Parler User Reviews

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  • Lack of Censorship

    I chose to go with parler shortly after they went live. The reason being is because I am a firm believer in the United States Constitution and the frame work our founding fathers crafted for our beautiful nation.

    I have been a member of Facebook since the very beginning, back when you couldn’t get an account unless you were a college student. For 17 years I have used Facebook to share photos, videos and even rant my personal beliefs as comic relief for my friends and family. However the past few years, Facebook has become a draconian platform filled with biased censorship, at which I have fallen subject to.

    Parler on the other hand has lived to the standards of protecting my first amendment rights and does not tell me what I can or can not say. Regardless of what ever is said on social media, whether true or not, I do not believe it is up the responsibility of big tech to deny anyone their right to freedom of speech. Where I do not believe it is right to “yell fire in a crowded theatre” I don’t think platforms should take responsibility to determine whether or not there IS actually a fire. People should know, you can’t trust anything you read on the internet regardless.

    Here’s a tip to others. Do your research, and if you don’t see something with your own eyes, do not take it for face value.
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  • Not “perfect” but free speech allowed

    This app is not nearly as polished as some of the most commonly used social media apps yet. But it is improving. So why the 5 star rating? Because I am allowed to speak freely!
    In my house political, religious, and economical dissent is allowed. I want those in my house to be respectful, and I like having the final word (after all it’s my house). The only role for government in my house is to stop illegal activity by proving it without excessive interference of my liberties.
    I want my social media posts and pages to be like my house. Parler does that.
    I’d like to have the ability to edit my posts when I discover poor grammar or spelling, I’d love the ability to easily tag my friends. And I wish users would use real names so I could find them though I understand the fear of the cancel culture we live in. But free speech far outweighs minor complaints about functionality!
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  • Ignore the trolls, they are paid!

    Great site, there are a few bugs but they roll out updates fixing things really quick. It is very user friendly with some cool concepts. As people move over to Parler for freedom of speech it has overwhelmed them causing the site to lag and have some issues, it will be fixed, just give them a minute. NOW for the heads up, twitter trolls are everywhere, they spew hate at everyone BUT on Parler you have a block button, USE IT! They also have an option to make your account private, it will indicate that by a lock at the top left hand corner by your profile picture. This site is a space for people to interact and share ideas, debate and filter information that’s out in the world. Don’t allow childish, racist bigots from FB and Twitter to ruin your time on this site, your in control on Parler. Thank you to everyone who made this happen and giving us a space to debate and share ideas! Your the true hero’s.
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  • Great App

    I love this app. I think this app is what America was founded on/for in the regards of free speech. Being able to speak my mind without fear of being censored is nice. But more importantly it is being able to find information that others may find hard to believe or true enough that it threatens them to sensor everyone else. We should be able to connect with ppl around the word in a peaceful manner without fear of being shut down. Parler has given back that freedom. I have not seen anything that would say otherwise. Plus we are all adults (if your child is on there that is your own thing), but if you can’t handle seeing life then turn the page. Walk away. Anyways, i just wanted Apple to know that they need to make a stand and keep Parler up. Do not bow down to big MSM and take away all of the rights of the ppl that are now on Parler, that would make the other social media’s a monopoly and that is not okay.
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  • Parler is solid and should exist.

    Any social media app starting up knows that it is a David and Goliath challenge to exist. The other social media apps are giants with tons of resources and tech behind it to function. Anyone who tries the app and keeps this in mind, will be pleased with how good Parler works and looks. What I was hesitant about but most impressed by, was how little to no hatred showed up in the feeds. Just stories, ideas and exchanges and even moments of relief and laughter, which is to say- real conversations. If people don’t like you or what you say- then people will walk away from your feed. It does work. Yes, hatred exists but its possible that there is more good in the world than bad and both should be talked about. As a result, it is a good and engaging app filled with potential. It should have its ability to exist and compete.
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  • Parler my be only hope for big tech

    I left Twitter for Paler, and I may also leave Facebook... the simple truth- both Twitter and Facebook are anti 1st amendment and they will divide and destroy our country. Our country is built on freedom- free speech, freedom of religion, freedom to work, to move around. You may not like someone else’s speech, you may hate it - but you do not have the right to suppress, edit, fact check or otherwise mess with that speech as long as America is still a free country. Parler, so far as I can see, is creating and supporting a free exchange of idea - and I will support and use it as long as that is what it does.. Thw app works fine and the more folks support it, the more it will improve and expand and get better, and add features! Thanks Parler , continue to fight for freedom!
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  • Great app for all, the best is yet to come!

    Great app for all, to get the real truth that the media giants and big tech have been suppressing over the last decade plus. This app doesn’t care who you are, who you believe in, or other personal matters that other social media app falsely claim to freely allow you to socialize about, then censor you. This app isn’t perfect from a technology standpoint as it is less than a year old, and has room for improvement. But for the cost of free speech, I will take imperfect software and be by Parler’s side as an active participant, as the best is yet to come. I don’t work for Parler, but if they offered me a job, I would. Join Parler today if you care about free speech and say no to censorship by big tech.
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  • Parler is great!

    This is a social media app every person should want. No censorship as long as you abide by the perfectly reasonable TOS. It’s not meant to be an echo chamber like Twitter or Facebook. Adults can discuss different views honestly and openly. Something that is not available on other social media publishing sites. They say that Apple will remove this App from the App Store. I hope that doesn’t happen because I would miss all the iPhones, iPads and iPods I’ve purchased or ever will purchase. Apple shouldn’t be teaming up with a political party or pushing a political ideology. When corporations team up with government to punish political opponents, that’s the exact definition of what Fascism is. Apple needs to let the owners of the devices decide what they want on them. Just make the devices and sell them. Leave your political ideology out of your business. Get woke, go broke is a very real thing.
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  • Haven’t used the app yet

    I’m giving it a 5 star rating regardless of the quality of the app (for now) because this is what we need as a nation. A platform, not a publisher. The fact that people refuse to think about the abuse (and abuses that have already happened) that censorship could be used for is disheartening. Let the people decide what sources to believe in, then at least if they make the wrong choice, at least they had one. By censoring posts, any person with the power who has any sort of bias could completely disenfranchise someone or even an entire group. We don’t live in a perfect world and it’s gonna be a sad day when people wake up to realize that years into the future - when any efforts for reform are stripped due to the inability to express opinions or share information on the web that might challenge those in power.
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  • Honest review

    Apple, please don’t ban Parler. A lot of us would love to see just one BigTech American company have a backbone and stand for American freedom. I’ve been on Parler for awhile and have not seen the kind of information some of the reviewers are mentioning. These reviewers are just stoking the fires of hate once again. What was done recently at the Capitol by the right is nothing in comparison to the summer of 2020 when many liberal left-wingers burned down entire cities, looted, rioted, murder, and beat innocent people senseless? And those were just some “peaceful” protest, according to legacy media. As our next president likes to say, “Come on.” We can’t turn a blind eye to these tactics any longer. Truth is being silenced in our country. Parler offers a place without an agenda. A place where freedom still reigns. Where truthful journalism can still be found. Hang in there Apple and stand up for the freedoms of this nation.
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