User Reviews: Dungeons of Dreadrock

Top reviews

  • Game Tester Review

    I’m a game tester and going this game accidentally. Since then it’s consumed my time as a regular player with amazing puzzles and storytelling that rivals massive game studios. But for the love of everything, increase the timer on trapdoors. Level 53 in particular pushes the gameplay past fun into impossible territory, especially if someone doesn’t have near perfect motor control. I strongly suspect this level is the delete the game point, and it either needs a rock in the wall or a increase before the doors close.

    What’s important to note is the dpad does not display properly on all iPhone models, and the swipe relies on time between swipes, both failing rates for the near timing required for that level.

    Developer Response

    Thanks for your feedback ❤️🙏
  • Best game I’ve downloaded

    it’s very fun. The levels are always unique and the puzzles are interesting and it includes the story so it’s not just another boring puzzle game 10 out of 10 game would recommend you play. It’s very fun for long car drives or just when you’re bored and have some time to play through another levels and the best part is that after you dead, you can go back and pick any level you’ve done before and played it again.

    Developer Response

    Epsiode 2 trailer reveal in 1 week ❤️🙏
  • Good game

    I really enjoyed this game was fun and some levels were challenging with the puzzle but not so much that you couldn’t figure them out. For 2 bucks to skip the adds not to bad either, if you don’t want to spend money to skip adds then get ready for an add after every level. I do hope they add more levels mostly because after you beat it that’s it. You can delete your progress and start over but unless you are letting someone else try the game puzzles are not hard after you figure them out as far as replay value.

    Developer Response

    ❤️🙏 Sorry, replay value was really not the focus, there are so many roguelikes out there already. But Episode 2 will be revealed at Gamescom.
  • FANTASTIC Puzzle/Grid Movement Game

    When iPhones and iPads started gaining a lot of traction I enjoyed playing numerous games, but the availability of quality games gradually declined until I never picked up these devices to play games. I would browse lists and search online for reviews during travel periods, but kept coming up short - until Dreadrock!!!!!

    Best puzzle game I have played in years, and it combines the classic gridbased movement system (in a top-down view instead) from my favorite classics Dungeon Master and Legend of Grimrock. Only up to level 40, but this game is worth much more than the $2 the designer asks - I hope you are working on a sequel!

    Developer Response

    Thank you so much, you are so right! :) yes, epsiode 2 is coming
  • Fantastic dungeon crawler

    This is by far the most complete and well-made mobile dungeon crawler I have played. The puzzles are clever without being annoyingly obvious or complicated. Some of the puzzle designs surprised me in a delightful way. The story element adds nice depth to the game and feels like a complete, well-written little story.

    There are 100 levels total, all of which take ~2-5 minutes to solve, so at the very quickest, the game will take about 3.5 hrs to beat. The ads are not intolerable, but for me, $1.99 was perfectly reasonable for ad-free play. I definitely recommend this game!

    Developer Response

  • Absolute Masterpiece

    I rarely write (positive lol) reviews, but this game is captivating as fuhhhh. The puzzles, the cute animations, the amazing voice/narrating, the meta humor… seriously frickin kudos for this creation amidst a sea of soulless garbage plaguing the App Store. I played through the whole thing without a hint, as most of it is very intuitive and trial and error based. But yeah every puzzle is satisfying. The ads were fine. Logically placed and skippable after a few sec. Just appreciate the game’s free for anyone to enjoy. Truly an experience. Goddammit what a great game. Thanks!

    Developer Response

  • Excellent dungeon crawler

    I’ll get the one drawback out of the way first. The controls can be a little imprecise. But it does not really negatively impact the game because of the manner in which it is set up. If you lose the level because of it, it just restarts. There are also some little tricks with starting levels, but people will figure those out on their own.

    One suggestion is to stagger the hints. If it takes you five minutes to get to the first hint, maybe give it another 4 minutes for the second hint, etc. I know I don’t HAVE to read the hints, but once you’ve opened the hints, it’s hard to not read additional, available hints if you’re still stuck. I know it’s balancing frustration, though.

    I hope you guys keep at it. Really good game.

    Developer Response

    Thank you for your kind feedback!❤️
  • Great short content

    Very clever riddles that you can figure out without any prior knowledge or context. Don’t look at the hints! You can solve every level by exploring every square, tapping on every wall, experimenting with every reaction, studying everything in your inventory (you have almost nothing in your inventory) and adapting everything you’ve learned before. Don’t look at the hints because there’s only 100 levels and there’s not much replayability once you see the answers, so savour it. “She just looked at me, and I was sorry I’d killed the thing. Sorry for killing a dragon!” - the last unicorn

    Developer Response

    Thank you!!!
  • An incredible, actually complete experience

    What a great game. I picked it up a few days ago and unlike most mobile games I just kept wanting to get back to it. Dreadrock is clearly lovingly crafted, with each level’s puzzle using the mechanics in new and interesting ways. Some levels felt more like an action game, requiring practice to nail the timing, others were clever puzzles, and many were emotionally affecting or funny! What a cool, well-rounded experience this was. I haven’t so satisfied beating a game in a while, and the fact that this game has a full story with an ending makes it an absolute marvel among the mobile game crowd.

    I look forward to whatever else this developer makes. Bravo Christoph and team!

    Developer Response

    Thank you, Mike, for your kind words, they mean a lot to me! Maybe check this out if you're into Merch: ;)
  • Amazing Game!!

    The puzzles in this game are really fun, I really enjoy the teleportation shenanigans, having NPCs, but what really blows me away is the strategic backtracking in puzzles. Its not something I’ve seen in mobile games. Plus the story is not bad either. If I had any complaints, the swipe controls on mobile make it difficult to accurately put in direction changes, like quickly moving from a lever to attacking an enemy (Hoard). but great game, 10/10.

    Developer Response

    Thank you very much!!

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