User Reviews: Stephanie Buttermore app

Top reviews

  • Blank White Screen


    I’m unable to see my workout programs. 😞 It’s unfortunate…
  • Glitchy

    It was working fine for 5 days and now it is stuck in the splash screen forever
  • Please add notes section!

    I Love SB programs and have been using them for years. The app just makes the programs that much easier to use. My only wish is that there was a notes section in each workout day so that I could add any modifications/changes etc.
  • Great App and workouts. Functionality could be better

    I chose this app because it was so simple to use and I absolutely love Stephanie and her workouts! I do believe the app could be enhanced. When opening the app, it shows all available programs but it would be nice if it pinned the program purchased and displayed the others as options instead of trying to remember which one I purchased. When finished with a workout, or completed a day, it would be nice if the app recognized a completed day and greyed it out or crossed it out. It just allows the user to remember what day they’re on instead of clicking through the weeks / days to remember. I LOVE that she includes the embedded YouTube video and I LOVE her in general, just feel the app can be enhanced if that’s the end goal!
  • It’s alright for now!

    I love her and I’m so stoked she came out with an app. It makes things easier. Something I did notice however, was the app program is different than the PDF. I wish the app showed how many warmup sets you needed for heavy compound lifts, and had the same information as the PDF. For example, in the 5 day a week foundation program, you need 2-3 warmup sets of squats before you get into the actual lift. If I wouldn’t have looked at the PDF and just bought the PDF and went directly into the app, I wouldn’t have known that.
    There are also some workouts that don’t match the PDF. In the 3 day a week day 1 week 1 foundation program, there is only 1 set of barbell overhead press listed rather than the 2 in the program. So again- such a minor thing, but for someone who doesn’t look at the PDF, they won’t be maximizing their use of it. It’s also not “easier” to go back and forth from PDF to app to see which exercises I should be warming up on. I thinks it’s okay for now but has potential! Glad she has an app at all
  • Great app!

    I used to take notes for all the workouts when you had just the pdf, this makes it simple and quick to look back. Although the app is missing a notes box. Sometimes I replace workouts and I don’t have a spot to add the info, currently using my iPad and phone to track all my workouts
  • Stephanie is awesome!

    I love the app and the ability to track progress on my phone instead of bringing a notebook to the gym. But I would say the only thing that needs to be fixed is in the “Quick and Effective” program the exercises that are super sets don’t show that they are super sets on the app. I know the exercises that need to be super setted because I have the PDF also, but people who don’t have it won’t know.
  • Great app!

    I’ve been using Stephanie Buttermore’s Specialization and Optimization plans via PDF for a little over a year now, and this app is so much easier to follow! I love that the videos and alternatives are all in one spot (I often had to scroll everywhere or would lose my place mid-workout) and that you can add your progress! I also love that within seconds of buying her Quick & Effective plan, it was unlocked in the app. I chose to get the plan after doing a week’s worth of the sample exercises and a new change of life. Super excited to get back into fitness and track all of my progress through the app.
  • I love it!

    Finally, I can carry this to the gym without bringing a bunch of papers with me, lol!! I love it!! I did have some struggles logging in, but if anyone has a program already, you better go to the website, and they explain how to log in to the app.
  • One improvement

    I love the app. I have been following Stephanie for a couple years and have always supported her. I usually would upload the ebook on my books app and edit it as I go through the black using my apple pen. I am really glad she got to create an app for us. I will say though, I have noticed that the warm up sets for the workouts aren’t there. Additionally, I would love to be able to write notes for each exercise that I can track through the history of my records in the future. Overall, well done!

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