User Reviews: PCH Slots

PCH Slots
PCH Slots
Publishers Clearing House

Top reviews


    PCH Slots is a really great app! BUT the entire experience gets ruined by all the trashy ads that come through. I don’t mind watching ads. Especially ones from legitimate retailers. I’ve come across tons of things that I’ve purchased or added to lists for future purchases that I wouldn’t have thought of if it weren’t for the (legitimate) ads. For some reason, 90% of the ads that come through are the scammy ones. I’ve actually seen one that showed a person (holding a baby for a nice effect I might ad) claiming “I couldn’t pay my rent so I downloaded this bingo app, played for 10 minutes, and I made over $12,000 dollars”. Seriously? I’ve faced not being able to pay my rent at times so this blatant deceit is simply disgusting to me. And there are hundreds more ads just like that one. The PCH+ app is saturated with these sickening ads and I worry they will associate the PCH brand with this garbage. PCH+, PCH Lotto, PCH Wordmania, PCH Treasure Match, and PCH Slots are all truly great apps and I really do enjoy playing them. I trust and believe that I have a chance of winning actual prizes from PCH. So once more, please stop associating with these lousy ads. It’s ruining the PCH suite of apps and the enjoyment of playing. Thanks so much! (I tried breaking this review into paragraphs but my iPad or the App Store return key is not registering the breaks, sorry!)
  • Dreams

    Dreams are made to become realities. We start dreaming about what we would love to have in our lives from the time we are old enough to think. As time goes on we continue to fill our minds with more and more goodness and beauty. We are waiting patiently to step into that land we created. No matter what we go through in our lives, good or bad, must not darken or change our dreams. There is never an option to give up on our dreams. The One who created us dreamed seeing you and me, and so it was. He saw us the same as He is. We also are capable of great things. Don’t sell yourself short. Make it real!
  • Updated review

    The issue with foul language in ads has disappeared. Still have issues with ads not closing until the X is pressed several times. Often the X & volume button opens the download page instead of closing the ads or silencing the volume. The skip ads button almost never works. The app will also not turn off all sounds even after selecting to turn off sounds in the app. I often play when watching sleeping babies and when my husband is sleeping. I have to completely turn off my phone volume instead.
  • This app needs to stop opening the App Store over and over again while playing!

    This app needs to stop opening the App Store over and over again while playing! It is so annoying! This just started happening and it needs to stop!

    All the ads are annoying enough without having to also deal with closing the App Store every time it’s opened by this app!

  • Themfap

    I’ve Ben doing this since January 2021 most of the people that win are retired people that have money, so it kinda seems like a joke and me wasting my stamps, I scratched off two scratch off tickets to win cash and it said guarantee eligibility, let’s see how long it takes to get my money from those scratch off tickets, after this February drawing I’m done completely off I don’t win from scratch off all the money I scratched off on those tickets. It’s so unreal, foreal
  • Why would you bring them back??

    I Hate the ads that are 10-15 seconds then you have to hit next and do it three times,
    Wasn’t getting them for awhile and now they are back. I Loved the app when they weren’t on there. I even gave it 5 stars. Now it is annoying again. Please get rid of those kind of ads again. Make it way better entering.
  • App issue

    I use all the PCH apps and play the PCH games online. I don’t have any issues with any of the other apps, but this one freezes regularly and I have to restart the app each time. I’ve been playing for about a month and haven’t won anything, but I’m trying to be positive that one day I might win at least one dollar 😁
  • Needs work

    I’ve played in the past now I remember why I stopped. The commercials are to long, I check out the details if I like I get, if not I’m looking for the arrow top right. Well the arrows takes forever and there’s a game that comes up “Bingo Crush” the arrow is faded you can’t click on it. I leave the game. Also very important the button spin to hold auto doesn’t work I have to push spin all the time. I like when It’s on auto spin very convenient.
  • Love it!

    Love this app and PCH as a whole. I’m unemployed and young (32), and know that as I look for employment this is a great way to take my mind off all the stress and have the chance at winning something. When there are guaranteed prizes every day, the odds really are way better than the lotto. And it’s totally free. Hope PCH continues to update and offer even more slots!
  • Well… To be perfectly clear,

    I Think all of these games are a little bit annoying but I have finally learned how to manage the noise and that has made a huge difference for me! Truth be told, I just love winning the tokens because I feel like they are increasing my chance to manifest large amounts of money and value and I have a lot of fun accumulating my faux wealth! Lol I’m sure that I have much better things to do with my time but, eh… life is what you make it. And, who knows, maybe I will become a wealthy supermodel after all.

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