User Reviews: Yosemite Bike Sharing

Yosemite Bike Sharing
Yosemite Bike Sharing

Top reviews

  • Frustrating experience

    The map said I was near 4 different bikes, but I could not actually spot a single one. It appears to me employees of the park are using these and hiding them near dumpsters and such so others can’t find and use them. Employees should have an easy way to get around, but hiding bikes is very much against the spirit of this program. Really sad to see.
  • Worked for me!

    Stayed at Camp 4 and they had a hotspot for us to get cell coverage to download the app and set up an account. I was able to pause and unpause my ride where I went. Worked for what I needed it for but don’t know what it would have been like if I had gone far with it and had no cell coverage.
    I have 4 stars because there could be some improvements but was really happy to have this bike access.
  • No luck here

    I can say with confidence we had 100% fail rate using the system. There are two of us in Yosemite right now and every time the app says there are two or more bikes we can only find one. Twice the app has said we are literally standing next to a bike and it simply isn’t there.
    The other problem is that these apps require cellular to work and that is spotty…at best. LTE when it works.
    We were at Yosemite falls trail head and it said there was one bike so we looked and it wasn’t in the rack.
  • Great idea, bikes and app unusable

    When they first launched the program it was amazing, however years later the app and the bikes are in bad shape and obviously haven’t maintained as they should (given that YNP attracts so many potential users). The pesas were impossible for us to use and it would’ve been faster to walk, unlocking the bike was a nightmare and locking it took too long and was super buggy. I would not recommend this service to anyone, especially knowing how it used to be much better.
  • Ticketmaster level of service

    While the concept is a good one, the lack of cell service in the valley makes the app useless. If by some miracle you do get the app open and somehow get a bike connected you better leave it unlock because once you lock it you might as well forget about it. The YC workers and volunteers don’t even use them. Also the tire treads are nonexistent on the bikes.
  • No bikeshare

    Just got left Yosemite Valley. Downloaded the app, but there’s no bikes here, and people don’t know anything about it.
  • Maybe the buggiest app I’ve used

    Scanning usually doesn’t work. Swiping once it’s scanned doesn’t work. What’s the point?
  • Love the concept, but need improvements

    I love the idea of free bike sharing in Yosemite. Most of the popular Yosemite valley bike path can be covered in 2 hours. I think it would be much better if the conservancy can improve the condition of bikes (There were a few broken bikes when I tried to check one out. And the one I checked out was squeaky during ride). Also the robustness of the return need improvement. I encountered issues at return, which errored out saying I am out of the return area, although according to the map in the App I was right in the middle of the area. I am not sure if it was using the GPS on my phone or the GPS on the bike for location. In my opinion, it should always use the latter because the wireless connection in the park can be sporadic.
  • Excellent way to see the valley

    We had limited time to see the valley on our way out of Yosemite and these bikes made it possible for us to see a lot more of it. The attendant helped us unlock the bikes. What a great program.
  • Easy to use, free of charge, great accessibility!!!

    Pilot program has its bugs, but there was a recent upgrade which fixed a lot of issues. I tried 3 bikes during my trip here and they all worked well! I had no issues with lost network. I was able to explore more parts of the valley than I would if I walked. This bike program is a great idea, although it could use further improvement, I hope it continues for years to come! :)

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