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GoodNovel - Stories & Novels

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  • The Charismatic Charlie Wade

    I'm enjoying reading this book The Charismatic Charlie Wade. It keeps me wanting to read the next chapter to see what will happen. Reading this book gives me gratitude, excitement and added a little bit of suspense as well. I can't wait to see how it ends. I'm hoping that Charlie will stay with his wife Claire. I feel like he will be the most richest person there and everyone who looked down on him will have to change their mind. That is the good part. What I'm finding is I'm spending a great deal of money to keep purchasing coins to keep reading there are already over 4967 chapters. So how many more chapters before the end. It's seems like just put a price on the book and let reader decide on reading it. What has happened with it gave me like I think it was like 10 or 25 chapters free, now I'm hooked on the story and want to know how it ends. I will definitely finish this book no matter how much coins I have purchase. How many more chapters can it possibly give the reader? So I was wondering after I'm finished reading this book can I get a copy.
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  • One of the best Apps for reading

    If you only plan on reading a couple chapters a day then the coins that you can earn daily should do. But if you are like me once I start reading I don't want to stop. So I ended up having to buy coins in order to continue reading. I honestly wish I would have known that you needed coins to read chapters I probably never would have started reading it. I think it's an awesome website that new authors can submit their books to but the worst part is that the book I am reading gets new chapters added almost daily and at this point the book is pretty much never ending. Which means that I'm either going to have to spend a lot of money or have a take about a year before I get completely caught up. I wish I could just buy this book but unfortunately it's not possible. I kept telling myself that I was going to just stop reading it but then something off-the-wall would happen and I would continue reading because I wanted to know what happened next. So unfortunately I don't think l'm going to be able to stop reading this book until I see it through because I have so many unanswered questions.
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  • When his eyes opened.

    This is by far the best book I have read in a long time. The ups and downs has you keep coming back for more. It’s about a girl who’s family has lost everything, her step mother has her marry a rich business man who has had an accident for money and is in a coma they think he is about to die. The artificially insinuate her to carry his child. The girl takes care of him while he is in the coma and one day he wakes up to everyone’s surprise. He is terribly mean to her. He starves her and locked her in a gust room. But they end up falling in love he does not want children and and tells her he will strangle them with his bare hands. she doesn’t find out she is pregnant till they are madly in love she stayed with him till she is 5 months pregnant and knows she can’t hide her belly any longer. She up and leaves his hose off to grad school abroad. She has twins abroad a girl and a boy. She decided to come back home and buy back her father’s company they had lost years ago. The children are now 4 years old. The girl looks like her and he boy looks like the man she was forced to marry. Everyone that sees the children knows the boy looks this his father but she has told everyone his is adopted and the girl she gave birth to.
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  • I’m hooked now!!

    All it took was a scroll! I’m naturally a book work & reading takes me to my happy place! I was scrolling on Facebook & see this story not even realizing how long it was it but the first few lines caught my eye! 10 minutes later I realized I was hooked on the story but still from the post! I was FaceTiming with my best friend & all I kept hearing was what are you doing?!?! My response reading this story from Facebook! Line after line I was like I have to know what happened! By the way it was the longest post ever!!! Next thing I know it’s like 30 minutes later & im in the App Store! I’m in there now I’m hooked, I’ve downloaded & im laying in bed reading this story! It wasn’t until I looked at the clock that I realized I had been reading for like 2.5 hours! I just couldn’t stop because the story kept me pulled in! The only thing I would change is how much it cost to get coins to read it’s almost more then a book which is why I haven’t been able to finish the story I’m reading and it really hurts my feelings but I can’t spend that much money to read right now in my life.
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  • When his Eyes Opened

    I started reading this book on Facebook, it totally drew me right in. So of course I wanted to read more, so downloaded the app. Etc. I was really enjoying the story until I couldn’t read further until I purchased coins. I debated and then decided I would purchase what I believed should surely be enough coins to go shopping reading the book. I then discovered the book has over 1000 chapters. Seems excessive but ok. The short of the long of it is I have now spent over $20 to read a book, that I have yet to finish. This is almost double what the book would sell for brand new. So my review is....I really like the story, and the author does a great job of bringing the reader in, hook line and sinker! The buying coins that seem to go faster the more you buy to read a book that would sell for far less two thumbs down. I would like to finish reading this book but due to the fact that you can’t just buy the amount of coins flat rate to read the books, I will not be finishing thus book or reading anything else on this platform.
    Story 5 stars
    App -5 stars
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  • Mixed feelings

    I have spent over a month earning bonus points every day and have bought 1,000 coins, and still had only made it to chapter 211 in the book “When his eyes opened.”
    I hate that this app has consumed so much of my time just because I don’t have the funds to buy more coins. It will cost over $200 to complete this book or 10+ months of never missing a day in bonus points.
    And apparently, some people have the opportunity to unlock chapters every two hours, but this is not offered to everyone. And I have many friends who I have gotten to download this app and read the book, and they all got the opportunity to unlock chapters. Plus, out of the 10+ people who clicked on MY personal link, I only got credit for two people and only got credit for 1 of them reading books even though everyone is reading the same book. I have reached out for help but have not received any support. I love the book so far, but I absolutely hate this app. I am torn between staying or giving up, and at this point, I feel like the app deserves two stars, not three.
    I will come back and update my review if anything changes, but for now, I wouldn’t recommend this app.
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  • When His Eyes Opened

    I really loved reading this story when it started but the more I kept reading, more and more mistakes were popping up. The authors really need to take time and proofread their stories. There are countless errors with misspelled words, symbols showing up in the middle of sentences leaving the reader to guess what the word might have been, incorrect character names and places popping up in the middle of a chapter, repeated chapters… you name it. It’s very frustrating, especially when we have to pay such a large amount just to read the book. You can look at the comments from readers and see just how frustrated everyone is. Plus, just when you think they might FINALLY be bringing the book to an ending, they come up with some absolutely ridiculous plot twist to drag it on for another 1000 chapters!! Your fans want this book to come to a HAPPY ending considering all of the horrible events that keep happening to these 2 main characters. Please listen to your fans. If you want this app to be one that people will return to, catch the errors before publishing and don’t drag out a story for all eternity. Clearly this is just a money making scheme and the writers are extremely careless. Not a good way to build up a fan base. If I’m wrong, by all means, prove me wrong! PLEASE!!!
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  • Writing a review to get points

    This is a good app I do enjoy the books I’ve read on here (currently on my second). Normally the first 7 or so chapters are free to read I believe and after that you need points to read for free. There are a few ways you can do this and if you read a book on this app I highly encourage it! I’ve purchased points to help get me through a chunk of the book but each day I also have been doing some of the tasks to collect points for free. You can read for 15 min and earn points, you can read for 30 min for points, you can watch up to 5 30 second videos for points, checking in daily in the app and then additionally online ears you points, you can add specific books to your “library” for points, reading 3 chapters of a specific book (this is how I got hooked on the second book I’m currently reading) can also earn you points. All of those listed you can do EVERY DAY. If your an avid reader this app is a good way to help out authors that aren’t big names yet but still have great stories to tell. Definitely take advantage of the free points, it’s not a lot but it does help. All and all I would recommend this app but if you want a book you can fly through for free it may not be for you. If your wanting something as a leisure read this is perfect just remember to check in for the points each day!
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  • Books are addicting

    I first found out about GoodNovel on Facebook. I clicked to continue reading the story I started on Facebook. Needless to say I spent so much money the first three days that I had to cancel my subscription to Chapters and start reading GoodNovel. Whereas I do think the books are better I do not like having to spend so much money, if they had a monthly subscription that gave you a certain amount a coins then you could pace yourself along with the extra coins earned from checking in each day and bonus coins for completing task. The other drawback are the chapters are extremely long and never ending, my first book I started has over a 1000 chapters. There’s no way I can finish that money wise as I can’t afford to drop 5$ to 20$ every three to four days. I only got through 16% when I decided to start another book and this one has over 800 chapters. It’s like are these books ever ending because I notice they keep getting updated. Also I can’t navigate that well through the app. If I’m reading a book I have to exit out and close the app just to go back in to get to main page that list all your books. So other than a few hiccups for now this app has me hooked.
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  • Hot or miss sometimes

    Started reading a book on Facebook. It was very interesting so I downloaded the app. It wasn’t too bad at first whenever I saw that you needed coins in order to continue chapters. If you only plan on reading a couple chapters a day then the coins that you can earn daily should do. But if you are like me once I start reading I don’t want to stop. So I ended up having to buy coins in order to continue reading. I honestly wish I would have known that you needed coins to read chapters I probably never would have started reading it. I think it’s an awesome website that new authors can submit their books to but the worst part is that the book I am reading gets new chapters added almost daily and at this point the book is pretty much never ending. Which means that I’m either going to have to spend a lot of money or have a take about a year before I get completely caught up. I wish I could just buy this book but unfortunately it’s not possible. I kept telling myself that I was going to just stop reading it but then something off-the-wall would happen and I would continue reading because I wanted to know what happened next. So unfortunately I don’t think I’m going to be able to stop reading this book until I see it through because I have so many unanswered questions.
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