User Reviews: Mobile Live

Mobile Live
Mobile Live

Top reviews

  • I use it for work, it function’s but….

    This app will crash anywhere from 2-10 times a day.
    I do not see the need for it to lock you out for it to refresh every time you do something in the app, every other app does background refreshing.
    It is impossible to do anything quickly in the app, it does not feel polished. (Have to tap buttons 3-4 times to select things)
    It is missing key features I believe any app like this should have. For example, I would like to add personal notes on customer’s accounts that they won’t see right in the app so the next time I visit the property I can see any notes I left for myself. Such as “use the left side gate to get to back yard” “watch for dog” and so on. It does not have anything like that feature.
    This app has not been updated since I’ve started using it, feels like the dev team has other things to worry about.
    Overall this app will function…most of the time. It needs polishing and updating.
  • Try harder.

    This is one of the worst apps I’ve ever been forced to use. Idea is great execution is awful. Things load over and over again for no reason. If you need to back out of a customer from the address line you can’t. It just forces you to punch something in then crashes. Pen and paper was superior and wasted realistically less paper then this high end paper in the printer. Businesses should really look to something else until they make this better. 2 stars is about right for an average rating.
  • Change

    They have went from must have software to ready to get rid of software. They change so much so fast that I don’t think their hand knows what their fingers are doing. This creates problems they have to fix on a regular basis. If the problem isn’t affecting everyone, you get put on the back burner for months. Not happy with software or support
  • I would rather write everything out.

    Having to use this app makes me want to change careers. There are connection/slow load speed issues that haven’t been fixed for 5 years. Im convinced they don’t even have developers. I guess being a 2 star app is good enough.
  • Slow

    My company uses this app and the idea of it is great however it functions terribly. It’s continuously crashes drains battery life way too fast, overheats phones, and just overall becomes more of a hindrance than a help.
  • SLOW. Works when it wants to.

    My god, the inconvenience of this app throughout a day of 25+ stops in maddening. App crashes at least twice a day, on a good day. Some days I just screenshot the schedule and complete later in the day to avoid the trouble. Takes forever to close out a job when it does work. Logging in is impossible at times when it doesn’t feel like connecting… must have perfect cell service for this app to work and even then it’s 50/50
  • App has problems

    Great app when it works. We have the fastest new iPhones and still this logs out at least 10 times a day. Takes as long to input production as it does to service the lawn. And of course another price increase with worse customer service. Someone needs to come up with a working software and put this out of business
  • Terrible. Constant Glitches

    Expensive software that never quite works correctly. When they do “maintenance” it messes up something that works at a mediocre level. This app will surely make your staff frustrated. Jobs don’t close out, kicks you off the app, gsp is inaccurate- takes you to the wrong address. List goes on and on. Escalating to management is useless. Questions to support line goes unanswered “it must be a glitch”?!? Very disappointing. Doesn’t deserve 1 star…more like a big fat 0
  • Bad, bad,bad

    I highly discourage anyone from getting Real Green or the Mobile Live App. I would not use this app and program if I did not have to. The program is difficult to work through and has many bugs. The app is even worse. It freezes up regularly and is useless to the crew in the field. Always slow to load up. The company should have fixed this years ago. I can’t believe I have to pay for this crap. Bad, bad, bad.
  • Terrible software and app, don’t waste your time

    don’t waste your time, this app is absolutely garbage. it’s out of date, the user interface is slow and clunky. the app freezes and crashes all the time and it constantly refreshes every single time you click on something. i’m not one to write reviews for anything, good or bad. this app needs to be fixed and it’s a shame that it cost so much to use because it’s not worth it at all. i would rate this 0 stars if i could.

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