Great app!
What I love: That it saves my weight info from previous sets so I don’t have to rescroll through the weights from 0. My Garmin didn’t do this.
What I would like to see: I would love to be able to name the workouts in the app. I can look at the numbers and tell what I was probably doing but being able to label the exercises or label the whole thing for what muscle group I was working on would be a great addition.
Overall, great app if you like tracking on your watch and great features. Could use some customization in the app itself.
Bugs to address: Customizing rest settings in the app isn’t working right. You can customize the rest break but it won’t show the change and you’ll think it’s not working unless you go out of the settings and back in. It’s also not carrying over to the watch so the tone still alerts every minute despite it showing 90 seconds in the app.