Star Trek Fleet Command User Reviews

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  • A game for long term players

    I have had this game for over 2 years taking a long break in middle and coming back to it. And i have become a daily player of the game. I rate this game highly because it does its job as a game, it’s fun and intriguing and the hiccups it has does not discourage me from playing. A lot of players complain that in order to get ahead you need to spend a lot on in store purchases and that’s not the case, this is a strategy game that is meant to be played long term, I’ve spent maybe $40 on this game but they’re few console games that only cost $40 that I’ve spent this much time playing. There are players that are wildly more powerful than me and I’ve talked to them and they don’t spend a fortune, they just play the game the way it’s meant to be played. One thing that really stands out to me about this game is the online players, I’ve never played another game where the online community was this well organized with their alliances. Most of the players are older and Star Trek fans and they appreciate what the game is about and the respect they have for other players is different from any other game I’ve played. Even after all of this time playing I am still learning new things about this game and that can be said for few games. I throughly enjoy playing Fleet command and will continue playing for the foreseeable future.
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  • Pvp brackets ruin fun

    *update to previous review* learning to protect yourself can solve some of the issues stated previously but Scopely allows and seems to encourage bullying. System constraints that allow player groups to literally *block* players from getting into defend their own territory. Power disparity forces people to purchase more as a team of 3 heavy spenders can easily hold off dozens of f2p or lower spending average players. Server mergers reduced what had become a peaceful and enjoyable format into a brawl mentality that forces nonspenders out of the game. Scopely allows the strife and bullying and hate speech even when brought to them. Their report system seems to do nothing and their ticket system is user unfriendly and limits your ability to report.** Been having a great time with the game until hitting level 20. Within 12 hours of that, I got cleaned out. People that 4 levels higher than me can attack. 20% higher in player level but 500% my power level. Weeks with of saving gone in less than an hour because a timed shield ran out. There is no way to combine shields to longer periods. There is no way to opt out of pvp. I spent money on this game (something I rarely do) because it felt like there was value to it but the pvp system completely ruined it as soon as I hit this range. I can’t justify another dime
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    Developer Response

    Hi, MightyNein. Thank you for updating your review! We appreciate hearing about your experience with PvP in the game. We understand that you find it challenging to retaliate against stronger opponents. Bonding with other commanders and being creative with your gameplay strategies can help defend against attacks. Although the server merge might introduce new competition, it also opens the chance to create stronger affiliates with other players. Rest assured that we don't tolerate hate speech in the game. Every report that we receive about this is thoroughly investigated and appropriate actions are always applied for confirmed cases of violations. We'll keep your feedback in mind and take note of your idea about extending peace shields as a suggestion for future updates.
  • Pay to Win

    So this game has serious issues woth duality. On on hand it is likely the best star trek game made. The content is deep and grows significantly each new arc. On the other as many before have stated it is pay to play. Not a few bucks here and there, a get a 2nd mortgage on your house kind of cost. Big whale players spend 250,000 and more to stay in leaderboards. Medium players spend upwards of 700 to 1000 dollars a month just to try to stay strong enough to defend against whales who litterally go around bullying smaller players and making up thier own rules. There is a free to play option. I have been playing almost 4 years and im a mid tier player. Free to play players and 17 levels below me and whales are 13 levels higher than me. My expenses to stay relavant have been consistently 700 per month and in pvp i lose more than i win. The time it takes to grow is rediculous and the cost in game items takes a month or more to just get one lvl higher is your spending. If your not it can take 4 months to get up a level by mid level 30s. Play at your own risk. This game is fun but this game does everything possible to get you to spend. My advice, dont bother. There are other games on computer online with just as much content that is not geared to grab money from the filthy rich.
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    Developer Response

    Hello, Zaxiusii. Thank you for the detailed feedback! We appreciate hearing from one of our long-time players. We understand the challenges you're facing. Although progressing can be difficult, we want our players to enjoy their time in the game so there are plenty of activities that can be explored to keep our players engaged while also helping collect materials needed to progress for free. We also have a level bracket in place to help balance battles, though this alone won't protect you from attacks, bonding with other commanders can potentially help turn the tables during PvP battles. We're continuously making improvements and the community's feedback has become a part of the game's development so we'll do our best to keep your feedback in mind and we hope that you'll be able to enjoy future updates!
  • Bully Magnet

    The game itself is fun and can be challenging. Reasonable storylines based on various Star Trek genres with good, though often laggy, graphics.
    The downside is this game caters to spending. Yes, you can grow and advance without dumping money into it, but at a snail’s pace with very few rewards. Consequently the whales who dump tons of cash - and I am talking tens of thousands of dollars, advance rapidly and build monster ships that are maxed out. What makes it worse is that they can and do hunt weaker, much lower level players who don’t stand a chance of surviving a battle, in order to advance their players killed rating in strength in the leaderboards.
    By Scopely allowing this to happen it makes weaker players spend more to advance and get stronger quicker. In reality, the whales continue to grow and spend as well, you will NEVER be free from being hunted and destroyed. You will spend your resources repairing ships sitting in dock.
    Scopely needs to limit the ability of PVP to plus or minus five levels between combatants. It is ridiculous and completely unfair when a level 54 player with a ship with over 400M power be able to destroy a level 39 player whose strongest ship is only 3M power.
    It is obvious that Scopely loves the big spenders, despite the fact that they target and bully weaker players, ruining the quality of play.
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    Developer Response

    Hi Badger620! We sincerely apologize for your experience with your stuck ship. If you have more details about this, please reach out to us through email or in-game support so the team can assist you with it.
  • Good game long grind

    STFC is the one single game that I have played for the longest time. I stay playing mainly for the moderately fair play and the great alliance that I am part of. The economic system around the game is, the best word I can use to describe it, fair. It respects the grind time that players put in by placing a high monetary cost to packs that give the same rewards and resources. Having said that, it is not easy to progress without spending at least some money, for example, battle pass, to keep up with the main crowd. A stable server with stable alliances and being part of a good alliance is important to having fun in this game, regardless of the amount of money you plan to spend. From the strategy perspective, there is enough depth in the game where a relatively weaker ship can beat a more powerful one with the right officer setup, and research and planning do matter. All of this add up to a fun game with lots of depth, lots of good people, and lots of ways to play. One thing of caution though, if you don’t have a couple hours a day to keep up, this game may not be for you.
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  • Unstable, expensive and a time-sucker

    Bugs. Lots of bugs. So, so many bugs. This game is constantly failing and every time they fix something, they break 10 more things. No thought goes into added or updated features and absolutely nothing gets tested before they roll it out. The game performance is also terrible - so much lag and connectivity issues. They roll out new features so quickly with and push off quality of life updates just because they don’t make them any money like the cash grab of new features.
    When it works, it can be fun, but unless you’re willing to spend thousands of dollars each quarter, be prepared to grind for hours on end every single day, and even then, you’ll never get ahead, you’ll just fall behind the spenders at a slower rate.
    Support will also just close tickets on you for no reason. They like the easy tickets, but if you challenge them even in the slightest with a new bug or issue, you’ll get silence for a week and then they’ll close your ticket out for you. If you do get lucky enough to get a response, it’ll make no sense and you have no hopes of getting them to understand the problem. Sometimes you get a little reimbursement, but most of the time you don’t.
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  • Long time player

    I used to play lots of mobile games and Consol games but this game has literally made me stop playing all my other games. I just enjoy playing in an alliance with people that you get to know and have good times with. Teamwork is what drives this game, so if you enjoy those type of things this is definitely the game for you. If you want to learn about star track lore and most of the characters in the Star Trek universe, this game will also teach you that. if you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend, you’re trying to impress with star track knowledge. Oh boy, you’ll love this. I have literally been playing games since pong ,designed games on the Commodore 64 and this is by far the most satisfying of all, so if you have time and I mean a lot of time to play this game, it will be more than worth anything you’ve ever played before but keep in mind you have to stick with it , if you want tons of action and a game that only last 45 minutes, this is definitely not the game for you, strategy and teamwork is what you love this is it and I shouldn’t know what I’m talking about. I’ve been playing this game for over two years if you download it good luck and RoyalPainDass ✌️out an “live long and prosper”
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  • Great Strategy Game

    I’m comparing the game to other strategy games like it, so the 5 stars is relative. There are things I don’t like about it, but comparatively speaking, it’s the best mobile strategy game I’ve ever played. (I’ve spent a lot of time playing Game of War: Fire Age and West Game as well as STFC.)

    First, I love Star Trek, so I’m biased right out the gate. Other things I like that separate it from other games: they give enough free peace shields per day if you do all your daily tasks to stay shielded 24/7. There are limits, especially for low level players, on who can attack you. Until you get higher level, only players within 2 levels of you can attack you. You NEVER run out of stuff to do. In fact, the more you play, it can get downright overwhelming how much there is to keep you busy.

    That being said, there are downsides. Like other strategy games, it’s impossible to be a top player without spending. There are a lot of f2p players who enjoy the game a lot, and you can do everything, but it just takes A LOT longer. I’m one of those who spends a little, and I’m in the mid-range as far as power. Of course, there are whales who spend thousands who you’ll never be able to compete with. However, my server, and I believe most if not all servers, have player-organized/enforced Rules of Engagement that limit bullying and sheer domination by p2p players.
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  • Slow and steady

    There is a lot to do in this game, in fact there is so much to do and accomplish you want to advance as fast as possible so you don’t miss out on anything, don’t worry, you won’t. The game wants to push you along at a rather fast pace, don’t do it. You will accomplish more by complete each level before advancing to the next.

    Complete the level your are on: on level 8 or 14 or 24 or 32, does not matter. Complete ever single activity that is possible to complete tagged with your level before going to the next. Make sure all the buildings are at your level, you have completed all the research possible and completed all the missions assigned to your level. You will notice that you are stronger and more powerful than many of those who have already obtained to the next level at warp speed.

    Slow and steady winds the day. It will take you a day or two longer but you won’t have to stop and go back and accomplish a task you should have performed at a lower level, it’s a game, just have fun.
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  • It’s a Grind

    I give this game 4 stars. I enjoy it but it’s work, and with my busy life, I can only play it mobile. Why 4 stars? It’s a real grind and it can take up a lot of your time if you let it. There are 3 ways to advance in this game. Fast: pay to play. Medium: play on a budget. Slow: free to play. I’m medium but my alliance members think I’m strictly a pay to play player. I’m not. I learned how to play the game. I can only afford the Elite Monthly Battle Pass. That’s twenty dollars a month. During each Battle Pass I stack resources and advance my station and ships. Also, research helps tremendously in both areas. I have purchased a couple ships, particularly the Saladin and Vidar but I could have gotten those free if I had patience. You can also obtain resources by looting the stations of other players. I don’t like doing that. People spend real money on this game. I’ll only loot out of retaliation.

    Last tip, there are a lot of bullies. It’s a war game. Completing your Daily goals is key. Why? If you do, the game gives you a 4-hour, 8-hour and 12-hour shield each day for free. That’s 24 hours of protection from would be thieves that can come and take your resources. Hope this review helps.
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