View’s font size is unacceptable huge
The thumbnail showing rendered Markdown looks nice above, but when I actually tried to use this app, I discovered it meant that a one-line Gist with a long (but not *huge*—about 200 characters) Linux command line couldn’t display the single line on the screen all at once—on a 15″ iPad! The default font size looks like it’s about 64 pt. (I say “default” meaning “the size for plain text”—you can’t modify it in the app’s settings, as far as I can see.)
When you go into “Edit” mode, the text is appropriately-sized—but it’s all unformatted. If I just wanted an app that let me edit GitHub Gists, there are plenty of those.
I can’t imagine picking a set font size like 64-point for any reason except that it makes the App Store thumbnail look nice—otherwise, the rendered example could look like a wall of text. This wouldn’t be awful if you could modify that size, but pinch-squeezing doesn’t do it and there’s no font size item in settings.
Perhaps changing the font size is a paywall feature—if so, I wouldn’t know, as I have just deleted this app.
Response from developer
Thank you for trying OctoNote! You are right that OctoNote is not fully optimized for iPad, but I will definitely prioritize this defect for future releases. Your feedback is much appreciated!