Star Trek Fleet Command User Reviews

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  • Slow Game Play But Very Fun

    The game is extremely fun to play and addictive in the beginning it’s easy to upgrade and you can pretty much gain all the resources necessary endgame to upgrade but it is a grind my recommendation would be to join a very good alliance from the beginning that supports you teaches you about the inns and outs of the game and even help you gain resources and protect you against bullies in the game because let me tell you this game has lots of bullies in it that constantly attack weaker players one of the things I would add in this gameWould be Easter egg like prizes that would be random of course but would encourage players to stay in and play to try to get these where the prices would be extraordinary allowing them to advance things like 100 hours of speed ups or combination of speed ups big swaths of resources instead of little tiny ones that feed you with a bird dropper people want to advance that is in our nature and if it takes them five weeks just to try to get it shipped to compete less people are going to stay in the game and play but all in all I give it five stars because it is a lot of fun and the possibilities are pretty much endless
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  • Solid foundation that comes up Waaaay Short

    This game could be great, the could be is the problem. I have played many video games over my life and this isn’t even a beta’s worse. There are far too many glitches, errors, coding problems to go over in just one review. The main problem I have is that the developer doesn’t care about the issues because people are forking over millions every month to play an incomplete mobile game.

    They are stealing from players (the developer) as well. Try and instant repair one of your ships, that will cost you 19 additional in game currency than what is communicated to players, basically pocketing that currency each time short changing the player. The developer is only out to sell packs and get people to pay to win. You can grind in this game quite successfully but when the game breaks and you can’t get around having to pay it makes it not fun any more. I also wish the PvP parts actually worked, you don’t get notified when your base is under attack and you hardly ever have the opportunity to defend yourself.

    Lots of potential here but no follow through from developer. Do not download this game if you don’t have time to grind, grind, and grind some more every day.
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  • Starts good but doesn’t last

    Starts out fun exploring, missions, and resource gathering. But the closer you get to level 20 the less point there is to playing anymore. If you do the missions you eventually hit a point where your expected to kill ships that are over twice the power of your current ships, and to tier up your ships take forever unless you pay $$$. The resources needed for tier up and upgrades have to be gather, but mining vessels get destroyed before you can gather. And the fights become pointless, example: ship A power level 17k, ship B 120k power level. Ship b attacks every ship in the area,player with ship A wiped out, obviously. Ship c power level 11k, ship A cannot attack ship C because the level difference is too high... and yet having a ship with over 100k pl difference attack is perfectly fine. Don’t waste your time unless you want to spend hundreds of $$$s. Even someone of the same level can buy designs giving them 10s of thousands of power difference. While you think you can get the same for free and it will just take longer, that is not the case, I’m level 19 can’t do any of the missions I have because anything I have to fight is 2x the power level of my ships. Or they want donations of resources that max capacity doesn’t cover. Can’t mine anything without getting destroyed by ships that shouldn’t even need the resources I’m mining.
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  • Online bullying is encouraged by scopely

    This game can be fun and a welcome diversion at first. However the game designers have encouraged an environment that promotes bullies. The bullies in the top alliances continuously raid bases and destroy the miners of players and alliances that have no chance of fighting back.
    When you are bullied the game designers want you to become enraged and buy packages for ship and base upgrades so you can ‘defend’ yourself. What you don’t realize is that these packages cost $100 and will only give you enough to sometimes level something up. You still can’t defend yourself against rich people who dump thousands of dollars into their account to stay more powerful than honest players. Oh and there is also the fact that if you buy upgrade packages, the abusive players can steal that from you too.
    I was a hardcore player for several months and I spent nearly $1000 on packages and upgrades. I was planning my sleep schedule and social schedule around the game and when it would be safe for my account for me to step away for a few hours. I reached level 23 and I was fairly strong for my level. However, I still couldn’t compete with players that spend thousands of dollars on the game, and I was just cannon fodder or a cash cow for the in game bullies to steal from.
    I walked away from the game and deleted it from my devices; I’m much happier now.
    TLDR: Don’t bother downloading this game.
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  • The game is fun but has many glitches

    I played the game for about three months, enjoying most aspects of the game despite the many glitches. A few mining nodes don’t work even after updates that supposedly fixed them and several times I completed missions but didn’t receive the rewards. The game is very unbalanced, I was getting hit by players 11+ levels above me. A fully upgraded lv22 station has no chance of defense against a lv30+ ship. I learned to just keep a shield up when I wasn’t playing.

    I personally spend money on games cause it allows me to not spend time doing the stuff that is not enjoyable. I also realize that if people don’t spend money then developers will no longer make games. Which brings me to my biggest complaint, customer service. I bought a pack which came with resources and started a few upgrades. I put up a shield. While the shield was active, I got attacked and lost most of the resources I bought. The game failed me in three ways, (1) I was attacked while under a shield, (2) I never received a shield notification, (3) I never received a station attack notification. I reached out to support and they were unwilling to correct the issue. Supports response was “In as much as I want to help you out, I can only do so much.” They did nothing to correct the problem.
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  • Seriously unbalanced

    This game started out extremely fun. Who wouldn’t want to fly around in a starship, blow up hostiles, complete missions and engage is some friendly PvP. There are numerous pay walls as you progress and with a maximum level of 50, hitting a major pay wall at 19 is ridiculous. I spent just over $2k on the game and made it halfway through level 27. Upgrading structures and buildings takes 3-4x more resources than your station can possibly generate on its own. The change in resources needed as you level is exponential and not linear at all. At lvl 27 I can generate and hold ~3 million par steel. Building upgrades cost upwards of 10 million. It is absurd that on order to level up the station you must spend $99 per pack and probably need 3-4 packs to gain a level. Also, pack purchases scale with your station level. At lvl 1, packs give substantially less than at lvl 10 and even less at lvl 20. Packs shouldn’t be tiered to give more at higher levels. Packs should not scale whatsoever and simply give less benefit as you gain levels. Either that or make all packs scaled to what they would give at maximum level. The individual servers are run by those who spend tons of $$$ Because they have the most powerful stations and make the rules. I am quitting the game mostly for this reason alone. My recommendation is that unless you have a massive disposable income or are keen on massive credit card debt I would steer clear of this game entirely.
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  • Abhorrent Customer Support

    I contacted apple about the developers micro transaction policy. My son whom is the actual player of this game, had accidentally purchased multiple packs because, as I found though research, when you tap on an item to “build” in game or whatever it says “speed up” with no confirmation dialogue or anything it simply uses in game purchase able currency. What’s worse, you can tap on one item out of a list of 4 and the menu randomly jumps between items after a tap. So you could accidentally purchase multiple different things when intention was to get one. My son ended up getting 3 of the packs this way. I contacted the developer because APPLE DOES NOT CONTROL in app microtransactions. The developers do. After literally 25 separate emails of the developer saying “We can’t it has to be refunded though apple” and me replying to them with apples app policy and apples emails saying it’s developer controlled I am now here. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME ON THIS GAME. The company is now on my list of fKd up developers. Shady practice jumping menu items around to get players to waste money. Especially since they clearly know that this is the case which is why they feign understand and try to redirect you to apple support. If I worked at Apple I would delist this application and all others from this developer. It makes a terrible reflection on Apple as a company for allowing this crap to go on.
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  • Great but....

    I feel this game is trying to be like 2 different games at once I feel like it’s trying to be a Star Trek rpg and than trying to be a clash of clans styled base builder which isn’t a bad thing I jus feel it tends to not blend in well but my major issue is where are all the characters can we at least get some TNG ones in here I don’t mind new age TOS characters but come one there is so much In the Star Trek universe like what about discovery characters you know I feel it doesn’t have enough content but at the same time has enough to keep you going point is if you live Star Trek your going to like this game so far everyone has there own pet peeve about this game mine is mainly not enough content and sometimes to many things happening on screen cuz it’s trying to be sorry not 2 but 3 types of games clash of clans, world war rising and Star Trek all at once idk maybe I was expecting a more chill vibe but got a more action vibe which is fine I know it seems like I have been ranting but it’s a really great game DOWNLOAD IT TODAY!!!! The developers are excellent at responding to there reviews!!!!
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  • Wish I could give it 5*

    The concept behind the game is fantastic...but there is a very long way to go before it is 5* worthy. The PvP scale is WAY off. That needs to be addressed. Why is there no kind of alliance battle log? There are battle reports per individual, but leadership cannot see what is happening with our members. Why is there no way to check member activity? We have strict standards of activity, but the only way of knowing, is physically seeing a ship in motion, or seeing them in chat. Dead mining nodes are a huge problem. Lack of nodes for the amount of players are another. The uncommon material drops are preposterous for the amount that is required for upgrades and research. Who ever came up with that algorithm should be fired, and someone with half a brain put in their place. I’m at a complete standstill in building and ship upgrades because of this stupid wait time between refining materials, and the insane drop rate of uncommon. Now moving on to the ‘store’. May as well call it the black market. $100, just to be able to get ahead...Seriously ? This game is geared toward those that can afford to drop serious money to make any headway. And is in NO way friendly to those of us that have to work for what we get. Needless to say, there are numerous issues to address before your fan base drops, and business is lost.
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  • Skip this one for a year or so

    Came into this game with high hopes and was pretty much disappointed from the outset. Progress in this game screeches to a near halt pretty fast unless you are ready to dump some serious cash into progressing. If you aren’t then sit back and get ready for some incredible frustration. The players that do become amazingly powerful VERY fast and prey on everyone with nearly unstoppable ships. I grunted out for 19 out of 50 levels and just got tired of the amount of time it took to accomplish absolutely nothing. Just building a simple structure was taking 3 or more days (an obvious taunt to impatience to get you to pay to speed things up)and it took many of these structures to progress. Storyline is slow and monotonous. Fly from one place to another, kill a bad guy, receive minimal rewards. Ship power climbed very slowly too. Even the great alliance I was in couldn’t protect itself from the cash kings constant pillaging everyone with their showroom ships. If you are a game bully and have LOTS of extra cash and want to throw it away to buy pixel ships in a glitchy mediocre game, this one is for you. Personally I would suggest waiting a year or so to see if the designers address a few of the obvious problems and make it more about player enjoyment than sucking up your time and money. So disappointing.
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