Star Trek Fleet Command User Reviews

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    I love STFC and have played for over 2 years. I have been becoming increasingly upset. The prices on their cash packs are $99 dollars. I rarely buy anything because it's ridiculous. Now today after launching a new arc Scopely has decided to inactivate an officer that we have had since the beginning because they had a glitch and it was really helping us so they inactivated her so that we can’t use her anymore to really help us and enjoy the game. This officer has been around since day one but because it’s really helping the players without having to buy with money other officers that are new. It’s just really disappointing that it seems like all Scopely cares about is our hard earned dollars. Yesterday when they rolled out the new Arc it was broken since the minute it was put up and then they had to take hours before it would come back up but still it’s sucked. I’m sorry but I wouldn’t recommend anyone to put a penny into this game Anymore. It's just a travesty and I guess they really don’t care about their player base and wouldn’t care if we left but I know I am going to socket to them where it hurts the most and that is their greedy pockets. I feel bad for the underlings that work for the company Cause I’m sure that they will be blamed for this whole fiasco. So no more of my money Scopely if I want to spend I’ll take it somewhere else I work too hard for my money and y’all are just greedy and ridiculous.
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    Developer Response

    Hi, Onenotofthisworld. We appreciate you taking the time to provide your feedback. The temporary changes applied to Gaila's ability has been reversed and we appreciate the overwhelming feedback we've received about this. If you need further assistance, please reach out to our support team!
  • Game is NOT Star Trek

    Biggest problems are that the game is designed to be a predatory, player-eat-player mess. Players that shell out hundreds of dollars will always be able to beat you up and take your resources. Bases are upgradeable to ‘protect’ some of your resources, however the amount is extremely small and only a fraction of what you actually need to save up to do upgrades. If you want to keep people from raiding you, you have to shell out money to buy ‘peace shields’. Also, stupidly, you can’t use several smaller shields at once to have a longer shield, so your 1 hour and 4 shields are useless because you can’t cover a night of sleep or a work day with them. It only takes a few MINUTES for people to raid you and loot all your stuff, so even small gaps in protection will ruin you. Advancement is impossibly slow unless you shell out tons of cash. Upgrading officers and ships will literally take years without shelling out for multiple $99 bundles. Unlocking the base faction ships is doable with many months of farming, but anything above that will take you YEARS to unlock. Keep in mind that the resources you need to upgrade your bases and level are the same resources that upgrade your ships, so you can’t do both. So...years to upgrade base, then years to unlock a ship, then years to UPGRADE the ship. Gaining levels actually HURTS you in many ways. Quests you could complete yesterday are now impossible because the level of your target ships goes up.
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    Developer Response

    Hi insertnane, thanks for your feedback. Star Trek: Fleet Command is meant to be enjoyed by many types of players and we have made a lot of quality of life changes recently to help out everybody in our game. Please reach out to us with your specific feedback and we will do our best to address it in the game. Live long and prosper!
  • Spend

    The best part of this game is the interactions between players, other than than that it’s not that great unless you have very deep pockets. For the amount of F2P effort you put into the game the rewards are not that great. When you begin you have fun because you battle players within your range. As the game progresses you’ll find yourself attempting to fight players “16” levels higher than you. This is a fact as I’m ops39 defending against an ops55. My only defense is to coward and shield, where is the fun in that? I have written to scopely and nothing has changed. Make it interesting and make it so you can only battle Players within your range. As long as players keep dumping big loads of cash into this game, you’ll find that as a smaller player you’ll eventually quit and find another outlet to enjoy yourself. The game has Gene Roddenberry’s vision as far as characters, ships and missions but doesn’t share his vision as far as money. Real money is what really drives this game. The money spenders “will” dictate the outcome of this game. Here’s a suggestion, develop a ship that a smaller player can use against a much larger player than can cause actual damage. This will change the gameplay and make the larger player think before he can easily single handedly mow down an alliance. It will involve more smaller players to intercept an attack, instead of bubbling up and hiding.
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  • Attempting to help alliance member

    An alliance member has requested help and I’ve been trying to help em for the passed 15 minutes or so. It keeps making like I’ve accepted the request for help but then remains there as though I didn’t help. Only problem with this game I have thus far. I do have one question though, how do you travel between different places you discovered and actually explore those places without quests? Or can you only explore those places if you currently have a quest in that area? Like I have a ‘new Sligo’ and I’m trying to explore the area around it, for instance. Just out of curiosity.

    UPDATE: I have an alliance gift t I’ve been trying to claim for about a day and a half, it’s not allowing me to claim it. Thank you for fixing the thing to help alliance members. And I figured out what the ‘new sligo’ was.. that’s the area I’m currently building in I think. Took me a bit to figure out, but I got it. My grandma and her siblings are HUGE Trekkies.. they’re huge fans of Star Trek. I’m not saying I’m not, but as for the game, it’s one of my first games of the series and I didn’t follow it as much as they did. 😅 I’m having a lot of fun though!
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  • Notification fails, horrible customer service

    The game has been buggy from the start. Many have gotten worse over the years. The most frustrating is the alert system. The game often fails to tell you you’re being attacked, even if you’re on your phone at the time, leading to a significant or total loss of resources that sometimes you paid for! Don’t throw your money away on buying resources, because Scopely’s failures and bugs will cause you to lose it. The customer service has gone from bad to horrible over the years too. They went from telling you they’d fix it, to telling you it’s working as intended, to totally blocking out any input or comments. It’s just a bot now that immediately closes out the ticket. I’m not paying for this garbage any more, and I suggest others not waste their money until Scopely fixes the game.

    UPDATE: You can see Scopely’s response. Attack notifications had been incredibly reliable for years. A push came through every attack. You could count on it. Now who knows. And their excuse is lame, because Discord and Twitter and Messenger every news and sports app can figure out how to get their push notifications through. And Scopely did too! It worked. It doesn’t any more. Again, don’t waste your money on resources because Scopely’s failures will lead you to lose them.
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    Basically a whale (big spender) out spends everyone on the server, becomes a giant troll, muscles out anyone they don’t like. I’ve played for 2 years and have spent quite a bit myself, yet any messages to Scopely about bullying are ignored. They are allowed to do as they please. I had a great community of friends that I spent time playing the game with and spent time with outside of the game. Now a good portion of those have quit and I’m on the edge of quitting. I do know I won’t be buying any more of their ridiculously expensive $100 packs. They are expensive and you don’t get much. They will offer blueprints for a new ship but it would cost $2000 in real money to get it quickly or it will take months in game to earn it. As you are trying to grow, you’re getting bullied from the whales as they have a 112M power ship and you may have only 2-3M power ship. Scopely allows the lopsided advantage so it is no fun in the PvP aspect of the game. Then there is the constant game chat bullying from trolls that, even when reported with screenshots of wildly inappropriate behaviour, NOTHING HAPPENS. Sometimes a troll gets an 8 hour ban. Then they come back madder than ever and bully people more. It is a toxic soup that a true Trek fan should absolutely avoid. Server D35 AVOID. On top of it all, if you start looking around reviews and Reddit, you’ll find this is what happens on EVERY server.
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  • Just Bad

    This game is just bad all the way around. I’ve spent around $200 on this game and it’s just not worth it. You’ll have to spend $100 per pack and those packs don’t even fully upgrade your ship. You need around 3000 uncommon crystal to upgrade your ship by one tier, and the packs only give you 150. Do the math on that. Such a rip off. The players that do spend thousands, can come and take the resources that you purchase with real money. I’m currently level 30 and it will take 12 days to upgrade to level 31. There is no mission list so you can’t find missions that you need to build reputation or gather resources.
    I had my miner on a node for over 18 hours, when I thought I was going to collect some resources I need to progress, another player destroyed my miner and took everything I waited 18 hours for. And there’s nothing you can do to defend yourself or prevent it from happening.
    You can only perform 3 functions…fly somewhere, mine, or attack. That’s it. The chat interface is a joke.
    This game isn’t about skill or even chance…it’s about how much money you’re willing to spend to progress…and it’s a lot. The game is designed to cater to the whales, so get used to being whale bait because that’s all you’ll be. Queue the rubber stamp response from the developer…
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  • If you like being cyber bullied, this game is for you

    I have been playing this game for over an year and enjoyed it. However, as you progress higher in levels, the game allows higher level players to challenge you in battle of which you have no way to beat them. I’m at level 34 and my highest power ship is 2.3M in strength. At my level, the top level 50 players with ship strengths of 50M just steam rolls over me. At lower levels, the game only allow attacks from players 2 levels above. But as you progress higher and higher, that level gap widens, 2, 4, 6, etc. The game requires you to perform daily events to get the bonuses. But there is one team of high level players called FUQS with player names like ShiftyKilledYou and YouBeePickaxed just bully their way in the galaxy killing everyone, disrupting their daily events. And NO ONE CAN STOP THEM. Now Scopely could have designed the game to restrict the level gap, but they promote this behavior as this is considered player vs player, and this is their response when players filed complaints. Scopely probably is hoping lower players would buy expensive power packs to upgrade their ships, but this still takes a long time to do as you can’t upgrade players levels that fast. Some of those high level players boasted that Scopely allows them to do these bullish behaviors because they spend like $15K a month on upgrades. So when you play this game, beware as you advance higher in player levels.
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  • Game is worse then ever!

    This game was fun till about level 21 then it just got horrible everything is way to expensive to buy, I could literally buy 3 PS4’s and a BMW with the money the alliance [BREW] spends in Server 36 and I could buy a House in Long Island with the amount the alliance [SUPR] spends on Server 36 it’s residuals all them 2 alliances do is bully every other alliance to get there way and territory update and add on has made this issue way worse! Not to mention you can’t upgrade your station without spending $50 a month and at least 7 hours a day of playtime a day once you hit level 28 and then you get hit constantly I have to buy shields constantly with my alliance points and it’s just making me not want to play then you have [BREW] Soggy and some other players photo shopping In game DM’s and reporting people for stuff they didn’t really say or was snap shot out of context and then that player gets banned for 24 hours without any warning so then the reporter gets to raid the base of the person he or she reported then that person is left with nothing and scopely gives zero crap about you or your account if you ain’t spending at least $20 a week all it takes is for you to call some racist a idiot and boom your banned for 24-48 hours with NO WARNING AND YOUR BASE IS RAIDED AND YOUR LEFT WITH NOTHING. Don’t play this game I’m level 28 almost level 29 and I’m hating this game more and more every day. Only reason I log on is cause I like the fellas in my alliance.
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    Developer Response

    Hi! Sorry to hear that you're receiving an Error Message in-game. Please go to and contact us there. This will get you directly to our Customer Care team who can help you further. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
  • Greedy overrated garbage

    Title pretty much says it. Been playing for a long time...then I realized how the developers only want your money. They have no interest in making a fun balanced game. It’s rigged to favor only players that spend large amounts of money. Any ship worth getting will cost real money and will be insane to level up and tier up the ships. Absolutely no direction with missions. I spend half my time looking up how to get to places missions send me...only to find out that the only way to proceed with some missions requires you to finish other event missions that aren’t even available. Forced PVP is what really kills the fun of this game. Hostile environment toxic bully players. Made up rules per server that if u don’t follow players will go out of their way to make u miserable. Once u hit level 25...everything is too expensive and far to much a boring grind. And for what? So u can get new ships that are only good for certain events...this game is a’s greedy unbalanced garbage. If u value your sanity I recommend you find something else. This freemium game stuff needs to stop. Make a free game stay free of cost. The developers should be ashamed of themselves. And seeing how u never know what u may end up getting when u buy something...I don’t see how this isn’t considered gambling.
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