Bullet Echo User Reviews

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  • Addictive but some heroes need to be nerfed badly

    I main the default character Stalker and he’s pretty cool and fun to play with, he turns invisible and what not. The tanks in this game shut him down, I’m not even playing around, invisibility doesn’t even work on them if they put up a shield or if they turn and shoot you, you will never be able to outburst or surprise tanks, you have to chip them down. Heroes are too slow to chip down tanks though, movement speed and fire rate are slow, every time I see a tank I try to turn invisible or hide behind cover, but the ability startup time is too long and my character is too slow to hide behind cover. Not to mention I put about 60$ into this game and people who probably only put in 20$ are easily spraying me down. I love this game and I play it a lot but tanks need to be nerfed, either more primary spread or less damage, I need a chance against these guys. The only time I kill tanks are when they don’t know how to aim or just started playing the game.
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  • Could’ve been great, but the devs messed up

    When I first downloaded this game, it was fun for the first couple of matches and I really enjoyed it,I played it with some friends of mine and we had a blast, but the deeper you go into the leagues and ranks, it sadly gets worse. Shotgun characters like Sparkle are so obnoxiously over powered, I’ve seen her two shot a mythic bastion, MYTHIC! Then there’s the dumb shield ability that makes you invincible, what a terrible idea, remove that ability or balance the ability so you do take some damage AT THE BARE MINIMUM. You guys really did have something here, but the second you inputted broken abilities, unfair damage, and for the cherry on top, blatant pay to win, you dug the games own grave.

    If you enjoy having your mood ruined by this game or if your willing to go bankrupt to win a single game in this dumb app, then be my guest, but for me, this game is one of the absolute worst battle Royals and I am CERTAIN the developers won’t listen to its player base, CERTAIN.
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  • Severely underrated game

    In genera comparison its like apex but as fun as fortnite in its prime (season 2-3)

    Developer Response

    Hey, mAdKller. Thanks so much for a positive review, we hope you're having fun in the game! Let us know if you need anything. :)
  • Fun game

    Bull echo is without a doubt a pretty fun and addictive game. Starter tips would definitely be for new players to leave some ammo for the friends that only have a basic pistol or shotgun you can help by tapping on the crates if you find ammo before your friends to ping them also make sure to check your corners. In the game I advise for you to not play the character your best at but the play the character you like to play practice with them and find strategies to help you win with them. The game ranks people buy trophies you get trophies by winning you also lose trophies by losing the main way to get trophies is just by doing better than most of the teams in a match with the trophies if you win a lot of battles but just don’t have the experience of other players then you probably won’t have as many upgrades and will get a lot harder later on. This game can make people pretty mad if you get a bad spawn turn a corner into an enemy with a shotgun or get sniped from somebody you didn’t even see. Make sure you take part in the events events are pretty easy way to get gear and gear literally only boost your stats you’re also probably going to want to invite friends who you had a good time with in the game most of the time randoms can be pretty bad in a higher levels so having a good team is crucial when you get a team you’ll have more fun. But anyway see you on the battle field good luck and have fun.
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    Developer Response

    We love to see that you like playing our game! We are trying our best in making Bullet Echo better and better. :) Also, if you have any ideas or suggestions on how to improve the game, feel free to contact us via the game or at bulletecho@zeptolab.com so that we could discuss your ideas with the team!

    I’ve played countless phone games from clash of clans, fortnite, I mean the list goes on and on...this game is so much fun I play every day and have spent A LOT of money on this game, BUT you don’t have to spend a dime to be good at this game which is awesome. The only downside is the characters you can choose to play with are not balanced in terms of power and abilities. There’s no consistency with some of the characters which can be frustrating. Some characters (like Arnie) when you max them out they still don’t really do a whole lot of damage. I also wish they would include more minority ethnicity characters to play with. There’s only two black characters, a Mexican, and a Japanese character, the rest are white. The loading screen also consists of all white characters as well. Another issue is once you get your character to a certain level they make it really hard for you to reach the final level. Also, the characters “Gears” are virtually impossible to upgrade once you hit a certain level or you’ll just have to play professionally and put in countless hours to level up those gears. Other than that this game is still 5 stars and I warned you...It IS addicting.
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  • My experience with this game

    Great game that is very simple, I love the fact that you have to grind to be high level in this game and even when going up against a high level player if you play smart you can defeat them regardless. I wouldn’t change a thing, the only thing I wish that could be added is a way to customise your character to make it unique from others, I mean yeah they have skins but you need something else to make your character standout from someone else’s perhaps being able to change the colour of your clothing and armour.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you very much for your feedback! It's always a pleasure to receive such comments. We'll do our best to continue on this positive vibe!
  • Its a really great game but.....

    Ok so i only gave it three stars because i have two problems with the game right now.

    For the most part the game is really fun and as a person who grinds the game and played it 95% of the time without spending money I’ll say its worth the download.

    But because of the fact that you can pay to win it is a struggle and this leads me to my first complaint. I think you should let us use the bucks we earn to help us buy gear chest with gear parts and more nuts on base game. The chests that are in the game only drops like two nuts and you had a limited event with boxes that drop more but thats not gonna cut it.

    Second complaint is ability balancing. for the most part y’all did a great job for some of the characters but then we have some that are broken. Shields are one of them, I believe the shields should disappear after a certain amount of damage hits it and not by how many bullets hit it. Invisibility is another one. Honestly it just needs a longer cool down or or something because how fast some people just pop in and out of that is ridiculous. And lastly the passive abilities are a little overpowering like the reduce sound loudness and reduce enemy range when shooting... etc

    To summarize it all i really enjoy this game and i would like to see some nerfs to certain abilities and better loot chest. When i see all that change i will happily give a 5 star rating!
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  • Great game but has some problems

    Really great game, have had lots of fun playing. However there is definitely some power imbalance problems. Matchmaking is based on trophies not power. But I understand this as if it was based on power there would be no real incentive to buy characters/upgrades. I noticed this imbalance as when I first got the game I spent around £5 on a character + upgrades. At first it was ridiculously easy I could kill opponents in under a second - massive unfair advantage. As I started to progress and gain more trophies the difficulty got harder. I wasn’t the strongest player anymore and actually one of the worst usually. Generally I think there should be more ways to assert a higher skill in matches. Such as abilities that are hard to manage but if u know how to use them well they can be effective. At the moment it really is power based not skill based much. Really fun game though, hope u take my ideas under consideration.
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  • This Game is Amazing - Please Read

    Ok. Firstly, get this game. Have you got it? Good. Because it’s amazing. Especially for a mobile game. And you don’t need to spend a penny! People say “oh it’s pay to win” and yes it has money deals. But you really don’t need them, because there is ways to get them for free, by playing the game. Honestly. Not pay to win.

    The idea to this game is so great, and I love the way it was made. The developers have put so much time into it and you can really see that. There are so much different characters to choose from, each unique. The best thing is, there may be tryhards, but you won’t be able to tell. It’s all dark, and the aim is to kill each other, so no one is really try hardy or anything.

    The unique gameplay is so good, please get this game, PLEASE.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for the awesome review! We’re happy to hear we hit the mark for you and we'll do our best to keep it up!
  • It’s Perfect but..

    I love this game I really do but they need to make a lot of changes for it to be long term playable and not just “buy this pack for a head start in damage” type game that slowly looses its fun because everyone else is paying money to get ethir more health, stronger upgrades or just a higher level character that’s unkillsble and too powerful to play against.. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a tank with a shield pop up and just wipe out my whole team as well just because he has too much health and the shield has duration but not health as well and I honestly see this leaning more twords the paying to win side seeing that they rly want money.. I get a lot of pack deal pop ups for 54$ and after almost every other game they try to persude me once agian to buy a chacter upgrade pack for 20$ I eventually bought it and soon after they hit me with another one costing 54$.. And afterwords I continue to get more of these “buy this “ type pop ups for new characters and such and it just rly breaks my heart to just see a player killing me with all gold gear and maxed level tanks..
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