Star Trek Fleet Command User Reviews

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  • Mediocre pay to play

    Game has the same latency/lag/crash issues as it did a year ago. Pay to play and developers do what they can to handicap free to play players and people who may not pay as much. Most recent issue is “burning” ability getting nerfed/handicapped. Also I always buy a battlepass which is a cheaper way to participate in events. Some how with all the other glitches that occur in game it swapped it for a points pack for the current event. I was asking for it to be corrected and after 3 days of back and forth with customer service I got told I got the wrong pack.... when I purchased it, it was a battlepass pack, not a points pack. Just ignored my issue to force me to purchase more and not fix the issue. Same day I made the purchase there were so many problems that delayed the update for iOS which I wonder contributed to the incorrect product showing as my purchase. Peace shields randomly drop before the time is up which protects your station from losing resources and encourages you to purchase more from the developer. Game is purposely flawed to favor “errors” in game play to make you pay to play. After over a year of playing these issues remain and new issues have been added to game play. Friendships made in game are the only thing keeping me playing.
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  • I play because friends are here..if they weren’t....

    In the tips portion of the ad they didn’t mention the terrible rate of refinement to get said Rare materials or even just the Uncommon. Whales always have and advantage but it’s an overwhelming one in this game,
    Like grossly. If you don’t spend you won’t really have much of a chance. Scopely also has different rates of these packages resources in the bundles based on age of the server, so choose wisely. The older the server the better your deals will be. Lastly, instead of fixing old issues and improving actual game play they just role out new officers and 1 trick pony ships to lure more whale spending. Just fix some simple things please. Like wording on crew that doesn’t reflect (Djaoki for example)what it actually does...the character skins.. my fed officer in the faction store is from the Blue man group! Klingon crews with no faces...If they actually cared and or catered to the majority of players and gave the majority a chance to take on whales and their alliances, it would drive those who do spend more to continue to do so at a higher rate just to hold the leading edge. This game has potential.. but needs devs that care. It will make money even if you are more generous with your rewards and how people can improve their ships to make it a more fun experience, I promise.
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  • Horrible Player Environment

    It’s very unfortunate that a game like this with the property it holds allows for a free for all pvp system that severely punishes your causal player or player trying to lvl up but are constantly harassed by more experienced players purposely staying at a lower level to destroy ships without provocation under the guise of “aggressive gameplay”. It’s ridiculous that there is 0 moderation for this game, and it fosters (and rewards) online bullies to continuously harass up and coming players for their sheer enjoyment. It’s incredibly disheartening that these players are allowed to run amok and do as they please with absolutely no consequence. The more I play, the more frustrated I become and it’s getting to the point where this app is going to get deleted because it is no longer fun to play. The entire Star Trek franchise is about inclusion and these players are doing everything they can to ruin a Star Trek experience, and that they’re allowed to do it with impunity. It’s very disappointing.

    Further, the iPad version of the game constantly crashes. If it’s not the players ruining the experience, it’s the bugs in the game.

    I would advise against picking up this game and waiting for another development to truly respect the franchise instead of simply slapping a Star Trek skin on a corrupt pay-to-win free for all pvp “strategy” game. I expected better.
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  • Broken game mechanic enables harassment

    I’d like to address that after playing with someone who became real life abusive to myself and several others, harassing in the game and on other connected platforms, I’ve tried blocking the perpetrator, changing game name and group name. However, the perpetrator used the blocked player feature (the same one intended to limit contact) to track me and people I play with to continue harassment. The ability to mark and track players wherever in the game benefits someone who can harass versus the victim trying to limit/avoid interaction. Scopely’s Terms of Use agreement clearly states cheating in game and harassment will be dealt with. I have sent over 40 screenshots regarding abusive dialogue to myself and others. I’m in my third time of filing a harassment complaint against the same perpetrator with Scopely. I get told “if there’s harassment, cheating, racism, etc...” after submitting a claim. There is little support, most times taking 4 hours for a reply from support. If they didn’t already shut down, the next bit of dialogue will be from someone else, and then claim is closed.

    Don’t play this game. Bugs, lack of support, claims of harassment not taken seriously, game mechanics that enable continued harassment... could go on. Don’t waste money on this game.
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  • Pay to win is a reality

    This game is fun, it’s a lot of fun. Cool missions, easy game play. I got to level 22, and now I realize it’s a complete pay to win system. Most games you can put in more time and actually compete. I’ve spent 45 dollars on this game and I’m still WAY behind the big guns. I thought I could grind it out, but it’s impossible. They offer massive upgrades that you can buy. They call these prime upgrades. And at the higher levels they are basically impossible to obtain. And it’s not just a small bonus. The bonus is like, double all ship damage for 20-50 dollars. And technically it’s possible to grind your way there, but i calculated that at a 20% drop rate for a rare mineral, and a 12 hour clock it would take a year to get one of these upgrades. And it doesn’t stop there by a long shot. You can pay to upgrade your officers and there is no limit. So people do it. I’ve heard of people dropping well over 1O,000 dollars for these crazy ships and crews. It’s just not fair. I’m all for paying for something’s, the game has to make money, but this game allows the ultra rich to absolutely dominate. I can’t blame them it’s a business, but they do not cap it. So I’m done. The game is actually a business and it’s not worth your time because people will just destroy your base, take your resources and there is nothing you can do about it. Well there is something you can do and it’s she’ll put some serious money.
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  • Leaving

    As I read the reviews, I see that I’m not the only one that feels that the game is so unbalanced that it is pathetic. I have been playing now for three months, reached level 25 and struggling to keep away from the arrogantes that just because they have some power, they hit you even while you are just starting to mine, just because they want RSS. I made the mistake of hitting a guy on a node, and his Cdr. was on me like stink on you know what. So what did I do? They say that if you can’t beat them, join them. Now I am still playing by myself, since no one seams to acknowledge I even exist. I move around, looking for good sites to mine ( non found) but I have managed to grow. Now I think it’s time I leave this and do bigger and better things. BTW, I tried GOW and it’s even worst. Unti the time that you regulate the different areas and not allow the strong ships where the weaker ships are you will not retain players. Recommend you create areas for different strengths and not allow them access to the lower lands. That willl allow the weaker players an opportunity to grow and then challenge those areas.
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  • 3 stars

    I gave three stars to star fleet command . One there is no alliances war being conducted with other alliances besides targeting miners with alliances or floating ships with alliance . Secondly the resources take to progress a ship is to long and only event ships are the best power houses. Thirdly the amount of officer exp needed to level them up and promote is to high for the quest rewards because at certain point in leveling the operation building . The fourth thing recruiting new officers or getting them promoted is to hard because can only get one character token . It is uncertain how many each of them need to maxed out . The missions do not recycled to get more officer exp or ship exp . Otherwise this free game for those who like destroying ships with some grind .Do not expect to get officers quicker or level them up quickly, or have any indication if there are more severs that are open to ios . This game can benefit by giving alliances more reward systems or give alliances sectors with mines only for that alliance. Other then speed upgrades and the eventual upgrade to do armadas. Low level alliance members can not participate in armadas which means they can not get rewards from it besides reducing the waiting period on upgrades. The last thing mention the roster of characters do not have the crew tag easily identified without having to click on the avatar to find out if they belong in that crew group.
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  • This game is beyond trash

    If you want to feel inferior to those with money, feel free to download this game. If you want to be attacked by people of 5+ levels above you without recourse, download this game. But if you don’t want stress over extreme drama, and a failure of a game in your life; then DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS GAME!!! If you like being attacked by folks 5+ levels higher than you; if you don’t like fairness in what seems to be a simple base builder and strategy game. Basically if you want to avoid paying to win. DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS GAME!!! The only improvement they’ve made is on graphics, regardless of the NUMEROUS people requesting level attack updates and other changes. Basically, if you want to hate your life becAuse devs fail to act... download this game. If you like being killed over and over and over and over and over agin by higher level people. Download this game. If you like trying to attack people 4 levels below you that you ultimately cant, even though you got attacked yesterday by someone 4 levels higher than you, then this cash grab is the monetary waste for you. If you’ve read through this and still downloaded, you are a waste of life. Words can not sway you, and not can facts. You must support trump’s failure of a presidency. If that’s the case PLEASE DOWNLOAD THIS GAME. For all others. Please avoid this, for your own sake.
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  • Very Unbalanced

    All reviews that tell you that this game is amazing, fun, addicting and enjoyable are probably from people who sit in their house all day spending money, since playing games is probably all they do each day every day. So if you truly want to know what the game is like don’t rely on reviews. Play the game for a little bit and decide for yourself. The game is, for lack of any other word, neat and a time killer. Any game to claiming that they are very well “balanced” is feeding you propaganda. The only balanced games I come across are from companies that have been in business for more than a few years. Honestly if there is any balance in any PvP/PvE game you would have a separation of lower and higher levels, figurative not literal. To give a simple idea of one small unbalanced portion of this game, the developers allow higher levels players to attack and harass lower level players but it tells you when you are a lower level that you cannot attack the player since their level is too high. Well if a player is not allowed to attack a higher level then the higher level should not be allowed to attack you. This premise is PvP 101 stuff people get with it or find new programmers. Balanced? I think not! It’s a far cry of being called balanced, they’re in the business to make money. So don’t take my word for it, decide for yourself.
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  • Terrible game

    The packs to advance are 100$ a piece, and there is not enough in ur resource generators to even do the simplest of actions like fight. And you HAVE to fight, because the range of hittable ships is outrageous.. lvl 39 can hit as low as lvl 25 ships and bases. And if your shield fails (which it often will do) scopley will admit there is a problem then not refund your lost resources after you have been raided. Mining nodes are often broken. And even if you screenshot some part of youri game that is broken and try to send in a ticket, the auto response will tell you to send a screenshot, try deleting the app and reload it (which is super fun when you are in the middle of a battle and your game crashes.. sarcasm) they keep working on the graphics but dont fix whats broken and customer support is not helpful in ANY way. But hey, if you have about 40,000 $ to blow then this is the game for you.. not being sarcastic. There are legit people that have paid that much to play so they can crush you any time they want to mine where u are. And the cursing in the galaxy chat is atrocious. We actually had a very nice lady that was harrassed and asked about how much she could spread her legs, and much much worse. Scopleys reply was “we will look into it”, and the person wasnt banned as per their terms of service. This is an adult game, DO NOT let your kids play it.
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