, but custom mode should not be 15 seconds for hints. 5 seconds max. Ruins any game for me and it will be the only reason I don’t play. Sometimes if a game is not the best and custom mode is 5 seconds or less for hints, It makes the game totally worth it. Maybe no one else cares about that but me. I rarely see a game that has a custom mode of 1 second, but if a game does, I’m sure to buy it.
  • Superb 10 Star Game

    Everything is top-notch: beautiful graphics, very responsive interact map (does not show collectibles), long-playing, locate Mad Head collectibles (Mad Head logo) and morphing objects within HOPs.

    Best of all: After completing the Bonus Game, there is an option to locate missed collectible bikes, a super HOP, several jigsaw puzzles, and HOPs to locate missed morphing objects.

    I love this game!
  • Love the game and story, minus one star for playability issue

    The story is excellent and gameplay is logical. Story is intriguing. None of those, actions that *just don’t make sense*. Voice actors are good, and graphics are nice. I would give 5 stars, but it’s a little buggy. Biggest issue is you can spend a lot of time performing an action—it is sometimes impossible to tell where you need to point. Minor issues were a little distracting, like the stutter at the end of the dialog.
  • Good, not great

    Good story line. Good voice acting. Good visuals. No alternate puzzles, and HOPs are sometimes difficult to distinguish items. Often am not sure what to do next, so use guide often. Puzzle instructions not always clear.

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