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  • Nowhere to report an issue in the app

    I like the app and the ability to save my articles, but the read progress doesn’t persist. I couldn’t find anywhere in the app or on your website where I could report the issue, so unfortunately that means I have to do it here in the form of a bad review. Please add an issue reporting feature in the app and fix the bug mentioned above.
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  • I’d love to live more, pay less.

    Thanks for your insights and life experiences. I’ll look forward to reading your book as some more details will be good to help me step out to live more.
    When is your book likely to be released
  • Contentious vaccines

    Two hundred years of indoctrination has brought us to this point. The question is, was the vaccines contentious at the time of small pox, polio , Spanish flu etc. was the propaganda machine ( safe & effective , science is setteled , there is no link between vaccine & Autism etc. etc. ) operative at that time , indoctrinating institutions , scientists & doctors like at the present time ? Where was the real science ? Don’t they know the data on the health of American children are
    abominable ?
    To truly answer these questions one has to go back to the root of the problem, during the time of Louis Pasture & the unknown Anthony Beauchamp. This should shed a huge amount of light between the “ anti vaxers & the vaccine cultists or the vaccine euphorics
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  • Relief

    Finally, something to feel good about. I was about to stop listening/reading the ‘news’ due to overreaching drama accompanied by depression.
    As a Canadian, I’m watching the political landscape shift quite dramatically to mirror? (I hope not) our cousins to the south.
    With immigration at an all time high I sure hope we can remain respectful of all (things) that make this planet enjoyable.
    If you feel like leaving the planet, without actually leaving, might I suggest a trip to Prince Edward Island with a ferry ride to Isles de la Madeleine (don’t forget to bring a kite).
    Thanks Andrew for reminding me of the value that the ‘dog days of summer’ bring.
    Best Wayne
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  • Bug fix needed

    Subscriber count doesn’t toggle off in the app like it does on desktop.
  • Variety Wins

    The sheer variety of topics, the quality of the thinking, the superb writing…if at a loose end for a millisecond, open up The Substack and lose yourself in a written digression with a friend or colleague.
  • This app can read to you

    Which is great, but what is not so great is that there are no controls to turn off autoplay. So when one post is finished, it continues to read me an older one I have listened too previously. I am usually busy with my hands and unable to get to the phone and stop it. This is annoying.

    Also, if the Substack channel mostly does audio, the autoplay does not just play the next oldest audio as you might expect, or the next newest, which would be great (and more logical), it begins to read you the next older text based entry. Even if there are five audio posts that would be next. Repetition like this is even more annoying.

    Having the options available for the user to choose would be way better.

    Otherwise a 5 Star app.
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  • Ethan Strauss is one of the best

    Can’t get enough of Ethan Strauss. Such a talented writer. He has such a brilliant turn of phrase. His takes are always on point. I’m in Australia but what he says about the US resonates just as much here. Keep up the great work, Ethan
  • Celestial Nuggets

    Being an arm-chair Astro-nut myself, I could not pass up this well written Astro piece depicting Gods ongoing and never ending side hustle of His called the Universe. Seems we’ve just exited our caves and stopped killing dinosaurs long enough to build space machines that peer into that ever elusive edge of space. I call it …”what’s over that next hill effect.” Yeah….we missed a few dinosaur kills in our past, but now we find ourselves hanging around new universe finds, but there is another gas cloud or mega planet just a few clicks away then we’re off again pursuing what’s around the next bend in that road. Space gypsies as it were. Our known universe has been called “a bubble” and our machines are doing a pretty darn good job of feeding us with pre-historic tid-bits of …”whooo’s and ahhhh’s” yet one enterprising Astro-nut with his head hangout of a back window in this rickety vehicle called astronomy and yelled….”yeah…..and there are many more bubbles yet to find..” Oh my… we go again chasing that next hill…! Hope we have enough gas to get there.

    Great read…..Bad Astronomy..! Thanks for the cake. In Astronomy….one can have their cake and eat it too.

    Old Steve in Texas
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  • Back to basics text and images

    I downloaded Substack to read something a podcaster I follow had written. He often plugs “check out my Substack, buy a mug and buy the Trivium”. This place feels like the application that a sensible centrist (like myself) should read on. No gaudy or flashy advertisements and hyperbolic ‘influencers’ jumping to hot news conclusions. I’ll probably stick around. Maybe even re learn how to structure sentences and use correct grammar again.
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