User Reviews: The Elder Scrolls

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Almost perfect!

    It’s really addicting! I love the pace that the king gets tasks. It’s often enough where I have fun, but not so quick that it’s stressful, it’s just right. The building is also very pleasant. It’s easy reorganizing everything and the game won’t let you build yourself a sinkhole if you build it unorganized. Then there’s the little relationships of all the people and the potential consequences. It feels meaningful to make decisions, deciding who gets happy and who gets angry with you, knowing each person can impact you in some way! The only problem I have right now is that some outfits do nothing. I feel the nobles outfit should give 2 extra coins per order, while the rulers outfit should dull the effects of all emotions from decisions? But alas, I’m not a developer so I don’t know what’s right. But I’m having immense fun from this and am loving the game so far!
  • Game is broken

    I bought the fan to collect my stuff but what’s annoying is supplies and equipment can’t be auto set to restart after collected. So your food and oil iron bars will auto recollect but not other things. He doesnt collect limestone unless your game remains open and just drains your battery. Also if I want to make 10 spoons I should be able to set it to auto process 10 or unlimited or etc. also it would have been nice to get a warning that if someone in your castle hates you then they kill your king. I had no idea. Also buying those packs with gems are a waste of time. They provide you with garbage. I regret spending so much money on this.

    Edit - I wish you didn’t need to “assign” characters to the war table to just clear quests. That means you need to have dedicated fighters because you currently need to pull them from different areas and change all their equipment and remember where they were when you’re done doing quests. Not sure why we can’t just assign equipment to a character and just use them in the war room. It’s extremely frustrating to do quests
  • My mom murdered my wife

    I’m writing this review with tears streaming down my face as my mother (who maybe killed my father?) just murdered my wife out of rage simply because I was a penny-pincher.

    On the surface, this game is a Skyrim reskin of Fallout Shelter, but in many ways it feels like a successful evolution of the prior. Missions are simple but fun, building feels so much better (you can move stations and free-build!!!!), and the “rulings” feature impacts the gameplay in subtle but meaningful ways, like the above.

    It’s not perfect (my iPhone 15 Pro Max gets warm while playing this for some reason), but it hit the mark of not just repeating the winning Fallout Shelter formula, but bringing fresh Skyrim-oriented life into the mix.
  • Almost a Great Game but Monetization needs Reduction

    Game is great considering its made by the people who made fallout shelter but it needs work its gots some improved/new gameplay mechanics that are really good from improved building to people interactions and behavior actually matter and choices matter with different events/people in and outside your castle but here is the kicker instead of sticking with how they had monetized fallout out shelter which was not much and not too bad and was completely optional u didn’t feel like u needed it at all which u didn’t need it but in this version they decided to go all out with the monetization almost making u feel like u need it to progress when u reach level 20 or so and with there emperors pass and multiple limited time bundle offers and singular offers and gems to buy and its not all skins there are people in and items and basically like the lunch boxes in fallout shelter in the pass and the store so stuff u need but u will have to consider paying for instead of playing the game and grinding to earn them freely the game makes u feel like u have to buy things which is bad and detrimental to the gameplay i thinking they should of just did the same amount of monetization they did in fallout shelter instead they expanded it and made it worse so thats the game it has lots of promise if they can lower the monetization to not being a need and more of a want
  • Amazing Game So Far

    So I haven’t gotten very far (only 1 year in to my first dynasty) but I’ve noticed how many great things they put into this game. Just in general the game took everything great from fallout shelter and added more features into this game. The only downside I’ve experienced is nothing within the gameplay itself, but mainly lack of quality of life features. For example the drop down to see certain citizens who fall under different rarities or races or age, which is helpful, but it would also be helpful to separate them by compatibility with others (whether they hate someone or are friends with them) and a way to see different peoples traits so I can know who to put together to pass their traits onto children. The other feature that would be helpful is a free edit mode to move buildings around. What this game did better than Fallout Shelter is the ability to move your buildings around rooms instead of the building being the room, but if we could freely move them around at the same time then it would make it easier to decorate our castles the way we want, especially since most people earlier game are most likely building shops without be able to really decorate easily because of room building costs and everything.

    TLDR: great game, but some quality of life updates would help make it a much greater game.
  • I love this game!!!! Bethesda please read!!!

    This game is so worth it!!! If you liked fallout shelter you'll really love this game!!! I’m liking it more than FS bc of the customization with building and the declarations and everything in the game!!! It’s soooo much fun!!! Highly highly highly recommend 😜 I have a couple suggestions that y’all can add!! First the sickness thing is kinda bad I think it would be good if you made it were only a couple ppl get sick not the whole castle it kind of effects everything! And also just update the game more than fallout shelter so just add new cool things every month or so to make more fun for the long run, but other than that amazing game!!! And please release fallout shelter online in the USA I was so excited for it than it didn’t release here :( the next Fallout won’t release for awhile so at least release this so it can give us a new fallout until the next one releases!! Please respond to this and have a wonderful day!!!!
  • It’s okay. Fallout Shelter is better overall

    This game is okay. The art style is meh, the controls are meh. I barely move my screen and accidentally grab someone and they get thrown somewhere around the castle when I’m trying to zoom out. Huge cash grab game. And getting more subjects is a huge pain. Takes real days for a subject to grow up and become usable unless you use a item to make it instant. (Gotta pay real money to get.) you only get 3-4 freebies so far with my game time. I have been playing since release date and not one subject has grown up to be usable just have multiple teenagers running around doing nothing. Also, the game has quests and a endless arena type mode but it’s difficult to get potions so you really can’t enjoy the combat as much as you would want as you have to wait several hours for subjects to heal and to gather more potions. I do not see a option to make potions at this time. It’s either use money, use precious gems, or hope someone comes to the throne to offer you some.
  • I love the game, here are my thoughts

    What I like about the game:
    I'm already addicted to this game. I'm a long time Skyrim fan so this is already a win for me. The gameplay is a lot of fun, I love the storylines and the relationships the characters have with each other. I like the adventures and it's not too complicated of a game. It's got relatively slow progression which I like, and there are just a lot of things I really enjoy about this game. I can see myself playing it for a long time.

    What I don't like about the game:
    There are a TON of micro transactions which is fine, if they don't give you a pop up every once in a while asking you to buy what's basically the battle pass. I don't mind there being micro transactions in the store, but I don't like it when I'm being given pop ups to buy something every few minutes.

    Main takeaway:
    Bethesda has made a great iPhone app that I really enjoy playing so far, but the amount of pop up micro transactions are annoying.

    Still a 10/10 game in terms of quality, story and fun!
  • Terrible Microtransactions

    So far I have been loving the atmosphere of TES: Castles. Being a lifetime TES fan myself. The game kinda of operates a lot like Fallout Shelter. The music, gameplay, and management is fun, and has a sense of magic to it.

    Only complaint is the microtransactions are not based in reality. Every single bundle feels bare-bones and not worth it, the gems are slow to accumulate and the next bundle that is worth getting is 1000+ gems, unless you get lucky with the loot boxes.

    The most egregious is the Emperor pass which a weekly or month subscription to unlock further items in the “dynasty path”. Some items are locked from a level progression because you don’t have the pass, let alone if you choose to do it later on, you won’t get all the past prizes either you only get 5 of the past prizes. I don’t like this system I will never be buying the Emperor pass anytime soon.
  • Mediocrity

    It’s just another shallow game from Bethesda that serves to hook you so you’ll open your wallet to skip the gameplay. Don’t do it, but here’s a preview:

    - Assign npcs to a room, very basic mechanics on who goes where.
    - There’s a moral system, super simple. Keep everyone happy and slow your progress, or screw everyone over and get more stuff. By level 45 I had everything smooth and everyone happy and when they weren’t you have rooms you can drop them in to become happy. This can go wrong, but once you’ve got it down, it’s over.
    - Tap the screen continuously to collect material to build more stuff to collect material to build more stuff to collect material to build more…
    - The combat is super basic, and the system making you trade out weapons and characters to complete certain task is really cumbersome.
    - Characterization/customization is poor. Unlocked Cicero and he had basic armor, looked nothing like him. Same for all the rest. Besides their names and extra traits the uniques are nothing special.

    One day someone will look at mobile and think, “we could make a really cool game that happens to use mobile.” But it is not this day. Spend money to not play the game, or… best of all… just skip it.