I don’t know how this app has five stars
- no way to sort restaurants by genre, just by location [similar: no categorical search, e.g., I can’t type in “pizza” to find dominos]
- no way to turn off duplicate restaurants
- no way to hide restaurants and offers you’ll never be interested in
- locations you’ve used all offers for remain in the list
- the restaurant list is 50% chain restaurants, 25% smoothie shops, and 25% other
- super random selection. There’s like 50 pizza places and no Chinese food places. What? Haha
Aside from that, I have other issues with the app’s execution:
- the UI is functional and looks ok, but not pleasant to use
- there are some functional issues, like the map integration being so ad-hoc’ed in that I don’t use it; the nearby toggle in the restaurants resetting the first time it is pressed after opening the app; or how the dropdown menus for the three rightmost categories don’t adjust their little arrow to point at the category icon, instead staying at the left side of the box
In general, the whole thing feels duct taped together. After being around so long, I would have hoped WS would have made more improvements to their app, especially after making their card electronic only.
I have some issues with the service in general, too:
- some things are out of place, like a BBQ place showing up in shopping and services or a golf place in entertainment (instead of golf)
- pop up ads, in a paid service app
- they’re never the restaurants my partner and I want to go to, but that’s more a personal issue than their problem
- the whole thing feels more like an ad than a discount service
Overall, I’m just sick of this thing. It could be so much better.