Star Trek Fleet Command User Reviews

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  • Don’t believe the 4.5 stars. The game is impossible to advance.

    I had high hopes for this game, but after you get to level 10 or 11 it gets really hard to advance without spending money. I spent some money. I quickly started to make some progress but when I got to level 15 things just got impossible. I purchased a large pack which gave me a ton of resources and started leveling up again. Within 8 hours of my purchase, one player that was 5 lvls higher and in a ship there was no way in hell I could defend against, cleaned me out of all my stored resources in just an hour. I had only used 20% of the resources I had purchased and given the time requirements for building and leveling it would have taken me a week to use all the resources I had. The other player was rude, and completely happy and proud to have stolen my stuff. This community has no etiquette, no respect for other players and is full of bullies and cowards who must have absolutely no life in the outside world. There is no way to report these players and there is no way to defend your self, because you only get so many shields. If someone destroys your base, you get a 5 min shield. Just 5 min. That is how the guy could sit there and attack me 7 times in a row while I was offline living my normal life. Don’t spend any money cause all it is right now is a ripoff.
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  • Don’t waste your time....

    I would give this less than a 1 Star if I could. On the surface, the game seems good. The concept of Star Trek is what got me to play. However, the game should have never gotten out of Beta. Most of the crew abilities don’t work, ship abilities don’t work, ships randomly blow up in space dock, ships jump out of warp with the “timer” off meaning you can’t do anything and you get blown up by hostiles resulting in wasting resources... need more resources, no problem you can BUY them. When Scopely bothers to push updates, they roll back the power of your ships and base. What does this mean, BUY more stuff to get back the power you already paid for. Silver lining, APPLE has refunded many, many people some even 100%. However, even though you get a refund for what you paid for that Scopely rolled back, Scopely will then kick you from the game, or reset your game back to day one and put you on a different sever with no way of changing servers. Mind you, they kick you even if you didn’t get 100% refunded, meaning they took your money. Their reason, you broke the terms of service... despite they negated your purchases in the first place precipitating the refund! Buyer be ware, Scopely has a horrible BBB rating and extensive complaints about this game and others. You would be better served buying a dead cat off the street to play with, it works better than this game.
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  • Starts strong finishes weak, poor service

    Do yourself a favor. Read the reviews, the star levels are pumped up, do the math. I have deleted this app. When I first started the game There were only a few bugs and had more than enough resources to help build. As with any strategy game when you progress resources become more scarce. Today there are more bugs that cause the game to glitch or just quit and when it does you lose all your hard earned Dilithium for no reason. I notified their customer service twice with no response. Once you pass level 9 it is next impossible to mine Dilithium And Other raw elements to help you build your ships upgrade your supplies and materials and station. I am at level 14 and won’t go beyond because once you go to level 15 then your station can be regularly attacked by others. The problem with is that just about everybody is subject to trolls. You can’t mine for minerals longer than five minutes before somebody is fighting with you and killing you. To keep up with everyone you need to buy upgrades. It starts out cheap at $5 but after you buy one or two you can only buy$25 items, then later only $50 items are available. If you ever watch the advertisement on TV the play of the game is nothing like that, you don’t see any video clips or epic battles. The commercial has nothing to do with the game. I started out enjoying the game now it just not worth playing. Don’t waste your time unless you got money to burn.
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    Developer Response

    We appreciate your feedback on the PvP in Star Trek Fleet Command. Our combat system is complex and we aim to constantly refine and evolve it as the game grows, but we hear that you have not enjoyed the current dynamic. We hope you will try the game again in the future to see the improvements we make.
  • Could be good game, but....

    I was looking for a game to take over from Galaxy On Fire Alliances, that I’d played for years, but which now is pretty much dead. This game looked good. Started out and seemed OK, although it seemed a bit “pay to win”. After a few weeks now, I’ve quit and deleted it. Not going to pour money into this. It could be a really good game-if they dialled back the money aspect a bit and fixed some issues. Sadly having spoken with their support, that seems unlikely.
    There are frequent “events”-which at first I found encouraged me to play. Until I realised that even playing very frequently to meet the goals, I still came up halfway. So I wouldn’t get the awesome ship-I’d have to pay to get the other half of the blueprints. Great!
    Then my base got attacked. Fine-that’s part of a game like this. Except that it had already happened-so I’d built up my base to mitigate such attacks. Sadly the game dynamics were screwy-a player with ships ¼ of my base’s strength easily defeated me and raided the resources I’d built up over a week or two. I don’t blame the player-they were just exploiting screwy dynamics. It really annoyed me, so I contacted game support. Zero help-just repeated fob-offs.
    So here we are-another game that could’ve made some money off me & that I could’ve enjoyed playing, deleted.
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  • One major flaw. Game breaking

    If youre reading this is bc youre considering the game. The game is super fun. Lots of grinding. Its fun. Ive been hooked since Xmas and ive not used my xbox since because this game has me dominated. So here’s what the main game breaking issue lies. All the way to lvl 15 you can attack people in your range , im at 14 and can kill from lvl11-17; thing is the station becomes pvp able at lvl15, and WHOEVER at WHATEVER lvl can come and destroy everything you have making you literally unplayable. I have beared witness people with ships at 275k power being able to crack open bases from lvl15 and take all. There is no cap. And WORSE ALL, you can buy packs to help improve which i have no issue with. Problem is i can spend $20 on a pack of resources than will be stolen a minute later. That part of the system is broken. It allows people to bleed money they cannot use in game bc of timings. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed otherwise you cannot enjoy this game. If you are a player that spends cash( again, zero issues here with that) the possibilities of losing it all before you can use it its there. Regarless of game shields you cannot stay 24/7 guarding your cash
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  • Fun but a buggy mess

    While the gameplay is fun and addicting, it’s still a hot mess too far in. The bugs come hot and fast and the devs seem unable to permanently fix them when they don’t just write them off. I have contacted them several times and they only resolved one issue completely. On another known issue, false battle reports, they refused to even acknowledge the problem despite evidence I submitted. It’s getting to the point that submitting tickets to customer service is pointless. And this also doesn’t address the fact that there is significant pay to win. The pay packages are pretty outrageously overpriced and escalate with each purchase. They give significant advantage considering the fact that the game is unbalanced. Small differentials of power can result in colossal defeat, so even minor fluctuations from packages can severely tilt results. The power differential is also significant because it means that powerful players can’t even be zerged to balance out their op stats and they can act with impunity. It’s almost impossible to catch players ahead of you without paying, so they can indefinitely ream you. TLDR: great concept but extremely buggy and imbalanced to the point you have to pay to win to survive if you started late.
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  • Truly Enjoy the game, but...

    As my title indicates, this is a fun game. There are a lot of dimensions to the game that make it entertaining, such as the missions, various research paths, strengthening your station and ships. I also enjoy the real time chat with Alliance members and other players.

    However, there are some glitches such as mines that seem to be unavailable (spinning circle), ships on mines but they really aren’t there, and it might just be me but... it’s very easy to inadvertently send your ship somewhere and then it’s difficult to find where it went.

    A frustrating aspect of the game (no fault of the developers) is there are Alliances that simply enjoy destroying other players’ ships while mining (mining is an integral aspect of the game). Very often my ships will only be mining for a minute or two, and a player from specific Alliances will destroy me and others just because they can. Probably players who spent loads of money to get to the high level and strength. So there is a level of frustration in that sense. Maybe the developers can develop activities where collaborations, etc... vs pvp balance out the easier method of destroying other players ships and stations.
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  • An embarrassment to the Star Trek name

    I have played for a while, but I’m sorry this is just a poorly designed game that brings shame on the Star Trek franchise. Trek is about a positive hopeful future, boldly exploring, meeting new races and civilizations, team missions on strange worlds, the examples set by Kirk, Picard, Archer, and all the rest. Not mining. Soooo much mining, unless you pay to play. Unlock a new ship? Great, now you have to mine something new. Which brings us to the most broken part, PvP. Ship power scales way too quickly and becomes overpowering even a couple levels up. As in they suffer less than 5% damage when taking out all my ships, or space station. Yeah that’s right one ship can destroy a whole space station and 3 ships while taking less than 10% damage. Imagine Picard just flying from station to station blowing them up then taking out 10 mining vessels and that’s the whole game. Just grind away and pick on people less powerful than you, sounds nothing like Star Trek. Building your station is kinda cool, even if you have no frame of reference for any values. And the tech progression is ok, but tedious. If they had just built around that they could have made a decent game. If you want a Star Trek fix, try Timelines, much better play balance and a lot more characters you remember from every series and movie. Live long and Prosper, but not with this game!
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  • Money grab

    It’s sad that this is being passed off as a Star Trek game when there’s very little Star Trek to it. Mine, blow other ships up, attack bases, etc. might all sound fun but it’s not. Mining can take HOURS, during which you’ll get attacked and destroyed by some jerk who bought a super unbeatable ship during the first days of release for $50. And when you’re destroyed, you lose part of what you mine. So it’s one step forward, two steps back. Upgrading takes 8+ hours to days on end. Alliances are helpful but only up to a point. It’s literally kill or be killed and currently the top alliances are solely focused on blitz attacks on lower level players because they can. The response is “hey it’s just a game, relax.” But therein lies the problem. You’ve taken away anything that can be fun about it and made it incredibly frustrating. To stick around, you either have to play for 18 hours a day or make purchases for resources and faster upgrades. I caved and bought a few, thinking it would take the target off my back and maybe allow me to enjoy the game without constant barrages. It didn’t. I played since day 2. Spent maybe $60 and I’ve had enough. Uninstalled and frankly I’d like my money back but I know that’s not happening. Don’t bother downloading unless you like your eyes glued to your iPad 24/7 and you don’t mind constant ambushes. Does anyone remember when Star Trek used to be about exploring?
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  • Very fun

    Overall, the game is surprisingly really fun to play. That being said, only to a certain extent. While oneself plays the game, they will notice as they level up build times will be come really long. I myself noticed this myself. Once a player has reached the levels of 17 and above, building times become more than a day or a few. This is ridiculous if you only have one building operation. That means you would have to wait a day or a few just to build something else!!! I wish the creators of the game would present an alternative solution to this matter. In addition, due to the game being really fun, I have spend real currency on this game. But here is the downfall, I recently purchased the station pack and ship pack for $5 usd each. I was expecting that this was an offer for the whole time but it was not. Every time the consumer purchase a pack, it presents another offer. Once I purchased the station pack and ship pack, the game presented the advanced ship pack and advanced station pack. The one problem with these packs was that they were not $5 usd anymore but instead $20 usd each this time. This ridiculous!!! Why couldn’t the creators just keep the $5 packs ? $20 is such a huge jump in a price!! That’s same price someone could spend on a actual console game. I hope the creators notice this problem.
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