No funciona
Wasted my time
Can’t create my login
App needs updating
Unable to use
Fix your calculator!
Outdated data
You have to pay
Response from developer
Hi Mazdaprice, Sorry to hear you are having some issues with the new app. If you are having issues please contact support and we can assist you. Kind regards, The 88th Day
Not calculating days correctly
This will lead people to believe they have done more days than in reality. Please address this.
Response from developer
Hi Dreva13, It does not say that on the immigration website. Please read our guide online and you will see our reasoning. Additionally, from the immigration page for Specified work for Working Holiday Visa - "Example: While on her second visa, Maria works on a dairy farm milking and other duties. Maria makes an agreement with her employer to work 5 days a week (Wednesday to Sunday) from 4am to 7am and 1pm to 4pm each working day (a total of 6 working hours per day) for 6 months. These hours are considered normal for this role and Maria is paid the correct legal wage. Maria can count every day of work towards the 6 month specified work requirement, which she meets." Maria is working 5 days a week 6 hours a day, totalling 30 hours a week in this example. Immigration count this as 7 days a week, we have confirmed this with Immigration ourselves. There is no such thing as a 35 hour cutoff, this is probably the most widely spread falsehood in the backpacking community. Kind regards, The 88th Day