Star Trek Fleet Command User Reviews

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  • Pay to Play Money Magnet

    I’ve been playing the game for well over 2 years, am now ops43. Yes I can say I’ve spent a little on the battle passes and the odd ship / officer but the new changes recently are just greed from the developers. If you want to be successful these days, you need to pay minimum $500 per month to stay relevant or you get left behind and become cannon fodder for those who do spend. Now they have reduced the value of refined materials (needed to level up buildings, ships & research) for materials sms / slb events, so it’s not possible to gain even one tier unless you spend $100 minimum. So the game I loved for so long has now been changed to a bigger cash cow than it was and basically telling those free to play to go find another game. I like many will no doubt drop this game into the delete basket very soon if changes aren’t made for the better for free to play
    We’ll adding onto this I’ve reached Ops49 and for the past 2 months have only played two of three times a week for about an hour each time - it’s become monotonous and boring as the drive for more spending is pushed to the player. The arcs have become ridiculously far away from Star Trek obviously designed by people with little idea about the fan base - do Scopley ever listen? No so don’t expect them to - we’re tiny drops in a much larger ocean
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    Developer Response

    Hello China col! We apologize for the behavior you’ve encountered. One of our top priorities is to ensure a healthy and safe environment in which our players can enjoy the game. Rest assured that we take reports like yours seriously, so please contact us from inside the game as well so we can investigate this further and take appropriate actions. Thank you for your understanding and we'll be waiting to hear from you soon!
  • Mobile issues

    The game is beautiful and fun to play but be forewarned…they have issues if you are playing on a mobile device. I’m using an Apple iPad Pro…latest software and very strong WiFi. Never had any issues with other games but this one is terrible. The game freezes up, items lose part or all of their values. I have to close the app and restart it constantly. Support suggested that I delete the game and reinstall it. I’ve done that numerous times. I’m currently working with their support to try and resolve the issues but according to others this is systemic to using a mobile device. They encourage you to use a laptop or PC…even give you extra daily rewards if you do. Again this is a beautiful game and I’m doing my best to stay with it. I’ve put a lot of money into it because I do like it. If you are using a laptop or PC don’t hesitate to download the game…you’ll love it. Mobile users beware.
    I have sent dozens of screenshots to support showing them my issues. They insist everything is functioning fine…even though I’m having to delete and reinstall the game daily to just try and play it. Their support knows they have major issues but as long as they’re still bringing in the money they’ll ignore them. Losing players isn’t a problem for them if they still have big spenders. I don’t mind pay to win…I gave them $2k in a short period of time….but if I can’t play the game because of the bugs and they insist nothing is wrong then I’m out of here.
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    Developer Response

    Hello "Stitches228", we appreciate you sharing your review and rating with us. It's regrettable to learn about the performance issues hampering your gaming experience. To address this, we recommend checking out our troubleshooting FAQ at If the issue persists despite your efforts, our Support Team is here to assist you again further at Your satisfaction is our priority, and we're committed to ensuring a smoother gaming experience for you.
  • The Tesla of Trek Games?

    In many respects, this is a great game. Engaging content, great visuals and a large and dedicated gamer community. But this game is like a Tesla car. Full of driving promise, but fundamentally plagued with non-stop issues of quality control and scale.
    It’s also an inside joke/lament among those who play STFC that Scopely is more interested in maximizing revenue than addressing player concerns. For example, stability of the iOS version is poor. Frequent crashes often interrupt play (to be fair, these have improved recently). But new bugs accompany every game update and rarely seem to be fixed rapidly.
    Scopely periodically acknowledges just how burdensome daily game tasks have become — then promptly adds more (often buggy) content. And with every new feature, F2P progress becomes increasingly challenging.
    I should also warn you that the fun and flow of this game is severely marred by interminable transition screens. Get used to messages such as “Preparing” or “Adjusting” as you wait for game screens to load. And that’s if you don’t have to reboot.
    If, like the Tesla owner, you can look past the glitchy performance, and can ignore expensive in-game purchases necessary to compete effectively, you will really enjoy this Trek tribute. If not, you will quickly end up frustrated by Scopely’s missed chance to make this a truly epic game, which it has the potential to be.
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    Developer Response

    Hello, "Alnacoal". Thank you for your honest feedback! We are glad to hear that you like the concept of the game, and we do apologize for the recent instability issues within the game. Our team is aware and constantly working to fix it in future updates. There could be multiple factors that affect the game's stability, causing issues such as crashing and lagging. Kindly visit this link for more details: As for the progression, the packs are optional for players to take advantage of, and we will take note of this to release more economical offers in the future. LLAP!
  • Cheating is apparently allowed.

    So, not long ago, my server was merged into another server, that on average was way higher level then ours. My entire original server has been on its back foot ever since because the people originally from this server have decided we are “invaders” and have literally told us the only way we won’t be treated like dirt is if we quit and leave their server. Now, some of those same bully’s have started hacking the game so that if they target your ship, you can’t run away, your ship will magically change direction when you try and head strait at the oncoming attacker. I reported this, and was told by someone in support that this is “normal pvp”. If you don’t like getting bullied, or pay to win games, don’t play this game.

    So coming back to with a new complaint. Now a new mechanic has been added to force pvp. As if the game wasn’t unbalanced enough with pay to win, now they have enacted events to require server wide pvp for 4 days straight. In other words, if you aren’t high enough level, it is now impossible to advance or make progress for 4 days out of the week. I have been playing this game since about a year after it launched and it has progressively gotten more and more unfair to anyone that is not rich and willing to drop stupid amounts of cash. The Devs have no idea what Star Trek is about and Gene Roddenberry would be disgusted with this type of thinking.
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    Developer Response

    Hi Cliff White2814!! Thank you so much for the information, we will definitely pass this onto the team. We greatly appreciate your feedback about the game, thanks again!
  • Worst game ever ***AVOID AT ALL COST***

    Scopely has ruined Star Trek. They have turned it into a war mongering bully culture. This is simply a game of the haves vs the have nots, if your not a whale your cannon fodder for them and have no chance of advancing. If you have ungodly amounts of disposable income and you don't mind dropping tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars on in game purchases then this game isnt for you. Aside from all the glitches and technical issues which this game has many, and all the bullying and harassment from the whales. The game has just become too much, too complicated, too involved, too time consuming. They are adding too much too close together. Too many specialty ships that take too much time and resources to build up and time to work on the tasks to do it all is just too much. This game is more time consuming then a full time paying job. It just isn't worth playing anymore. A game is supposed to be a distraction from life an enjoyable experience, this is no longer that, and hasnt been for a while but the constant additions instead of fixing the existing issues is just wrong. This is not a fun game to play, keep your money and find something better to spend it on. If i could i would give this game negative stars i would. If you aren't spending a small nations GDP on in app purchases they dont care what you think of this game. If people would stop spending money in game they might actually take notice and fix the issues.
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    Developer Response

    Hi, mawwi1's. Thank you for the feedback! We understand it can become more challenging to compete and progress once you reach a higher level. We'll take your feedback to the heart and do our best to improve in order to meet your expectations! If you have any suggestions, please feel free to let us know.
  • If you want to play for free, you will be punished for it

    This game is well designed with amazing detail and intricacies. The opportunity for choosing your own adventure is endless. The entire thing is well done. I’m sure it wasn’t cheap. If you want to play for free or FTP as we are known in the game, you will pay for that in other ways. Scopely designs subtle issues that reek havoc on advancement and fair play. The game is still fun but can get very frustrating when one of these issues pops up. You’ll have to wait, or spend earned credit of some sort, or just sit back and watch while the rest of the (paying) server keeps at it. Or start paying for resources of some kind. A notable issue with this game as well are rogue players who will destroy everything you have worked for, sometimes forcing you to waste assets, or resources that you may have paid actual money for. Scopely sees these folks as a way to make more money as the players who get hit spend money to repair or fix that damage. These clowns will argue with the entire server to justify their stupidity. Ultimately they will end up spoiling the game and there have been many players who have quit because they go unchecked and unstopped. The game is well designed. Be aware that it has a few issues that, when encountered, will cause immense stress and emotion. Play at your own risk.
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    Developer Response

    Hi, J0eb0y. Thank you for the feedback! We'll make sure to share your thoughts with the team. The community's feedback is really important to us and has already played a big part in shaping Star Trek: Fleet Command. We wish you the best, stay tuned for more exciting stuff!
  • Star Trek

    Well I’ve been playing the game for a few months. Now. Here are my thoughts Customer support. Really save your aggravation. They can only offer you platitudes they can’t fix replace. Or make anything right. Just Ofer the standard. Thank you for you response we are currently aware of he problem. Packs Be prepared to spend money. The game is free to play as long as you don’t set you sights higher than lvl 20. All in game events will require a purchase of some sort to access event either by making a “ new ship available “ that must be purchased. Or. To access new event. Must purchase a “new” token. Example. Borg events all three. Times events came around. First needed ship. The tokens to access missions. Then again. More tokens for new missions. It never ends In game materials. The game is designed to impede your progress . Example. Uncommon crystal. Random amounts are givin for each cycle. Some days. You get 3. Some none. Some. 4. When your ship needs. Thousands. Your base needs thousands. Every ship introduced needs thousands you get 3 each cycle twice daily. Unless you purchase extra refine for 100. The. You can get what. 5. Or 7. A day. All this does is keep you frustrated to try to gather materials in events. Which. Give you an extra 5 or 7. Uncommon. While burning more resources than returns Please feel free to contact me anytime. Devs. And try to defend your actions. I look forward to it
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    Developer Response

    Hi, chacheeky! Thank you for sharing your feedback about the game! We understand that you find progressing quite challenging. We always take into account the players' level when designing events so the mechanics may differ depending on your level bracket. You can check our FAQ here for several ways to obtain ship blueprints: Although new ships get introduced on a new update, this can be earned for free through the refinery or Event Store. Please stay tuned to our Blog posts ( or in-game news for details about the latest updates. Matrix Diodes are distributed for free through a gift chest but some missions will require you to be a certain level due to its difficulty, no worries though as missions from previous arcs will eventually become available again in future arcs or in the Holodeck! For further details about the Refinery output, please check our FAQ here:
  • Bullies at it again

    If you like being bullied, this game is for you. I posted a similar review previously and the same team is back to rolling over other teams as they fit, except for one team with equally strength. They changed the team name to Raze on server 35 this time (rainbow zebras) as the prior name gave a bad impression to the game. Again, the creator of this game allows this practice as they call it Player vs Player, but they allow players with top level 60 to steam roll players 20 levels below. The creator of this game is hoping you spend $$$ to buy upgrades to catch up. Those level 60 wallet warriors had done this and the creator of game actually take inputs from theses players so that the game doesn’t get boring and those players leaves the game. If the creator of the game had set a rule that level 60 players can only attack players up to 5 level down, then it might be fairer, but level 60 can still steam roll level 55. But if the creator of game did this, those level 60 players will have a very small amount of players to beat up and will leave the game due to boredom. Note, for the events of the game, the creator does put on a pvp rule that restricts earning points if a higher level player attacks a lower level player. Why doesn’t Scopely do this for players attacking players normally? Because Scopely is hoping you buy upgrades to catch up.
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    Developer Response

    We're sorry to hear that you feel that way about the game, Tom. We can understand the issue you raised towards PvP and would like to reassure you that although existing systems are already in place to protect new players from veterans, we are aware how this aspect of the game may not be suited to you, nor to everyone's taste, and continue to reiterate on it this to further improve its implementation. Our teams never meant to force this on anyone, actively encouraging players to try out as many of the different aspects of the game by providing spaces where one can simply enjoy exploration, diplomacy, and other facets of gameplay. And despite the doubts you have towards our offerings, we'd like to put you at ease in knowing that we've always prioritized ensuring fairness above all else even while still providing options to cater to the needs of our players. Know that our teams have always strived to provide a challenging yet fair experience which everyone can partake in and that your thoughts matter as we look to them when shaping the course of STFC.
  • Horrible support, money grab, lots of tech issues

    This game was fun at the beginning and some of the graphics are kind of cool but it’s always been a bit of a cash grab and it’s only gotten worse. At the beginning technical support and customer support was a bit better if they shortchanged you or there was a technical error. They would try to make a good that was only for about probably six months.

    Now they don’t care about anything if you buy something in the game you have to hope and pray that you’re gonna get it. I’ve had a couple items that I’ve never gotten and yeah I got to be stupid to buy stuff right but you don’t get anywhere and you don’t advance. If you don’t buy stuff you are limited.

    I recently bought a pack for a ship and as trek fan of the voyager I was excited to get it. I bought two. Blue print packs. The ship cost 100 to build. Period 50 of the blueprint showed up. charged. I sent them a note and they said to reply back and they would make it. I replied, back showed evidence and I got a response back that no they would not make it had to go through Apple. I sent a note to Apple, who verify that I had spent it I had to go back to scopely. I sent scopely back a note and that was 4 days ago. No response. So it Has to be take them to court, the Better Business Bureau and the attorney general. Something as easy as making a valid they cannot do. Don’t play this game. Spend any money on it there’s been class actions against it. Because it’s an ultimate rip off.
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    Developer Response

    Hi, austinandie. We're sorry to hear about your experience. If you have encountered any issues with receiving your purchases, please send us a screenshot of the receipt and we'll be happy to assist in reviewing this for you. Please note that refund is only possible if the contents of the pack are still intact on the account. If you have seen inappropriate messages in the game's chat or suspect another player of violating our TOS, please don't hesitate to send them our way. Reports like this are taken seriously and we always take appropriate actions after a thorough review.
  • Decent game ruined by developer’s optimization for making you pay

    I downloaded this game hoping for a nice mobile version of Stellaris in the Star Trek universe and it is a decent version of that, I guess. You get to build and level up a star base and manage and level up your ships and crew. The MMO aspect isn’t terrible, although you seem to get ganked a lot if you leave your ship outside of your station when you’re not logged in.

    The problem is that playing it is like watching the home shopping network because you can’t do anything without having to click through a way to pay more money to reduce the pain of progression. Every resource either costs money or is in a random loot box so there is no strategy for resource management other than just keep clicking (unless you want to pay to click less). All the new content is behind battle passes and loot boxes so all you can do to meet your goals is just keep paying.

    When I added up all the cost in micro transactions to make this more like a decent PC game, I’d have to pay many multiple times what I’d pay for Stellaris on PC in order to make this game enjoyable. I get that the devs need to make money but I’d much prefer a monthly subscription to a decent game over the constant begging and slot machine mechanics that mobile gaming has become. If I wanted to hang out in a casino I’d go to Vegas.
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