The Support System User Reviews

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  • The best gift I have ever given myself

    The Support System has enabled me to make deep connections with people all over the world. We support each other’s growth and transformation. Many opportunities are provided such as a book club and workshops on writing, meditation, spirituality, and many other topics which are provided by experts. I check in to the Support System a few times each day. This truly is the best gift I have ever given myself. If I could give it more stars, I would.
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  • The Support System

    Love this app and support system. Sheri Salata is one of the leading thought leaders of our time and this community she has created is packed full of life changing content that helps me keep my life on the right path. My favorites of the Support System are the gems Sheri shares regularly through Spill the T and Monday Messages, and the many guest speakers she brings in to share their wisdom. Love it.
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  • Massively Life Enhancing!!!

    The Support System has enhanced my life in so many ways. The community of amazing women with growth mindsets is so uplifting. Sheri Salata brings in experts that would be inaccessible anywhere else. I love TSS!
  • Don’t go solo on the journey.

    When the universe sends you the wake up call, and you don’t know where to start, what to do, how to help yourself. You search and search and finally the answer just appears, it was no coincidence that I scrolled across Sheri Salatas summer school. Then enrolled in “TheCourse” learned some amazing tools to work towards the life I want. How to heal, how to feel and how to deal and create the masterpiece that feels surreal. It’s possible and this app brings it all together including support from like minded people, this app has lots of mini courses and insights to learn from. I highly recommend this app, it’s what is helping me stay on track with my new practices. If you ever were looking for information, guidance, support, and encouragement all in one place, well here it is. Get The Support System App it will be the the beginning of a new journey. Best wishes on a beautiful life
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  • Sheri Salata the support system

    I love this app, once in awhile I think it could be a bit user friendly, but with a little time & usage, I can usually get to where I want to go. There is good customer service, I have not used it much, but I have heard others who sing it’s praises!
  • The Support System with Sheri Salata

    This is a life changing experience. Gift yourself a chance to clear out the debris of living that keeps you from living your best life amidst a caring community of like minded creative beings.
  • Are you looking for like-minded, open-hearted people?

    If you’re needing to build your community of supportive, compassionate people - look no further.

    I joined Sherri Salada’s Support System in July of 2021 and it has helped transform my life. I’ve receive so many gems from Sherri and the people she attracts.

    I’ve increased my self-confidence, more than doubled my business and made some amazing life-long friends.
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  • I love this group!

    I am a graduate of Sheri Salata‘s ‘The Course’ and immediately joined ‘The Support System’. I am in my second year of membership. It is such a wonderful community and the offerings continue to be very meaningful! We learn from Sheri and other top-notch speakers and experts, and there is so much support available for everyone. Depending upon my schedule, I pop into events whenever I can, and I always find them very valuable! One of the most special things is that the members of this group are all on their own journey to live the next phase of their life in the best way for them. I would describe this group of be friends as healthy, supportive, and exceptional! Thank you Sheri!
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  • Connection

    Come here if you are looking for a true place to connect! Connect with others, but most importantly, connect with yourself! Sheri offers so much in not only her perspective but by the guests she brings in and the workshops she holds. I learn so much each month, but the best part of this community is the gift of my own evolvement. 💕💕💕
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  • An App I can’t live without

    The Support System is the safest place to practice being a new version of me. I never have to worry that my authentic self will be rejected. Only Support here.

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