StaffPad User Reviews

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    I really enjoy this app but it is excessively difficult to consistently draw the accidentals correctly. Flats in particular are especially hard to get right. It’s moments like this that can really kill the momentum of writing. Adding accidentals to the tool bar will be a very simple fix to this issue that way I can just toggle to the accidental I need instead of fighting with my iPad to draw the accidentals perfectly. You should also add note values to the tool bar. Just about every notation software has this option and will be a game changer for this app. Again, instead of fighting with my iPad to write out the notes perfectly, I can just select the note value I need and put it on the staff. In fact, why not combine both of those ideas.

    For example, if you need to draw quarter notes, just select the quarter note value in the tool bar before you draw the notes. That way, the software knows no matter how poorly the note is drawn that its supposed to recognize the notes as quarter notes. Same thing with tuplets. These two things alone will easily make this the best music notation software bar none. The interface is gorgeous and the sounds are phenomenal. However, all of that is useless if 99% of your time is spent fighting with the software. I am BEGGING you guys to please include these features in the next update.
  • Game changer for composing

    StaffPad is a revolutionary app for professional composers and hobbyists like myself. The ability to handwrite notes and instantly hear them come to life is nothing short of magical. While there is a learning curve for using the Apple Pencil to write in notes, even someone like me with terrible handwriting was able to learn quite quickly. The user interface is intuitive, making the entire process from score creation to playback seamless and enjoyable. I purchased four of the 3rd party sound packs and all of them have an incredible sound for an even more incredible price. I hope to see a more expanded library of sound packs in the future. Overall, StaffPad is a must-have for anyone serious about music composition. Five stars, well-deserved!
  • Excellent, Yet Handicapped

    I love StaffPad’s ambitious goal to give composers incredibly powerful tools and playback features, especially with the new Muse Sounds library. The developers have made exceptional design choices with the apps simplicity and getting straight to composing. But the handwriting system and recognition seriously handicaps speed and efficiency. I often find myself just going back to using a mouse and keyboard on my desktop to work instead. It’s really disappointing because StaffPad has so much potential to be truly great. I really want to use StaffPad more, especially to be free from having to be stuck at the desktop to compose. Can StaffPad reach its full potential? I’ll be keeping a very close eye and hope to see the day I will replace my desktop composer with StaffPad as my daily driver.
  • REALLY great app!

    I just got this app a few months ago, and at first I thought it wasn’t worth 90 bucks. But after learning how to get used to the writing, it became second nature, and it was very fun. Sometimes it would have a hard time recognizing dynamic markings and articulations. But I could work with it. The most recent update had audio and midi recording for piano. I couldn’t believe it. I have a TransAcoustic Yamaha piano, so I tried the midi function, and I was blown away. I could record almost a whole song in music NOTATION in a couple minutes. I mean, imagine what Chopin could do with that. I also tried the piano recognition, which just records plain audio and not midi notes, that function didn’t work so well for me. But if your thinking of buying this app. I think its WORTH it. It might take some practice if you’re coming from musescore like me, but is overall an excellent app.
  • Integration with MuseScore (Mouse & Keyboard, MSCZ Format Support)

    I love using StaffPad, it’s the most powerful composing tool for use on the go, especially with the new Muse Sounds library. There are plenty of times where I wish I could use a keyboard and mouse system like I do with other platforms like MuseScore (especially native mscz format). I know the whole purpose of StaffPad being made for writing by hand, but using a mouse and keyboard (with keyboard shortcuts) is often faster for larger scale scores and less cumbersome than going back to fix writing mistakes by hand. This is just an opinion though, StaffPad is a fantastic platform and I’m happy to use it! You guys are doing an awesome job! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
  • StaffPad is great! But the latest update….

    StaffPad has been a great teaching tool for me as I transcribe and learn new techniques. However, I’m noticing a major difference in the sound engine with this latest update. A lot of instruments feel and sound a bit harsher and punchier than they were before - some hairpins, like slurs, aren’t doing their jobs correctly. The balance is off - piano and pianissimo sound no different, especially for horns and flutes. Violins sound very quiet, even at piano, and still can’t quite cut through at forte. Some of this may be my own editing in the side panel, but I didn’t need to do that before this update. Don’t get me wrong, it’s an amazing app, and it runs beautifully on my M1 iPad Pro!
  • Revolutionary Composition and Arranging App

    Pencil to score paper is the fastest way for composers and arrangers to capture and organize original musical ideas. Yes, one can improvise a piece on piano or guitar in real time but that isn’t composing per se since improvising requires similar yet different musical skills. One can also use a midi device to input notes quickly. But the act of composing; capturing ideas, reworking them, experimenting, editing, revising, and orchestrating feels more intuitive when using the tools composers have used for hundreds of years. Pen and paper. I have composed and arranged music on Finale along side several different DAWs for 30+ years. Now StaffPad exists. This app is worth your time and creativity. Don’t hesitate. Buy it. Learn it. Tap into your “flow state” and start composing or arrange more music now.
  • A gem that needs serious polish

    I really want to absolutely love this. I really really do. It’s incredible. I’ve been waiting for this for 20 years… however. The handwriting detection is abysmal. My theory is that it’s programmed to the handwriting of whomever the software was developed with. Likely the guy with the charming voice in the vids. The problem is it’s that’s like telling me there’s incredible novel-level writing software… but it only reads Stephen King’s handwriting. Don’t get me started on wether or not the pencil is in erase mode or not unless you’re right on that screen watching it closely. It really is incredible, and once they get it where I don’t have to make a flat (b) and get a rest 10x instead.,It will be unbelievably efficient.
  • Insanely great

    I’ve composed music in Logic, Ableton, Musescore, Guitar Pro, Dorico and other tools, but this app is leaps and bounds better for getting ideas down quickly while staying in a musical mindset.

    Sometimes the handwriting recognition doesn’t get what I’m doing, but it’s a small price to pay that can be fixed by being a bit less sloppy.
  • Works great for me

    Just downloaded it. Followed the beginning tutorials to get an idea of what it looks for in terms of strokes. Composed a few quick pieces to test the waters. Using my iPad Pro and current generation Apple Pencil, I’ve had ZERO issues with it no recognizing my handwritten note detection, etc. save the few times I could barely read what I wrote (in other words, my own fault). I’m still learning the program, so haven’t done anything too off the beaten path yet, but have to say, I’m happy with it and the quality of sound that the playback instruments make. Based on my experience, I recommend.

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